Jagged Germany

Chapter 744

Chapter 744: Raise a dog (3600 votes plus update last month)

The American Republic on the other side of the ocean is struggling with the bad economy at home. Countless bankrupts and unemployed are protesting, making the US government very busy for this.

On the other hand, the secret cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom has already begun. A large number of British scientists and technical materials were secretly shipped to the United States. The two countries began to join forces to conduct research on some advanced technologies. Especially military technology is the focus of their research.

In order to counter the strong pressure from Germany across the ocean, the military strength of the United States has also begun to expand steadily. With the help of experts from the United Kingdom, the US Navy's advanced warship design plan was continuously improved, and then construction began. The U.S. Army is also beginning to expand in size. The advanced tank design and tank engine technology from the United Kingdom will allow the United States to avoid many detours in tanks. At the same time, the U.S. Navy and Army also began to build air teams respectively to further enhance their military strength.

The U.S. government is vigorously developing armaments. Another purpose is to stimulate the country's economic development through such methods and get out of the slump.

While the U.S. government was busy developing, it did not neglect changes in the international situation. Now, there are three main international trends that the US government is concerned about. One is the impending German invasion of the British mainland. The other is that the relationship between Austria-Hungary and Germany is getting worse. The last one is the war between Germany and the island nation.josei

The German army attacked the British mainland, which the Americans could do nothing about. Germany's military power already occupies an absolute advantage in the Atlantic Ocean. So in this regard, even if Americans have any ideas, they don't have the courage to implement them. If they don't pay attention, they will lose themselves.

The relationship between Austria-Hungary and Germany is getting worse, which is undoubtedly what the United States wants to see. They wished that the alliance between Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire would break down. In this way, a powerful country can be supported by Germany's side. Having the Austro-Hungarian Empire to contain Germany will be very beneficial to the future confrontation between the United States and Germany. Now the U.S. government is almost certain that the breakdown of the relationship between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Germany is inevitable. Franz Joseph I, who advocated rapprochement with Germany, had few days to live. Once Crown Prince Karl inherited the throne, the alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany would come to an end.

As for the war between Germany and the island country, the United States originally hoped to use the island country to weaken Germany's strength. However, judging from the naval battle between the two countries, the islanders are a bit too useless. This makes the U.S. government very pessimistic about island countries. As for the German fleet's attack on the island country's cities, this certainly made them feel very indignant, but it has not yet reached the point where they should stand up and speak for the island country. After all, the island countries and the United States are also potential competitors in the Pacific Ocean. The United States is also wary of the development of island countries. The German expeditionary fleet eliminated the main force of the island nation's navy, which made the US government breathe a sigh of relief. In this case, at least their pressure in the Pacific Ocean is relieved, and they can concentrate on dealing with the threat of the Germans.

The ambassador of the island country to the United States received the domestic order and immediately rushed to see the US Secretary of State Brian. The two talked in secret for more than two hours before the island country's ambassador to the United States left with a smile on his face.

Subsequently, Secretary of State Bryan rushed to his office to report to President Woodrow Wilson the results of the talks with the ambassadors of the island countries.

"Your Excellency, the islanders are about to be driven mad by the Germans. Their navy has been wiped out by the Germans. Almost all the capital ships, armored cruisers, and protected cruisers have been wiped out. Not even the destroyers are left. It can be said that the navies of the island countries have already existed in name only. They no longer pose any threat to the interests of the United States in the Pacific Ocean!" Secretary of State Bryan said.

"This is indeed very good news!" President Woodrow Wilson said.

"However, the islanders hope that we can stand up and accuse the Germans of harming civilians. At the same time, we hope that we can give them more support and assistance!" Bryan continued.

President Woodrow Wilson did not answer immediately, but pondered.

After a while, President Woodrow Wilson said: "Your Excellency, Secretary of State, do you think the islanders are worthy of our support?"

"Your Excellency, to a certain extent, the islanders are no longer a threat to us. Moreover, we also have a common enemy. Under this premise, it is not impossible for us to unite. The navy of the island nation Although they have been wiped out, their heritage is still there. If they can get enough support, their navy will soon be able to recover. More importantly, the combat effectiveness of the island country's army is relatively strong. With more than 5,000 people in the island country With a population of 10,000, they can easily arm an army of more than 2 million, and they are an army of more than 2 million who are not afraid of death. If mobilization is carried out, they can even arm an army of 5 million. Such a huge army , For Germany, it is undoubtedly a great threat. In addition, the island country is also a huge market. If we can let the people of the island country open up the market, it will be very beneficial to our poor economy!" Bryan said.

"Well, Lord Brian, you have successfully persuaded me. Islanders are still very useful. It would be very good if we could raise Islanders as a dog. In this way, we can Let them bite the Germans. This is very beneficial to us!" President Woodrow Wilson said.

"Yes, Your Excellency President. Your analogy is really apt. We just want the islanders to be raised as dogs!" Brian nodded repeatedly.

"However, there is a problem, that is, how do we ensure that the dog raised by us in the island country will follow our orders to bite the Germans instead of coming to bite us?" President Woodrow Wilson asked.

"It's very simple, Your Excellency. As long as the United States of America remains strong forever, then the islanders can only be our vicious dogs," Brian said.

President Woodrow Wilson nodded. He is sure that the United States will continue to grow stronger. In that case, as long as the islanders are not fools, they will not betray the United States.

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