Jagged Germany

Chapter 747

Chapter 747: The ambition of the navy (ask for a monthly ticket!)

The attitudes of Oka Ichinosuke and Yatsushiro Rokuro almost represent the attitude of the island country's military. With both of them agreeing, Kanetake Oura had to keep his mouth shut. He knew that he couldn't talk anymore. Otherwise, who knows what those vicious guys would do. In the island country, no one, including the emperor, can object to something decided by the joint army and navy!

Prime Minister Shigenobu Okuma glanced at the other cabinet ministers, all of them kept their mouths tightly shut and said nothing. He knew that there was no need to discuss it anymore.

"Since everyone has no objection to this, let's do this! Kato-kun, reply to the Americans, and we accept their conditions. In addition, we also hope to have more in-depth cooperation with them!" Okuma Shigenobu said.

"Hi, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." Kato Takaaki replied.

Yatsushiro Rokuro and Oka Ichinosuke had smiles on their faces. They seem to be planning how to get more of the $200 million loan.

After the meeting, Yashiro Rokuro returned to the Ministry of the Navy immediately. After asking the secretary to inform the military commander, General Hayao Shimamura, he drove to a quiet hinterland on the outskirts of Tokyo. Here is the residence of Gonbei Yamamoto, the father of the island nation's navy. It can be said that Gonbei Yamamoto played a big role in the island nation's navy being able to grow from a weak state to defeating the Qing navy and the Russian navy. He also became the most important boss of the island nation's navy.

It was Yuhiro Ito, who commanded the navy of the island country to defeat the Beiyang Navy in the Sino-Japanese War, and Heihachiro Togo, who commanded the navy of the island country to defeat the Russian navy in the Battle of Tsushima. From this, we can see his influence in the navy of the island country. Even in Japanese politics, he can stand tall. If it weren't for the strong obstruction of the army, he might have become the elder of the island country long ago.

When Yatsushiro Rokuro visited Gonbei Yamamoto, he found him reading a book. However, it can be seen from his expression that he didn't look into it at all. Yatsushiro Rokuro knew that Gonbei Yamamoto was in a very bad mood because of the fiasco of the United Fleet.

"Your Excellency, I am here this time to tell you good news. The Imperial Navy will soon have a chance to rise again!" Admiral Yatsushiro Rokuro said.

Gonbei Yamamoto immediately put down the book in his hand, staring at General Yatsushiro Rokuro with burning eyes: "What's going on?"

"Your Excellency, the American government has decided to provide us with a loan of 200 million U.S. dollars to restore people's livelihood and military strength! The Navy has done its best in this war. Therefore, I think we deserve a large part of it. There is After spending that money, the Imperial Navy will be able to build more new capital ships. The rise of the Navy is naturally just around the corner!" Admiral Yatsushiro Rokuro said.

A look of joy flashed across Gonbei Yamamoto's face. Indeed, with money, more warships can be built. Then, the navy of the island country will naturally rise again.

"I'm afraid the Americans don't have any good intentions, do they?" asked Gonbei Yamamoto.

"Yes, Your Excellency. The Americans want us to open up the market. But we think that they want to win us over to deal with the Germans. After all, the relationship between the Americans and the Germans is also very bad. They need Our support. As for the impact of the opening of the market on the domestic industry, it is actually not that big!" General Yatsushiro Rokuro said.

Gonbei Yamamoto nodded: "Industry has been impacted, that's for sure. However, as long as we can win in future wars, then those losses are not important at all! If we can occupy Southeast Asia, or even the wider place, the empire can truly rise.”

"Yes, Your Excellency, I completely agree!" General Yatsushiro Rokuro said.

Soon, Marshal Togo Heihachiro and General Shimamura Hayao also came. They were very happy after hearing what Yashiro Rokuro said about the US loan. Before, they were also saddened by the fiasco of the United Fleet. After the fiasco of the United Fleet, their situation became very embarrassing. Without powerful warships, the influence of the navy will naturally decline accordingly.

"The Navy's losses in this battle are really too great. On the contrary, those guys in the Army have no losses at all. Therefore, I think that the Navy has received 150 million US dollars in loans of 200 million US dollars. In this case, We can build more than ten new battleships. With those new battleships, our strength can not only recover, but even exceed before, and truly reach its peak!" Admiral Hayao Shimamura said excitedly.

"Now the cost of warships is getting higher and higher. Especially those with thick armor and powerful main guns, the cost is even more astonishing. Even if you really get 150 million US dollars, I am afraid it will be difficult to build so many battleships ” Marshal Dongxiang Heihachiro said.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, if it is not enough, you can find a way from the military expenditure. 150 million US dollars is simply extra!" General Yatsushiro Rokuro said.

Marshal Dongxiang Heihachiro nodded. If it is counted as military expenses, it is almost enough.

"The construction progress of our "Fuso-class" battleship must be accelerated. The empire cannot have no defense at sea. In that case, the interests of the empire will not be guaranteed at all!" Yamamoto Gonbei said.

"Hey, we will urge the shipyard." Admirals Yatsushiro Rokuro and Shimamura Hayao immediately replied.

"In addition, we also need to speed up the design and construction of new battleships. We will strive to restore our strength in the shortest possible time. This time, the Germans beat us to a very embarrassing situation. In the future, we must seek revenge from the Germans! "Marshal Dongxiang Heihachiro said.

"Hi, Marshal!" Yatsushiro Rokuro and Shimamura Hayao could only nod.

"Your Excellency, we have improved the 'Ise-class' battleship based on the 'Fuso-class'. As long as the funds are in place, we can start construction immediately. In addition, we plan to use 410mm main guns for the next-level battleship. Germany The human 380mm main gun is very powerful. We do not have the technology of the Germans to manufacture a main gun with 50 times the caliber, so expanding the caliber is the best way. For the battleship with a 410mm main gun, we will divide it into three The first batch and the second batch will build two ships each. The third batch will build four ships. In this way, with the 'Fuso class' and 'Ise class', we will have 12 powerful battleships! "General Yatsushiro Rokuro looked excited.josei

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