Jagged Germany

Chapter 751

Chapter 751: Stubborn

"Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Kumamoto, Fukuoka, and Kitakyushu, eight whole cities have been destroyed under German bombardment. Millions of people have been displaced. No one knows what the Germans will do next." Where will they attack. Maybe they will attack Tokyo. They can’t go on like this. Otherwise, the empire won’t be able to bear it!” At the cabinet meeting, Shigenobu Okuma, the prime minister of the island nation, expressed grief. All this is undoubtedly a disaster for the island country. He didn't know why it turned out like this. All of this seemed to be out of their control.

The other high-ranking officials of the island's cabinet also looked very unsightly. They never imagined that the Germans would be so cruel.

"This battle can no longer be fought. Until now, it is clear that we are being beaten passively. If this continues, the empire will be finished!" Foreign Minister Takaaki Kato also expressed his opinion.

"Everyone, a large number of people have fled their homes. Now, life is not settled. There is also a problem with the domestic food supply. If it continues, a large-scale famine is very likely to break out!" Minister of Agriculture and Commerce Oura Kanetake said.

Oka Ichinosuke and Yatsushiro Rokuro Oi both looked very ugly. They could vaguely feel that the other ministers were already very dissatisfied with the military's insistence on not compromising with the Germans. However, Southeast Asia is so rich, if they let them give up like this, they are really unwilling! The land area of ​​the island country is too small, and at the same time, resources are scarce and disasters are frequent. The fertile and rich Southeast Asia is undoubtedly very attractive to them. After finally eating Southeast Asia into their stomachs, how could they let them give up at this time?

"Everyone, the reason why we advocate continuing to occupy Southeast Asia is also for the sake of the future of the empire. I don't need to say more about the fertility and richness of Southeast Asia! If the empire can occupy Southeast Asia, it will be of immeasurable importance to the empire. benefits. I believe that everyone will be able to see this too!" said Oka Ichinosuke.

"Yes, Southeast Asia is indeed very important. However, the problem now is that the mainland of the empire is suffering an unprecedented crisis. If we continue to be stubborn, the mainland is likely to be destroyed. If that is the case, we will die for it Pay a higher price. Once the mainland is gone and the local industrial base is completely destroyed, even if we occupy Southeast Asia, what can we do?" Okuma Shigenobu persuaded. If he can occupy Southeast Asia, of course he will support it without hesitation. But on the issue, in order to occupy Southeast Asia, the price to be paid is too great. This undoubtedly made Shigenobu Okuma have to make a new choice.

"In this world, there is nothing that does not take risks. If you want to occupy the rich Southeast Asia, you must bear certain risks." Admiral Yashiro Rokuro said.

The navy and army of the island country have reached an agreement that this US loan will be used first to develop the navy. After the navy regained its strength, it fully supported the army's outward expansion. Once the army occupies more overseas colonies, it will in turn feed back the navy. This allowed the island nation's navy and army to put aside their conflicts and start cooperative operations.

When the navy and the army are united, they can completely control the political situation of the entire island country. Even the Prime Minister and others have no way to compete with them.

"What if the Germans continue to attack our coastal cities? Our industrial base will be completely destroyed! The Germans are only attacking some big cities now. If they attack those small and medium-sized cities, our losses will be further At that time, the empire will completely fall into the abyss!" Okuma Shigenobu reminded.

He hopes to let Oka Ichinosuke and Yatsushiro Rokuro know the seriousness of the matter, so as to dispel their stubbornness.josei

"Your Excellency, Foreign Minister, didn't the Americans say that it would happen internationally, and blamed the Germans for us? Why is there no movement yet?" General Yatsushiro Rokuro asked.

"The U.S. government is preparing, it should be a day or two!" Kato Takaaki replied.

"Then we might as well wait a little longer! Wait until the Americans launch, and then look at the situation. If the Germans can retreat because of this, it is undoubtedly the best thing for us!" Said Okashinosuke.

Up to now, none of them seem to have given up on luck.

Okuma Shigenobu and others saw this, so they had no choice but to say nothing more. Anyway, it's useless to say more.

After Oka Ichinosuke and Yatsushiro Rokuro left, the remaining cabinet ministers all looked unhappy.

"Your Excellency, the Army and the Navy have joined forces, and we no longer have the right to speak!" Kanetake Oura looked angry.

Originally, the ultimate power in the island’s cabinet is the prime minister, foreign minister, Tibetan minister, land minister and sea minister. However, that was when the Army and Navy checked each other. Now, the navy and the army are united, which greatly increases the strength of the military. If the emperor is a person with high prestige, he may be able to hold it down. However, after the death of Emperor Meiji, the successor Emperor Taisho was simply a person with a brain problem. Such an emperor is simply a puppet. It is simply delusional to expect how much prestige he can have in the hearts of cabinet ministers.

"Alas! There is no way. The temptation of Southeast Asia is too great. If the empire can occupy Southeast Asia, then we can get rid of the current unfavorable situation in one fell swoop. This will be of great benefit to the entire empire. Good!" Okuma Shigenobu said.

Southeast Asia is of great significance to island countries. This will solve the bottleneck of the island countries and insert a pair of wings for their development. But it is a pity that it seems too difficult to occupy Southeast Asia now. Germany, which has become the world's most powerful country, will never allow them to get involved in Southeast Asia. This also makes it undoubtedly difficult for the island countries to achieve their goals.

"However, if you covet something beyond your ability, you will pay a heavy price for it!" Kato Takaaki said.

"The navy and the army have gone mad. They won't listen to what others say. Therefore, our persuasion is useless. I hope God Amaterasu can bless us and get through this difficult time safely!" Reijiro Wakatsuki said.

All the cabinet ministers of the island country are worried about the future of the island country.

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