Jagged Germany

Chapter 753

Chapter 753: Public opinion strikes back (seeking monthly ticket)

"Protest against the massacre of innocents by the army! Immediately recall the expedition fleet!"

Outside the palace, dozens of protesters were holding signs to express their demands.

Qin Tian stood in his office and could clearly see these people. Even, their voices can be heard clearly. In order not to be affected by his work, he even had to close the windows.

However, Qin Tian did not expect that, as the emperor of the empire, he would be protested one day. From the perspective of China's thinking, this is undoubtedly unimaginable. After all, in the east, the emperor kept his word, and whoever dared to resist the emperor would be beheaded! However, in the West, it is different. Since the people have the right to protest, they don't care whether the object of the protest is the emperor or not.

Of course, Qin Tian was also very upset when he was protested for the first time. He called the ministers of the empire to discuss countermeasures.

"Your Majesty, almost all the international voices are condemning us now. However, only the United States and the United Kingdom have made their stance clear. Others are mostly private people." Foreign Minister Wahit said.

Qin Tian nodded: "The empire is about to defeat Britain and become the hegemon of the world. Of course, those countries don't have the guts to protest against the empire. But, are those folks just idle? What does war have to do with them?"

"Your Majesty, there are always many self-righteous people in this world! They think that only they are righteous and noble. Although, don't pay too much attention to them. However, if they are allowed to smear, the empire's The international image will definitely be affected by this," said Prime Minister Bilo.

"Then, we can't sit still, we have to fight back!" Qin Tian said.

"Your Majesty, those are civilians. If we attack them, it will be even worse and cause larger protests." Marshal Earl Tirpitz reminded.

"Of course we don't attack them. Americans and British dance very happily, so let's attack them." Qin Tian said.

"Your Majesty, our preparations for war against Britain have been completed, and we can start soon. However, we cannot choose against the United States! The current situation may not allow us to do so." Marshal Falkenhain said .

"Of course it's not a declaration of war on them. Don't the Americans want to discredit us? Then we should also attack them in this regard. After all, the Americans have a lot of black history. When they first landed on the American continent , but accepted the gifts from the Indians. However, when they gained a firm foothold in the American continent, they immediately turned their faces and launched a large-scale massacre of the Indians. This made tens of millions of Indians, and now only Hundreds of thousands of people are lingering on the reservation. In terms of brutality, which country can compare with the Americans?" Qin Tian said.

After hearing Qin Tian's words, everyone's eyes lit up. Indeed, the Americans can discredit the German Empire, and they can also launch a counterattack in this regard! Under the Americans' buttocks, there is also a pile of shit!

"Your Majesty is right, we will fight back against the Americans from this aspect! The British also did a lot of cruel things in the Age of Discovery. They played pirates at first, and even participated in the slave trade. The colonies Many people have been killed by them, but they are full of bad deeds! We can also fight back against them from this aspect!" Prime Minister Biluo said.

"Very well, let's do this!" Qin Tian nodded.

Qin Tian didn't care about these countries and the so-called folks. Those countries are undoubtedly hostile to the German Empire and want to achieve their ulterior secrets by discrediting the image of the German Empire. And those so-called folks are even more bored. These people are just saying that they are righteous and strict, but in fact, they are useless at all.

"Your Majesty, what about the Austro-Hungarian Empire? Crown Prince Karl has also made remarks that are not good for us!" Wahit said.

"Crown Prince Karl was very dissatisfied with us during the last peace talks. I think that if the Austro-Hungarian Empire were in power, he would have already terminated our ally relationship with us! But unfortunately, now The Austro-Hungarian Empire, it’s up to him to decide! The ambassador of the Empire to the Austro-Hungarian Empire is to protest to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If Crown Prince Karl once again disregards the alliance between the two countries and makes statements that are not conducive to the friendship between the two countries If you say anything, the empire will take countermeasures. Tell the ambassador to the Austro-Hungarian Empire to be as strict as possible! Let the Austro-Hungarian Empire fully feel the anger of the empire!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty. However, is it really okay for us to offend Crown Prince Karl in this way? I am afraid that the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I will not last long. Soon, Crown Prince Karl will become the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" "Wachter was a little worried.

Other military and political ministers of the empire are also worried about this.

"Does the current German Empire need an ally like Austria-Hungary that can do nothing? What's more, the relationship between Austria-Hungary and the empire has begun to change. We will gradually change from an ally to a competitor. Therefore, We don't need to care about their attitude at all. If Crown Prince Karl ends the relationship between our two allies after he succeeds to the throne, that's just right, we can deal with the Austro-Hungarian Empire in a fair and honest manner. Even, Crown Prince Karl's hatred of the Empire, It will make it easier for the empire to find an excuse to deal with them!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

The ministers nodded again and again. A powerful Austro-Hungarian Empire is by the side of the empire. For the German Empire, it is indeed not a good thing. If there is a chance to get rid of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and remove this threat, it would be great.

Facing the condemnation of the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as the protests of other civil figures. The German Empire immediately launched a public opinion counterattack. The Americans massacred the Indians and the British massacred the people of the colonies, all of which were revealed.

For a while, the two sides started a war of words. However, this has no practical significance at all.

It is the people in Germany who originally disagreed with the behavior of the empire, but after knowing that the Americans and the British are not good birds, they immediately died down.josei

As long as the country can be stable, Qin Tian is already very satisfied. As for the international community, Qin Tian didn't care at all.

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