Jagged Germany

Chapter 757

Chapter 757: Panic

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The coastal defense guns of the island country's coastal defense force continue to fire. One after another, the shells smashed into the light cruisers and destroyers of the German Expeditionary Fleet passing through the Uraga Waterway. It's just that those large-caliber coastal defense guns have a slow rate of fire. Facing the high-speed German light cruisers and destroyers, the hit rate is very low, and they can only watch those light cruisers and destroyers pass through the waterway.


A 280mm coastal defense artillery shell hit the destroyer V40 passing through the waterway. Naturally, a destroyer with a displacement of less than 1,000 tons cannot be expected to have any thick armor.

Experience shells penetrated the hull and exploded inside. The huge power almost blew up the destroyer in two. A large amount of sea water poured into the battleship from the hole, causing the battleship to sink rapidly.

"Damn it!" Seeing that one of his own destroyers had been sunk, Lieutenant General Spee couldn't help cursing.

Seeing that they were about to win the final victory, but at this juncture, they lost another warship. However, such a loss is nothing to the German expeditionary fleet. They can also afford to lose. As long as Tokyo can be destroyed in the next battle, the islanders will be forced to surrender. Well, they win.josei

The luck of the coast defense force of the island country seems to have come to an end here. After they sank the destroyer V40, they had no other results. The light cruiser formation and destroyer formation of the German Navy were able to pass through the Uraga Waterway smoothly and entered Tokyo Bay.

"Let's go too! We have won this battle, there is no doubt about it!" Lieutenant General Spei looked confident.

The Uraga Waterway is the last obstacle preventing the German expeditionary fleet from winning. Now, this difficulty has also been overcome by them. Then, the next battle will naturally go very smoothly.

Lieutenant Admiral Spee took the flagship battlecruiser "Mackenson", together with the battlecruisers "Goeben" and the battlecruisers "Sedlitz", and finally entered the Uraga Waterway. Although, the coastal defense guns of the island nation's navy are still firing fiercely. However, their shelling, like the last struggle, was in vain. This posed no threat at all to the three battlecruisers of the German expeditionary fleet. At most, it is to add some minor injuries to these warships.

When the German expeditionary fleet passes through the Uraga Waterway and enters Tokyo Bay, it will cause unimaginable damage to the islanders.

After the German expeditionary fleet broke into the Uraga waterway and was trying to pass through the waterway, it accidentally touched a mine and caused an explosion, which made the island nation's coastal defense forces discover the situation. They immediately reported to Tokyo.

General Yatsushiro Rokuro, Minister of the Sea of ​​​​the island country, was called up from the warm bed. General Yatsushiro Rokuro, whose sleep was affected, was very annoyed. However, General Yatsushiro Rokuro was stunned when the secretary told him what happened.

"Baga! What's going on here? Didn't we deploy a large number of mines in the Uraga waterway? How could the Germans break into the Uraga waterway? Aren't they afraid that their warships will touch the mines and destroy their ships?" Was the battleship blown up?" Admiral Yatsushiro Rokuro asked with a dark face.

Admiral Yatsushiro Rokuro knew that once the German fleet broke into Tokyo Bay, it would be a disaster for the people of the island country living in Tokyo, as well as for the entire island country. There was no doubt that the Germans would open fire on Tokyo. Tokyo will be destroyed by the Germans like other cities destroyed by the German fleet.

"Your Excellency, no one knows what the Germans think. But what is certain is that they have really done this. And, they are about to succeed!" The secretary looked anxious.

"Send a telegram to the Yokosuka Naval Base and ask them to immediately send all our destroyers to attack. This time, the Germans must be stopped. Otherwise, we will be finished!" Admiral Yatsushiro Rokuro ordered.

"Hi, Your Excellency." The secretary nodded, and immediately went to give the order.

"Come on, call the Prime Minister's Office and tell the Prime Minister that the Germans are about to break into Tokyo Bay. We must prepare early!" General Yatsushiro Rokuro put on his clothes immediately after he finished speaking, and asked someone to drive to the Prime Minister's Office .

There is no doubt that the German expeditionary fleet broke into Tokyo Bay, which is a big event for the entire island country. If you are not careful, a disaster will happen.

After Prime Minister Shigenobu Okuma received the notification from Admiral Rokuro Yatsushiro, he felt like a bolt from the blue.

"Damn, what did those guys in the navy do? Didn't they say that the defense of the Uraga Waterway would be foolproof? How could the Germans break into Tokyo Bay? Don't they know that those Germans are all demons? If they break into Tokyo Bay, Tokyo will be destroyed by them!" Okuma Shigenobu roared.

"Your Excellency, His Excellency Prime Minister Hai is on his way to the Prime Minister's Office!" The secretary reported.

"It's too late! Immediately issue an alarm and let the people of the entire Tokyo evacuate immediately. If you don't leave, it will be too late." Okuma Shigenobu issued an order to evacuate the entire city without hesitation. Although, Tokyo now has a population of more than two million. So many people want to evacuate in a short time, it is almost impossible. However, how much can be withdrawn! Shigenobu Okuma couldn't take care of that much anymore.

"Call the imperial palace and tell His Majesty the Emperor to hide in the bomb-proof hole. In addition, inform the elders and ask them to take precautions. Tell other ministers to come to the prime minister's office immediately!" Okuma Shigenobu ordered.

It is almost impossible for Emperor Taisho to evacuate Tokyo now. It is conceivable that once the news of the Germans came and the notification continued, the panicked people would definitely block every road to escape from Tokyo. By that time, it would be impossible for Emperor Taisho to leave Tokyo, and on the contrary, he might encounter danger. In that case, it would undoubtedly be safer to hide in the bomb-proof cave that the palace had built long ago. Although the palace is within range of the German capital ships. However, the possibility of the strong anti-blasting hole being destroyed is not great. In that case, as long as Emperor Taisho's luck is not too bad, there will be no big problem.

Other elders, each of them is an important figure in the island country, and there is no room for loss. It can even be said that these elders are the important cornerstones for truly stabilizing the island nation's politics and society. Their safety must not be a problem!

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