Jagged Germany

Chapter 772

Chapter 772: Tragic

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The naval guns of the German Navy and the cannons and coastal defense guns of the British Army were all firing violently, smashing shells one by one to their respective targets.

The British wanted to use artillery shells to destroy the attacking German marines, while the German navy hoped to suppress the British artillery and try their best to reduce the casualties of the marines.josei

"Boom!" A 380mm artillery shell almost flattened a 114mm howitzer position of the British Army. However, a 203mm coastal defense artillery shell directly shredded a landing craft of the German Marine Corps.

Casualties on both sides began to rise continuously. This also made this battle even more tragic.

"Damn it! The marines suffered the most casualties during the landing operations!" Lieutenant General Alexander Linsingen felt as if his heart was bleeding as he watched his own landing craft being sunk one after another.

Every marine is carefully selected, coupled with long hours of hard training, making their combat effectiveness very strong. Even if you encounter the most elite army, you can fight against it. However, now he died in vain at sea. This feeling is really too aggrieved.

Fortunately, as time went by, the landing craft got closer and closer to the shore.

"Enter the position, the Germans are about to land. They must be killed, otherwise, all of us will be killed by them. Our compatriots will also be brutally killed by these Germans!" Frontline The British general gave the order.

The British soldiers who had been hiding in the fortifications at the rear began to file out and move to the frontline positions through the traffic trenches. Although, in the fierce shelling and bombing of the German army, the fortifications that the British army painstakingly constructed have been almost destroyed. But even if it has become a ruin, there is still a little hiding place! It's safer than on flat ground.

"Buzz buzz!"

The fighter planes of the Imperial Army Air Force flew to the battlefield. More than two hundred bombers headed straight for the artillery positions of the British army. It is planned to destroy the British artillery positions first, and further suppress them, so as to reduce the casualties of the British artillery to their own marines. Among the more than 200 fighters, 100 were sent to deal with the British artillery, and the other 100 fighters used aviation machine guns to shoot at the British troops entering the position to provide fire support for the Marine Corps.

"Da da da!"

Aviation machine guns are more powerful than machine guns used by infantry. When hit on the human body, almost all of them were killed or seriously injured, and there were no minor injuries at all.

A fighter jet skimmed the British defense line and hit the crowd with a shuttle. Suddenly, a dozen British soldiers were smashed into a sieve. The others were all terrified, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

"My God! The German plane. Let's run away!" A young soldier was frightened, he jumped up from the ground, turned and ran away.

However, he was hit by a bullet from an aviation machine gun before he could take two steps. The bullet hit the spine, knocked out directly from the waist down, and the body was broken in two.

"No, John!" An old soldier yelled in pain. He quickly crawled over, picked up the young soldier who had been beaten in two, and called out his name.

"Cold! I'm so cold, I want to go home, I want to go back to my mother!" The young soldier murmured, his body was shaking all the time.

"Doctor! Doctor!" The veteran shouted loudly.

"It's hopeless! It's hopeless!" The doctor looked up and said helplessly.

"No, I saved him. I brought him out, and it's my duty to bring him back!" said the veteran.


A shell fell from the sky and hit exactly where the veteran was. After the shell exploded, the veterans and recruits had disappeared, leaving only a few pieces of meat on the ground.

The cruelty of war is vividly displayed on the battlefield. Human life is too fragile on the battlefield. A bullet, a cannonball, can easily take away a life.

Facing the suppression of the aircraft of the German Army Air Force, the British Army suffered heavy losses. It was almost completely suppressed in the fortifications, and could not even lift its head, let alone resist the attack of the German Marine Corps. The morale of the troops is also constantly declining.


The first landing craft rushed onto the beach, and more than a dozen soldiers jumped out of it, and then quickly dispersed in all directions.

What came oncoming was a shuttle of bullets, and a few unlucky German soldiers were killed on the spot. The rest of the soldiers were also lying on the ground, not daring to move.

When jumping off the landing craft, it is undoubtedly the easiest to be hit. Especially when the enemy is equipped with machine guns, that moment alone will cause great casualties to the German Marine Corps.

"Boom!" A mortar shell hit the empty landing craft, blowing it into a blazing pile of scrap metal.

More and more landing craft rushed onto the beach, although under the firepower of the British Army, there were not small casualties. However, with the support of their own Army Air Force fighter planes and naval naval guns, they still completely gained a foothold on the beach, and with the weapons in their hands, they began to shoot at the British army.

"Da da da!"

The German squad machine guns were firing crazily, and the 30 rounds in a magazine were quickly exhausted. Although, even if these bullets are fired, they may not necessarily hit the target. However, the pressure on the soldiers of the British Army is undoubtedly great. That kind of bullet from the top of the head'whoosh! Whoosh! ’ The feeling of flying over is enough to break your spirits.

A British soldier poked his head out of the bombed trench, trying to see how full it was. However, a stray bullet hit him accurately. The whole head was like a watermelon, it exploded all of a sudden, red and white, scattered everywhere, looking very bloody.


A shell fired by a British artillery fell on the beach. Despite the mitigation power of the gravel, several Marines were killed.

The British desperately wanted to wipe out the Germans on the beach, and the Germans wanted to repel the British so that they could establish a solid beachhead, so that the troops behind the Marine Corps and the Army could use this beachhead The position quickly went ashore. In this way, it is possible to quickly gain a foothold in the British mainland and launch follow-up combat plans without being suppressed by the British on the beach or even driven into the sea. In that case, this time the landing operation will fail.

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