Jagged Germany

Chapter 796

Chapter 796: interspersed


A German No. 1 tank covered a squad of German infantry and attacked a position of the British army. Although the British army deployed 1 heavy machine gun and 1 light machine gun here, under the threat of tanks, this position still appears precarious.

The tank gun accurately hit a machine gun bunker and destroyed it. The LMG was blown up, but the machine gunner had better luck and escaped a life.

"Sir, the German tanks are approaching. We can't resist and must retreat. Otherwise, we will all die here!" a soldier shouted.

"No, I can't retreat! My order is to stick to this place. No one is allowed to retreat without the order to retreat!" The officer shook his head firmly.


A high-explosive bomb fell into the trench. After the shell exploded, it immediately tore the British officer to pieces. At the same time, several British soldiers were killed.

"God! The officer was killed by the Germans, let's run away!"

The other British soldiers jumped out of the trench and fled. However, the machine gun fire of the German tanks and the squad machine guns of the infantry fired at them violently. Most of the British soldiers were killed, only a few escaped.

When the German army used tanks as an assault force, the British army's defense line could not last long at all.

Within half an hour of the start of the battle, the British army's defense line became full of loopholes, and there were loopholes everywhere that the German army was about to break through. It can be said that the entire line of defense has become no different from a sieve.

"Your Excellency, the 1st Armored Division and 3rd Infantry Division have broken through the British defense line and are launching an attack in depth!" A staff officer reported.

Admiral Crook nodded: "Order the 1st Armored Division to continue the assault and tear through the British defense in depth. In addition, let the 4th Infantry Division and the 5th Infantry Division follow up immediately. We need to be in the British defense zone Interspersed inside, completely tearing apart their defenses!"

"Yes, General!" The staff officer immediately went to give the order.

Before the battle began, General Crook, the commander of the 1st Army, moved his army headquarters from Calais to Margate, so that he could command the troops nearby.

Judging from the current situation, the advance speed of the German army is quite gratifying. The British defense line has suffered heavy losses after being bombarded and bombed by the Germans. When faced with the fierce attack of the German armored forces, it was simply impossible to resist. After the armored forces tore through the front line of the British army, they did not stop, but continued to attack. Admiral Crook hoped that the armored forces could penetrate the British defense line directly and go around behind Canterbury.

At the same time, the attack arrows composed of the 2nd Armored Division and the two infantry divisions of the German 2nd Army also tore through the defense line of the British 2nd Army and attacked all the way west.

Although, there are British defense lines along the way. However, under the support of our own strong firepower, the powerful assault force of the armored force was fully displayed, breaking through the British defense line one after another.

At noon that day, the German 1st Armored Division defeated the British 4th Infantry Division and occupied Apstreet. It's not far from Canterbury. The German 2nd Armored Division also defeated the British 17th Infantry Division and captured an important stronghold in the southwest of Canterbury. The two armies, like two steel tongs, were pinching towards Canterbury.

After resting for half an hour, the German 1st Armored Division and 2nd Armored Division continued to attack after replenishing ammunition and fuel. However, as more and more tanks were lost, their attack speed gradually slowed down. Many tanks were not destroyed by the British anti-tank firepower during the battle, but were damaged due to malfunctions.

Although, the performance of German tanks has been greatly improved. However, reliability is still a very headache. Especially in high-intensity battles, tanks are easily damaged due to mechanical failure. This kind of loss is already greater than the loss in the battle.

"Attack, hurry up and continue to attack! Before sunset today, we must hit Brin!" The commander of the German 1st Armored Division roared loudly.

"Yes, sir!" The officers and soldiers replied one after another.

Although they fought all the way, they suffered a lot of losses. However, more British troops were defeated and wiped out by them. In contrast, the losses of the British army are undoubtedly much heavier.

"General, the 2nd Infantry Division has been defeated, and our defense zone has been penetrated by the Germans!" A general reported to Admiral Haig.josei

General Haig was completely speechless, and the German armored forces directly crushed their positions like a monster. The defense lines of 5 infantry divisions were breached successively, causing heavy losses. This caused the defense line of the entire British 1st Army to be torn apart.

"Send a telegram to the 6th Army and let them try their best to resist the German attack!" Admiral Haig sighed.

The 6th Army is nothing more than a second-line force. Although the equipment is complete, but because the training time is too short and has not experienced the test of actual combat, the combat effectiveness is very limited. Even the 1st Army was easily penetrated by the Germans, let alone them. Admiral Haig did not report any hope for the performance of the 6th Army.

"Yes, General."

Sure enough, the performance of the British 6th Army was much worse than that of the 1st Army. Although their line of defense is relatively intact. However, after the bombers of the German Army Air Corps bombed, the armored forces broke through their defenses with only one charge.

Subsequently, the German armored forces, like the **** of war possessed, easily broke through the British defense line one after another.

In just two hours, the defense line of the British 6th Army was broken through by the Germans. Along the way, more than three infantry divisions were defeated, and the number of prisoners reached tens of thousands.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the German 1st Armored Division had circled to the northwest of Canterbury and occupied Brin.

At the same time, the operation of the German 2nd Armored Division was also very smooth. After the defense line of the British 2nd Army was penetrated, the 7th Army behind it was completely vulnerable.

Shortly after the German 1st Armored Division captured Bulling, the German 2nd Armored Division also did the same at Katma, southwest of Canterbury. The two main armored divisions of the German army formed faint horns, cutting the British defense line into several pieces.

The infantry of the German army, following behind the armored troops, further attacked the British army.

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