Jagged Germany

Chapter 798

Chapter 798: Tank duel (ask for monthly ticket)

The British army has five hundred tanks in Canterbury. These tanks were all transferred from London after the battle started. In addition, there are five hundred in London.

The "Hound Dog" tank of the British army is roughly the same in shape as the French "Renault" 17 tank. Lightweight, weakly armored, and relatively fast. It is armed with a 37mm tank gun and a 7.62mm machine gun.

The performance of the "Hound Dog" tank is not far behind the German No. 1 tank. The tank guns of both sides can destroy the other side's tanks. However, in terms of reliability and mobility, the British "Hound Dog" tank is much worse. If the quality and experience of the tanks of the two sides are added, the gap is even greater.

"General Haig, launch a counterattack early tomorrow morning. All tanks will be put in. The infantry will be drawn from the 1st Army. This time, we must defeat the Germans in one fell swoop!" General Hamilton ordered with a dark face.

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander!" Admiral Haig replied.

"So, shall we choose to attack the German army at Breen, or the German army at Kamat?" Admiral Benson asked.

Hamilton thought for a while, and then said: "Attack Brin's German army first, and then attack Kamat's German army. The German army is too strong, and we can no longer disperse our attack power. In that case, we will only be defeated by the Germans one by one." .”

Admiral Benson nodded and didn't say much.

Admiral Hamilton this time, obviously intends to do his best and put all his eggs in one basket. He also knew that the situation this time was very critical for the British army. If they don't do it well, they will be defeated in this battle.

In the early morning of September 1, four armored brigades and three infantry divisions of the British army launched an attack on Brin. Before the attack, the British army even assembled more than 500 artillery pieces to bombard Brin fiercely.

You must know that the British artillery suffered a lot during the battle. It was either suppressed and destroyed by the German artillery, or it was blown up by the fighter planes of the German Army Air Corps. The artillery suffered heavy losses and there were not many left. In order to be able to take Brin smoothly, the British army can be regarded as using the main force.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A door of 114mm howitzers and 83.8mm field guns, pouring shells crazily.

"Hurry up and fire the shells at your maximum speed. Otherwise, we will have to evacuate when the German planes come!" The artillery commander of the British army ordered.

The British artillery knew that their bombardment would soon be bombed by the German Army Air Force. Therefore, they can only hurry up and fire. If you are bombed in time, you can no longer continue to fire.

The artillery shells hit the German positions fiercely, leaving craters one by one. The hastily built fortifications last night could not withstand the violent shelling of the British army at all.

Under the fierce shelling of the British army, the German army began to suffer a lot of casualties.

"Urgently call for reinforcements! We need to suppress the British artillery. Otherwise, we will suffer heavy losses under their bombardment!" The commander of the 1st Armored Division ordered.

On the sea, ten battleships and 24 former dreadnoughts of the German Navy have already raised their muzzles high. According to the coordinates sent by the army, they are making adjustments before firing.


Following the command of the guns on the "Bavaria" battleship, three triple-mounted 380mm main guns with 50 times the caliber began a violent shelling.

The other battleships also followed suit and started shelling. All of a sudden, the sound of cannons rumbled across the sea. One after another, large-caliber naval gun shells slammed into the artillery positions of the British army.

"Whoo! Whoo!"

Sharp and piercing whistling sounded from the artillery positions of the British army, and the expressions of the artillerymen of the British army changed drastically. They have dealt with cannons all year round, so they naturally know what it means.

"God!, run! The Germans' large-caliber naval guns!"

Without the need for an officer to give orders, the British artillerymen fled in all directions like rabbits.


Violent explosions sounded on the artillery positions of the British army. The cannons were blown up and down, and even the barrels were blown into twists. As for the artillery, they were directly torn into pieces.josei

The bombardment of the German Navy's naval guns certainly caused heavy losses to the British artillery. However, the biggest threat to them is still the German Army Air Force.

Hundreds of F2 fighters covered hundreds of H1 bombers to bomb the British artillery positions. British artillery positions were destroyed one after another.

"Damn it!"

Admiral Haig saw this situation and couldn't help but cursed. Their artillery was almost lost before it had time to play a big role. This undoubtedly made this battle even more difficult to fight.

"We can't wait any longer, order the tank troops to attack immediately!" Admiral Haig ordered.

"Yes, General!"

Although their shelling did not cause much damage to the German army, it was far from reaching the intended goal. But Admiral Haig knew that he couldn't wait any longer. At that time, more and more German aircraft will appear on the battlefield, and their losses will also increase.


After receiving the order, the tank troops of the British army immediately launched an attack.

More than 500 tanks rushed out of the position and rushed towards the German position.

"General, tanks! The British dispatched a large number of tanks!" A staff officer ordered the commander of the German 1st Armored Division.

"So many tanks! The British paid a lot of money this time."

"Order anti-tank weapons to get ready! First consume the British tanks. Then the armored forces will attack again, and finish them off!"

Although, after the hard fighting of the 1st Armored Division yesterday, there were only more than 170 tanks left, which was only equivalent to one-third of the tanks dispatched by the British army. However, they are not afraid.

Compared with the German armored forces, the British tank force is nothing more than a toddler, and the gap between the two sides is too great.

A series of anti-tank guns were deployed to the front-line positions. The anti-tank soldiers aimed at the rapidly advancing British tanks.



An anti-tank gun opened fire. The 37mm artillery shell roared and fired at a "Hound Dog" tank of the British army.

The distance of several hundred meters is reached in the blink of an eye. The armor-piercing projectile slammed into the armor of the tank.

Under the action of huge kinetic energy, the armor-piercing projectile easily penetrated the not-so-thick armor of the 'Hound Dog' tank. The shell hit the ammunition compartment, and a sacrificial explosion occurred. The whole tank became a ball of fire.

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