Jagged Germany

Chapter 811

Chapter 811: last battle

"Gentlemen, the four German legions have already set off and are approaching London. With their marching speed, the offensive and defensive battle of London will officially start in two days at most. Judging from the current situation, Germany The troops who landed in the British mainland consisted of four legions, plus five marine divisions, with a total strength of about 1.2 million. The Imperial Army has already assembled 7 legions, 1.4 million in London. In addition, we are on the defensive side and can use fortifications to attack the Germans. Therefore, we still have a great advantage. If the timing is good, it is not impossible to defeat the Germans in London!" Britain War Secretary Richard Haldane preached at the Council of War.

As the German army began to approach London, the tension in London also increased. Originally, the British Continental Army had only six armies with 1.2 million troops stationed in London. However, the 200,000 people withdrawn from the southeast theater were reorganized into the 1st Army and joined London's defense sequence, which further strengthened London's defense forces.

But even so, people in London are still in panic. If King George V and Prime Minister Churchill hadn't made public appearances many times, maybe many people would have started to flee. The performance of the German army in the southeast theater really scared the officers and soldiers of the British Continental Army.

Although, in the past few months, the British army has almost built London into a fortress. However, many people still do not have the confidence to resist the German attack.

"I don't deny that the German army's combat effectiveness is very strong, and it deserves the title of the world's number one army. However, this is already London, the capital of the British Empire. If London falls, the British Empire will be completely over. So, I hope Everyone can do their best for the British Empire in this battle!" Richard Haldane continued.

The generals of the British Army present here are naturally willing to work hard. However, the prerequisite is to be able to beat the German army! If you can't beat it at all, and it's like sending yourself to death, I'm afraid not many people are willing. After all, everyone is not a fool, who would want to do the death thing!

"Your Excellency, the Minister of War, when the Germans attack London, they will definitely send out a large number of planes to bomb. And the Royal Air Force is completely lost, which will make us pay a high price in the process of defending against the German attack. Yes. If we don’t solve this problem, I’m afraid it will be very difficult for us to resist the German attack,” said a general.josei

The overwhelming bombing by the German army shocked many British generals. Such tactics gave them a great headache. When defending against the frontal enemy, you also have to guard against the enemy's attack from above. This naturally made the troops tired of coping when they were fighting.

"The remaining fighter planes of the Royal Air Force are running out. In order to preserve their strength, they have all been transferred to the north. However, after the Battle of London breaks out, I will ask the Royal Air Force to fight. No matter what, they can somewhat contain the Germans. plane!" said Richard Haldane.

"Your Excellency, Minister of War, we have more anti-tank weapons! The Germans have too many tanks and are too powerful. The light weapons in the hands of soldiers are simply unable to compete. If there are not enough anti-tank weapons in the battle to defend London If not, we may still be defeated by German tanks!"

"With regard to anti-tank weapons, I have asked the arsenal to work overtime for production. I promise that I will provide as many anti-tank weapons as possible to the ministries. However, everyone should also be aware that due to the lack of raw materials, our arsenal The production capacity is seriously insufficient." Richard Haldane said.

After the United Kingdom was blocked by Germany, it fell into a serious shortage of resources. The various resources produced in the United Kingdom cannot even support the British. In the past few hundred years, the British transported various materials to the mainland through overseas colonies, which enabled the rapid development of the United Kingdom. Once the overseas trade lines were cut off, Britain was almost destroyed.

That's why Britain desperately developed its navy and defended their maritime interests with a powerful navy. But it is a pity that this time the Royal Navy failed to defeat the powerful challenger, but was almost completely wiped out. This directly shook the foundation of the British Empire. The reason why the British Empire has fallen to this point is inseparable from the failure of the Royal Navy.

Churchill also attended this military meeting, but he was a little dissatisfied with the attitude of these generals. He could see that everyone was a little negative. This may be because of the disastrous defeat of the British army in the southeast theater. Therefore, these generals were frightened by the strength of the Germans.

"Everyone! The British Empire is now at the last moment of life and death. If we cannot resist the German attack, then the British Empire will be completely over. Perhaps, through other means, everyone has learned that the government plans to fall in the mainland. Afterwards, I moved to Canada to continue to fight against the Germans. However, I would like to advise everyone that it is a choice of last resort. If possible, we naturally want to keep our homeland. Only with the homeland can the British Empire have hope If you lose your home country, what if you escape to Canada? The possibility of counterattacking Germany and regaining the homeland is very small!" Churchill said with a serious face.

Indeed, as Churchill said. Some generals of the British Continental Army do have such thoughts. Anyway, if they can't keep their homeland, they can still go to Canada and continue to occupy high positions. Even if ordinary soldiers cannot take them away, generals like them must be able to escape from Britain. Therefore, they did not take the German attack seriously. But this is obviously very unfavorable for the upcoming London war.

"Also, don't think it's safe to retreat to Canada. Don't forget, the Germans have the most powerful navy in the world. If they want, they can cross the Atlantic Ocean to attack Canada at any time. And with our strength in Canada , It is almost impossible to resist the Germans. Therefore, in the Battle of London, we must injure the Germans as much as possible and make them pay a heavy price. Only in this way can Canada be safe!" Churchill continued.

The generals of the British Army all had serious expressions, and they could understand what Churchill meant.

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