Jagged Germany

Chapter 816

Chapter 816: fight for total annihilation

"General, the 13th Army can't hold on anymore. The troops on the front line have been disintegrated. The Germans are advancing towards us. According to the advancing speed of the Germans, they will reach us in a short time!" an officer said Report to Admiral Haig.

"Damn it, has the 13th Army collapsed? What about Admiral George? What the **** is he doing?" Admiral Haig cursed.

"General, General George has fled to London!" said the officer.josei

"Bastard! Order the troops, prepare to retreat!" Admiral Haig had no choice but to issue such an order. Although, his original intention was to be able to hold out on the southern defense line for a while longer. However, when the 13th Army has collapsed and the 12th Army doesn't seem to be able to last long, if you continue to hold on, it will only lead to a dead end. Under such circumstances, Admiral Haig had no choice but to order a retreat.

If you retreat, you can still preserve some strength and join the defense in the London area. If all these troops are lost here, it will undoubtedly further weaken London's defense. That would be wasted in vain.

It's a pity that Admiral Haig's plan is good, but implementing it is not so easy.

At this moment, the British army suffered heavy losses under the fierce German attack, and their morale fell to the bottom. Under such circumstances, how could they have the guts to continue fighting! After Admiral Haig gave the order to retreat, a large number of British troops fled immediately, and there were no troops to delay the enemy and cover the retreat of the main force.

Of course the German army would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately launched a more violent attack.

Thus, the retreat of the British army turned into a complete rout. A large number of British soldiers fled to London in embarrassment, while the German army chased after them.

A human's legs cannot run on the tracks of a tank, and the German armored forces fully utilized their speed advantage in such battles. When the fleeing British army was caught up by the German army, in order to save their lives, the British soldiers immediately raised their hands and chose to surrender.

These British officers and soldiers have been frightened by the Germans on the battlefield. Being able to save a small life has become their greatest wish. How can they have the courage to continue fighting?

Even, when they were strafed and bombed by fighter planes of the German Army Air Corps, many British soldiers knelt down and surrendered, not daring to run away anymore. They knelt on the side of the road obediently, waiting for the German infantry to come and capture them.

It can be said that in this battle, the fighting spirit of the British army has been completely shattered. Even if these officers and soldiers were not captured by the German army and fled back to London, it would not be of much use. Because they have been frightened, and they no longer have the courage to take up arms and continue to fight against the German army.

The pursuit of the German army did not stop until the suburbs of London. Of the three British armies stationed on the southern defense line, more than 600,000 people, only more than 100,000 people fled back to London. The remaining more than half a million people, except those who died in battle, surrendered to the German army. This made the temporary prisoner-of-war camps set up by the German army overcrowded for a while.

Of course, those seriously injured cannot receive medical treatment. It's not because the German army is desperate to save them, but because there is a lack of medicines on the front line. Those medicines must be given priority to rescue German soldiers, and the British can only wait. As for those British who were slightly injured, they could be treated. Of course, medical conditions will not be better. Whether you can live or not depends on whether God blesses you.

The German attack on the entire southern defense line lasted only five days. The gap between this and the British Army Secretary Richard Haldane's request is too great. Especially the soldiers who only fled back with a hundred thousand discarded armor in the end made him very angry. However, Richard Haldane knew that there was no way. The German army was too strong, and the British army was too weak.

After Marshal von Falkenhain learned that the battle of the southern defense line was easily won by the Germans again and won a big victory, his old face was full of smiles.

"The British are becoming more and more useless. They are simply vulnerable! If this continues, we should be able to take London soon and end this **** war. Your Majesty wants us to take it before Christmas." Britain, but now it seems that we can complete the task at super speed!" Marshal von Falkenhain said.

Originally, the empire has always been more worried about landing in the British mainland to fight. The British are used to being the hegemon of the world, and they will certainly not surrender to the German Empire easily. So, almost everyone thinks it will be a tough fight. The two sides will break out a fierce battle in Britain. If Germany wants to defeat Britain, it will definitely have a protracted war. Maybe the whole of Britain will be turned into a piece of scorched earth. And the losses of the German army will not be small.

But now it seems that the smoothness of the battle has completely exceeded everyone's expectations! Although the British are strong, they are actually vulnerable. Their huge force easily suffered heavy losses under the attack of the German army. Now, there is not even much will to resist.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, perhaps we can take London by the end of this month. By then, the Battle of Britain will almost come to an end!" Lieutenant General Ludendorff said.

"Will London be captured within this month? There are still more than ten days left. Although the time is a little tight, it is indeed entirely possible." Marshal von Falkenhain nodded.

"However, when attacking London, we still have to try our best to reduce the casualties of the troops. The war is about to end, and I hope that more people can survive instead of losing their lives at the last moment!" Von Farr Marshal Kenhain said.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Lieutenant General Ludendorff also knew this.

"General Ludendorff, the Eighth Army will set off tomorrow! Whether we can wipe out the British defenders in London this time depends on you!" Marshal von Falkenhain said.

If you want to complete their work in one battle, the German army must eliminate all the last main force of the British army in London. The task of the Eighth Army was to cross the Thames and go around to north London. The defense zone of the 3rd Army is west of London. The main forces attacking downtown London will be the 1st and 2nd Army Corps. The 3rd Army and the 8th Army only played an assisting role. If the plan is successful, the troops assembled by the British army in London will be dead.

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