Jagged Germany

Chapter 822

Chapter 822: fall of empire

London, War Office.

Now the battle in the whole of London is almost over, and only here is left. As the hiding place of the Minister of War, Richard Haldane, thousands of elite troops have gathered in the entire Ministry of War, and they are still continuing to resist.

The German army dispatched a regiment of troops and surrounded the entire Ministry of War. However, with the help of buildings and machine guns, the British army blocked the firepower. The German army organized several attacks in a row, but they failed. Outside the positions of the British army, many corpses have been left.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, several armored vehicles drove to a place not far from the battlefield. Marshal von Falkenhain and a group of regiment commanders got out of the armored vehicles.

Hearing the deafening gunfire erupting in the distance, Marshal von Falkenhain couldn't help frowning. If the battle here is not over, it does not mean that the entire London campaign is over.

"Why haven't you finished?" Marshal von Falkenhain asked.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, those British firepower is very fierce, and they have built solid fortifications, and the terrain limits the deployment of our troops, so they have not been taken down yet. But Marshal, please rest assured, before sunset today, we must We will conquer this place!" a major general assured.

"Have you tried to persuade them to surrender?" Admiral Crook asked.

"General, we have tried it. However, those British are not willing to enter. Even at this point, they still insist on not surrendering." The major general said.

"I didn't expect the British to be so brave at this juncture!" Admiral Bilow sighed.

The other generals nodded repeatedly. Indeed, in this war, the British did not perform well. It can even be described as bad. On the battlefield, they were not opponents of the German army at all, and they could be described as vulnerable. There are millions of troops in the sky, and the equipment is not too bad. However, under the onslaught of more than one million German troops, it was quickly defeated. But as long as their fighting will is firmer, even if the German army wants to win the final victory, it will not be so easy.

Therefore, the performance of the remaining British troops stationed at the Ministry of War is impressive. Now the whole of London has fallen into the hands of the German army, and the British army in the city has basically been wiped out. Their persistence is completely meaningless. Under such circumstances, they can surrender to the German army and save their lives. However, they still didn't do that. It can be seen how brave they are.

"Send someone to try again! If they don't surrender, arrange the Army Air Corps to use heavy aerial bombs to raze this place to the ground!" Marshal von Falkenhain said.

Although he hates and admires these British people, he doesn't want to waste any more time.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" The major general replied.

A few minutes later, a German officer, holding a white flag, entered the British War Department and informed the British army of the German army's request.

Richard Haldane at this moment is still staying in his office in the basement.

"Your Excellency, the Germans have come to persuade us to surrender again. They ask us to surrender. Otherwise, they will no longer keep their hands." The secretary reported to Richard Haldane.

Richard Haldane sighed. He also knew that this battle had already been lost, and Britain was finished.

"Let the soldiers choose!" Richard Haldane said.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" The secretary nodded.

In the end, none of the British troops stationed here chose to surrender. They were willing to continue fighting for their honor.

An hour later, the German army dispatched the Army Air Force. Twelve H1 bombers, carrying heavy aerial bombs weighing 500 kilograms, bombed the British Ministry of War.

These heavy bombs easily penetrated the buildings of the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War building was half destroyed in the previous battle. The remaining part was also blown up under the tremendous power of aerial bombs.

The British soldiers stationed here were almost all killed in the violent explosion, and very few survived. However, the German army then conducted a carpet search here. The British soldiers who were unwilling to surrender were all killed.

As for Richard Haldane, when he was discovered, he was already a cold corpse. However, he was not killed by the bomb, but committed suicide by taking poison himself. He ended his life with poison before the German bombing began. Maybe he didn't want to die in the hands of the Germans, even if he died, he wanted to die in his own hands!

It was not until after the battle here that Marshal von Falkenhain had someone report to Berlin that the battle in London was over.

Liverpool, in the port, a submarine is moored at the pier. Several people were smoking cigarettes on the pier. The most central one is Churchill, Prime Minister of the British Empire.

As Prime Minister of the British Empire, Churchill was the last senior official to leave the UK. Before him, King George V of England and other senior cabinet officials had already left Britain for Canada.

"Your Excellency, the time is almost up. If we don't leave, I'm afraid it will be too late." A naval officer was a little worried.

During this period, the German army stepped up its search for the British coast. Even if it is a submarine, it is very difficult to escape.

"Wait a little longer!" Churchill shook his head.josei

The officer hesitated to speak, but there was nothing he could do.

After a while, the secretary ran over panting.

"Your Excellency, the battle in London is over. The Germans have completely controlled London. Our army in London was either wiped out by the Germans or surrendered to them," the secretary reported.

Churchill closed his eyes in pain. Although he had already expected such a result, he still did not expect that the British Empire would be destroyed so quickly.

"Where is Your Excellency the Secretary of State for War?" Churchill asked.

"The Lord Secretary of War killed himself before the fall of London."

Churchill nodded, he did not expect Richard Haldane to be so staunch. However, he admired Richard Haldane very much. If it were him, he would definitely do the same.

"Let's go!" Churchill dropped the cigarette **** in his hand. Now that London has fallen, the downfall of the entire British Empire is imminent. There is no need for him to stay any longer. Going to Canada and leading the re-emergence of the British Empire is what matters. He believed that although they failed this time, they would definitely have revenge one day in the future.

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