Jagged Germany

Chapter 831

Chapter 831: naval reform

For the reform of the Army, Qin Tian put forward specific requirements, and the next affairs were handed over to the Army Department and the Army General Staff. Qin Tian believed that Marshal von Falkenhain would do all of this well.

Although, Marshal von Falkenhain is not young anymore. But according to the usual practice, there is no problem at all in working for another ten or eight years. Plus his physical condition is relatively good. So Qin Tian believed that within the next ten years, Marshal von Falkenhain would be able to completely reform the army according to his requirements.

After the army, it is the turn of the navy.

"The Imperial Navy deserves to be number one in the world in terms of scale and combat power. However, we have to admit that with the development of technology, a large number of warships in the Imperial Navy are no longer suitable for future naval battles!" Qin God said.

The admirals of the Imperial Navy present all had a gloomy look in their eyes. They already knew what Qin Tian meant through other channels. They also knew that what Qin Tian did would only make the German navy stronger. However, decommissioning so many capital ships at one time still made them feel a little uncomfortable.

"Among the capital ships of the Imperial Navy, in addition to five 'King-class' battleships, five 'Bavaria-class' battleships, three 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers and three 'Makensen-class' battlecruisers Other than that, the rest are all retired!" Qin Tian said.

This time, there are only 16 capital ships left in the Imperial Navy. Of course, even so, the strength of the Imperial Navy is still well-deserved number one in the world. These battleships are all powerful battleships equipped with 380mm main guns of 50 times the caliber. No country can compete with the German Navy.

"Your Majesty, after the reduction of the Imperial Navy, the strength is still the number one in the world. However, if we want to ensure the interests of the Empire overseas, it seems that it is not enough!" Marshal Count von Tirpitz reminded.

After all, the empire's current overseas colonies are all over the world. To ensure the safety of these overseas colonies of the empire, the strength of the imperial navy must be fully enhanced.

Didn’t the British Empire painstakingly build the world’s most powerful navy in order to ensure the safety of its vast overseas colonies? It's just that the strength of the British navy is a bit bad, and it was beaten all over the place by the German navy. lost heavily.

Qin Tian nodded: "I am very aware of everyone's concerns. However, retiring those outdated capital ships does not mean that the strength of the Imperial Navy will be weakened. Everyone should be very clear that the main force of naval warfare will no longer be the main force. It is an aircraft carrier. Now, we already have two "Pioneer-class" aircraft carriers, and four "Wilhelm the Great-class" aircraft carriers have also entered service. These six aircraft carriers alone have already increased the strength of the Imperial Navy That's a lot. In the future, the Imperial Navy will build more and more powerful aircraft carriers."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the admirals present replied. Of course they are very clear about the strength of the aircraft carrier of the Imperial Navy. Being able to build more aircraft carriers is also very guaranteed to enhance the strength of the German Navy.

"In addition, there is another good news to tell everyone. Although, the Imperial Navy will not build capital ships from now on. However, we captured many unfinished capital ships in the UK. After the defeat of the Royal Navy, in order to It took a lot of painstaking efforts to find a chance to defeat the Imperial Navy again." Qin Tian said with a smile.

After the Royal Navy lost to the German Navy in the first decisive battle, Churchill, who was still the Minister of the Navy, presided over the new warship construction plan. Including strengthened defenses, the "New Iron Duke" battleship and the new "George V" battleship equipped with 381 mm main guns, and the "Lion class" battleship equipped with 406 mm main guns. Each of these three tiers of battleships has four ships, for a total of 12 ships.

After the British Royal Navy has tasted the bitterness, it is painful to learn from it. These redesigned battleships have strengthened their defenses. Due to the shortage of resources, these battleships fell before the British mainland was completed. Therefore, these warships fell into the hands of Germany. Among them, the "New Iron Duke" battleship is progressing the fastest, and 70% of its construction has been completed. The "New George V" and "Lion" battleships were much slower.

In addition to the 12 battleships of the three levels, the British Navy also has plans to build ten advanced battlecruisers of the three levels. The "Prestige-class" battlecruisers and the "Glory-class" battlecruisers are equipped with 381mm main guns, while the "Hood-class" battlecruisers are equipped with 406mm main guns. None of these battlecruisers were able to be completed, and the progress was different. Now, they have all fallen into the hands of Germany.

"Everyone, these are 12 battleships and 10 battlecruisers. Since the British have already helped us complete part of the construction, we naturally don't let it go. We can build on these battleships and battlecruisers. Improve, and then serve in the Imperial Navy. I think this will further enhance the strength of the Imperial Navy!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, this is really great!" Marshal Count von Tirpitz smiled all over his face.

The other admirals also had red faces. Being able to get another 12 battleships and 10 powerful battlecruisers will further enhance the strength of the German Navy. Although many warships have been decommissioned before, they are nothing compared to the newly acquired warships.

After all, the warships that were decommissioned before were all equipped with 305mm or 343mm main guns. Now these warships are equipped with 380mm and 410mm main guns, which are more powerful.josei

The battleships of the British Navy customarily use 381mm main guns and 406mm main guns. The German Navy used 380mm main guns and 410mm main guns.

So, improvements will be made on these ships of the British. At the same time, the main gun produced by Germany is installed. Of course, this will have a certain impact on the performance of the battleship. But German engineers will try to eliminate these adverse effects as much as possible. Among other things, just by acquiring these warships, the German Navy will be able to save a lot of money.

Once these battleships are in service, the German Navy will have 22 battleships and 16 battlecruisers again. With a huge scale of up to 38 capital ships, it has become the most powerful navy in the world. Of course, regardless of size or strength, it is the most powerful.

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