Jagged Germany

Chapter 858

Chapter 858: Russian envoy

Berlin, a remote street. Although it is not related to the slums, it is not considered prosperous. In an ordinary three-story building, a middle-aged man with a pipe in his mouth was frowning.

"Has there been a reply from the Germans?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Comrade Joseph, the Germans have not responded yet. They all responded that Kaiser Wilhelm III is busy with business and has no time to meet you!" Another middle-aged man said.

The middle-aged man with a pipe in his mouth is Joseph among the leaders of Buer. This time, he participated in the German military parade as the special envoy of Bu Russia. At the same time, he also shoulders other missions.

In Eastern Europe, Germany's newly occupied territories. The German army dispatched as many as four armies of nearly 800,000 troops to encircle and suppress the guerrillas active in this area. After more than half a year, those guerrillas suffered a devastating blow. Most of the guerrillas were wiped out, only a very small number of guerrillas survived. However, even so, the situation of those guerrillas is very difficult.

At the same time, the underground forces of Bu Russia in this area were also devastated. For a long time, Bu Russia has been committed to developing their power in this area and has supported many guerrillas. The purpose is to prevent Germany from truly digesting these territories, and at the same time to prepare for recapturing these territories in the future. If these guerrillas cooperate internally and externally, the possibility of them regaining these territories in the future will undoubtedly increase a lot.

But unfortunately, their wishful thinking was wrong. How can Germany possibly let them get what they want? The powerful German army is wiping out the guerrillas recklessly, and at the same time wiped out those people in the Bu Party. This has dealt a heavy blow to Bu Russia.

Joseph's secret visit to Germany this time, one of the most important tasks is to hope that Germany will stop the extermination of the guerrillas and the cloth party. However, Joseph also knew that this would be a very troublesome problem. No major country would agree to what Bu Russia did in Eastern Europe. Germany sent troops to exterminate the guerrillas, which is what it should have been. If it were Soviet Russia, it would certainly not be willing for other countries to develop power within their own borders.

So, Joseph had a very headache, he didn't know how to persuade the powerful German emperor. Although, he had dealt with Qin Tian many times. But he knew very well how powerful the Kaiser was, and he would never allow Soviet Russia to do that.

However, Ulyanov attaches great importance to this visit. This undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Joseph. If Joseph wants to become the successor of Bu Russia and the Bu Party, he must be approved by Ulyanov. And this visit will be a test for him. If he fails, then his efforts over the years may be in vain.

"To contact the Germans again, I must meet with the Kaiser as soon as possible! Moscow's urging has become more and more urgent, and we have no extra time to waste!" Joseph said.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph!" The middle-aged man went out immediately.

The place where they are located is the representative office of Russia in Germany. And that middle-aged man is the director here. It's all run in secret, though. After all, in the entire capitalist world, Buoy is still a heretic. Other countries have always taken strict precautions against Bu Russia. Even the cooperation between Germany and Russia is sneaky.

While Joseph was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, German Foreign Minister Vachter was reporting to Qin Tian that the Soviet Russian envoy wanted to see him.

"Your Majesty, the Russian special envoy has lost his composure. He has requested to see His Majesty three times in one day." Wahit said.

"Well, do you know their purpose?" Qin Tian asked. For Bu'e, Qin Tian has always maintained a 120,000-degree vigilance. While cooperating with Bu Russia, at the same time trying every means to weaken Bu Russia. In other words, prepare for defeating Bu Russia in the future.

Qin Tian also knows Bu'er's terrifying potential, so what he does is like playing with fire, and he may get involved if he is not careful. This made him have to be as careful as possible.josei

"Your Majesty, you probably want to seek our support! In the past year, because most of the food and other agricultural products were exchanged with us for weapons and equipment, a large-scale famine occurred in Bu Russia, and many people starved to death. .So, could they be trying to get food from us?" Wahit asked.

Qin Tian shook his head: "It's unlikely. Bu'e won't care about the obvious life and death. They won't use the surplus grain to feed those farmers. For Bu'e, the most important thing is to change machinery and equipment to develop industries. The important thing. As for the others, you can give up!"

Qin Tian is very familiar with Bu Russia's determination to develop industry. Without a strong industry, there will be no strong army, and national security will not be guaranteed. This is undoubtedly insecure for Bu Russia, who is surrounded by capitalism. Therefore, they have always been committed to building a strong industry to ensure their own safety. Everything else can be sacrificed in order to build a strong industry. What's more, Bu Russia is a country led by the working class, farmers, it doesn't matter.

Wacht thought it was a little impossible, but he believed in Qin Tian's judgment.

"Other than that, there is only one possibility. Our army is killing all over the plains of Eastern Europe. Those guerrillas have been cornered by us. There are countless gangsters who have been hanged. Therefore, the Bu-Russian envoy should want to solve this problem this time!" Wahit said.

Qin Tian nodded, it is possible. He naturally knew what was going on with those guerrillas. All supported by Bu Russia. The actions of the German army on the plains of Eastern Europe were undoubtedly a huge blow to Bu Russia. That's why Bu Russia wanted to find a way to save those people through the relationship with Germany.

However, for the German Empire, the existence of those guerrillas and cloth party members is undoubtedly a potential threat. Once Germany goes to war with Bu Russia, those guerrillas will inevitably attack the German logistics supply line and cause chaos. Therefore, if Germany wants to ensure victory in the war against Russia, it must clear these guerrillas in advance before the war breaks out. It is best to be able to completely digest these territories and eliminate the living space of the cloth party and guerrillas.

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