Jagged Germany

Chapter 861

Chapter 861: German-Russian friendship (second update)

"Your Excellency Joseph, Germany can rebuild a complete industrial system for your country. However, it will cost a lot of money. It is impossible for Germany to lose money because of this!" Qin Tian said.

Joseph was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Your Majesty, thank you so much for your country. Bu Russia will always regard the German Empire as our friend! As for friends, of course we will not let them lose money. Naturally, we should Guaranteed."

If the yield rate can rebuild the industrial system for Bu Russia, then Bu Russia can save a lot of things because of this. Of course, Joseph also had some doubts about the generosity of the Germans. But he didn't understand what good this would do to the Germans. So I didn't say much.

"However, Your Majesty the Emperor, Bu Russia does not have enough funds to pay for this. We hope to get a loan from Germany!" Joseph said.

"Your Excellency Joseph, are you joking? To establish a complete industrial system, it will cost more than 10 billion marks! Germany doesn't have that much money to lend you!" Qin Tian exclaimed.josei

Joseph felt a little embarrassed about this. If so much money is involved, it is indeed a bit too difficult to get a loan from Germany completely.

"Your Majesty, what do you say?" Joseph said.

Qin Tian thought for a while, and then said: "Your Excellency Joseph, according to the old rules, Buer should pay the bill with agricultural products and mineral resources!"

Now Buer, there are only these things left. As a big country, at least in terms of territorial size. Bu Russia's resources are very rich. Being able to obtain these resources from Bu Russia is very helpful for improving Germany's industrial development. What's more, in such barter trade, the pricing is often determined by Germany. This will allow Germany to gain huge benefits from it.

There is another point, that is, Germany will help Russia rebuild the industrial system, so that German products can occupy the entire Russia. For products from other countries, there will be crowding out. In any case, Bu'e is a big market with hundreds of millions of people! Even if it cannot occupy this market for a long time, as long as it can occupy this market in a short period of time, Germany can also obtain huge benefits.

As for other hidden shady purposes, it will undoubtedly bring greater benefits to Germany. However, for the time being, this cannot be said to other people.

"Okay, Your Majesty. We fully agree on this." Joseph nodded. In the absence of money, the only thing Bu Russia can pay for is agricultural products and mineral resources. They had done the same before, and there was no objection to it.

"In addition, Your Excellency Joseph. I have to complain to your country. Your transportation facilities are really bad and bad! Such transportation facilities will seriously affect the industrial development of a country. You can look at other industrially developed countries The country, almost every country has very well-developed transportation. Therefore, if your country wants to develop industry, it must first build a sound transportation. Both the railway network and the road network must be formed. In this case, the It can better develop industry. If your country agrees, Germany can help your country build a complete transportation network. Of course, all of this needs to be paid!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

Russia's poor traffic will indeed have a very adverse impact on the development of industry. However, this is also a protection for Russia. Whether it was Napoleon the Great or the head of state, the reason why they failed to defeat Russia was not only because of Russia's bad weather, but also because of Russia's bad traffic. Poor traffic conditions made the army attacking Russia had to be dragged in the mud. Even the elite armored units, once trapped in it, cannot exert their due combat effectiveness, and eventually become a pile of scrap iron. Therefore, in order to defeat Russia, traffic must be resolved. If it can help Russia build a complete transportation network, this will allow Germany to effectively avoid these problems when attacking Russia.

Of course, after the outbreak of war, Bu Russia can destroy these transportation networks. Railroads can have their rails removed, and roads can have their land foundations removed. But even so, it only caused some minor troubles for the German army. A railway whose tracks have been stripped can be re-tracked. Land-based roads can also be rebuilt if they are dug out. Such a workload is undoubtedly much smaller than rebuilding railways and roads. It will not have much impact on the German offensive.

However, this intention of Germany can easily be seen through by Russia. Whether the Russians will agree is hard to say. Of course, Germany will try its best to fight for it. After all, once successful, even if only a part of the railways and roads are built, it will be very beneficial to Germany. This will allow Germany to advance quickly when attacking Russia. The pressure on logistics support can also be reduced a lot.

In fact, Joseph realized that this was a trap when Qin Tian proposed to help Russia build a transportation network. The news that Germany is building railways and roads in Poland, the three Baltic countries, Belarus, and Ukraine has long been known to Bu Russia. Even the high-level officials in Russia and Russia instructed the guerrillas to destroy these projects of the Germans. However, because the guerrillas suffered heavy losses under the encirclement and suppression of the German army, they failed to complete the task. This has enabled Germany's transportation development plan to proceed smoothly.

Now, the Germans actually proposed to help Bu Russia build a transportation network. This is clearly a wolfish ambition! Once the Germans really get what they want, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous for Bu Russia. If war breaks out, the Germans will be able to attack the hinterland of Bu Russia along these railways and roads. At that time, what will Bue use to resist the German attack?

"His Majesty the Emperor, thank you for the friendship of Germany. I will report to Comrade Ulyanov." Joseph said.

Even if he knew that the Germans had bad intentions, he couldn't point it out at this time. After all, Bu Russia still has a lot to ask for from Germany. The superficial friendship still needs to be maintained.

Qin Tian nodded: "Your Excellency Joseph, the German Empire attaches great importance to the friendly relationship with Russia, so it is willing to help Russia. I sincerely hope that the friendly relationship between Germany and Russia can continue!"

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