Jagged Germany

Chapter 865

Chapter 865: Poisoned Candy (6th update)

"Germany can defeat Britain and France and become the victor of the World War. Their strength is naturally beyond doubt. However, if they want to attack us, then we have no choice but to resist desperately. We will let the Germans know, want to If we want to destroy us, they will pay an extremely heavy price. In this case, the Germans may be afraid. After all, we are not the only enemy of Germany!" Ulyanov said.josei

Germany's strength dominates the world. However, this also poses a serious threat to other countries. It is foreseeable that other countries must also be against Germany. For example, the United States on the other side of the ocean is eyeing Germany.

"Yes, Comrade Chairman. However, I think that even if this is the case, we must try our best to strengthen our own strength. Only in this way can we not be helpless when Germany attacks us." Joseph said.

Ulyanov nodded, strengthening the strength of Bu Russia, of course he agrees. Otherwise, with Bu Russia's strength, how can it fight against Germany?

"Comrade Joseph, I am generally satisfied with the agreement you reached with Germany this time. For example, let the Germans help us rebuild our industrial system. This is undoubtedly an important way for us to increase our strength!" Uri Yanov said.

"Yes, Your Excellency. During the period of imperial Russia, Russia's industry was not developed. Because of the impact of the war, our industry was almost destroyed. If there is no external support, we want to restore industry , and then develop stronger, it will be very difficult. And it will take a long time. Therefore, the help of the Germans is undoubtedly very important to us. In this way, it can greatly reduce our need The time it consumes. It gives us enough time to arm us stronger. Maybe, when we have a strong industry and a strong army, the Germans will be afraid to attack us. After all, if they attack us If it will cause them heavy losses, I think the Germans will definitely think about it. The German emperor is not a fool." Joseph said.

"Yes. But, will the Germans be so kind to help us build an industrial system? I always feel that there is some conspiracy in it." Ulyanov frowned tightly.

"Comrade Chairman, of course the Germans will not be so kind. They help us rebuild the industrial system, and they want to make money. We have to spend money to buy those factories and machinery. Other conspiracies, I think This is not a problem. After all, those factories are on our territory. If something is wrong, you can send the army to take over these factories, and the Germans have nothing to do with us." Joseph said.

Ulyanov thought for a while, then nodded. Indeed, as long as the factory is on the territory of Russia, there is no fear of the Germans playing tricks. After all, although Germany is strong, they undoubtedly have a home court advantage on the territory of Bu Russia. Unless the two sides tear their faces apart and a war breaks out. In that case, Buer might not be his opponent.

However, if that is the case, then the Germans will never get the money to build these factories.

"It seems that the Germans help us rebuild the industrial system, and there is no threat to us. As long as we send special personnel to watch, there should be no problem." Ulyanov said.

Although, Ulyanov's intuition still told him that there must be some kind of trap in it. However, rebuilding the industrial system is undoubtedly a great temptation for them. They simply couldn't refuse this candy smeared with poison.

After hearing what Ulyanov said, Joseph breathed a sigh of relief. If Ulyanov nodded, then there should be no problem in passing this one.

"However, the Germans offered to help us build a transportation network, which is undoubtedly a threat to us. We have worked hard to repair the railways and roads, and then wait for the Germans to use these railways and roads to invade us? Germany People think us too stupid!" Ulyanov sneered.

After hearing what Ulyanov said, Joseph knew that he was not very satisfied with this one.

Joseph thought for a while, and then said: "Comrade Chairman, this request of the Germans is indeed malicious. However, we have to admit that good traffic conditions can greatly promote the development of economy and industry. Of all the economically and industrially developed countries in the world, there is no country with bad transportation facilities. However, we have to guard against the threat that the Germans will use these transportation facilities to invade us in the future. But at the same time, the transportation facilities When the conditions are good, we can also use these transportation facilities to quickly mobilize our troops. Once the Germans attack us, we can quickly mobilize our troops to the border and resist the war outside the border!"

Resisting the flames of war outside the borders is quite a temptation for Ulyanov. From the outbreak of the World War to the present, Russia has experienced many wars. If it is possible to truly keep the flames of war out of the country's borders, this will undoubtedly ensure that their construction achievements will not be destroyed by the flames of war.

But in the same way, when he thinks of Germany's strong military strength, he is skeptical about whether the Russian army can resist the German army's attack on the border. After all, the German army is too strong. In contrast, the strength of the Russian army is too weak.

"Will our army be able to withstand the German attack by then?" Ulyanov asked.

Joseph was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Comrade Chairman, I don't know about that."

On this issue, Joseph certainly can't foolishly guarantee the ticket. In that case, Ulyanov would definitely be suspicious. Once the war really broke out, and the Russian army failed to withstand the German attack, then he would have to bear the corresponding responsibility. Joseph is not a fool to do such a thing.

Ulyanov thought for a while, and had no choice but to say that he would hand over this issue to the Politburo meeting for discussion. After all, he only knew that Joseph was not from a military background, and even if he knew a little about military matters, it was only a half-knowledge. This time Joseph was able to successfully go to Germany and bring back so many agreements, which is already very good.

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