Jagged Germany

Chapter 872

Chapter 872: british conspiracy

Canada, Toronto, Prime Minister's Office. After the British cabinet moved here from the mainland, it has gradually entered the right track. Of course, there were also many struggles during the period. The powers of the Governor-General and Prime Minister of Canada have been stripped. Now Canada has become a place where Churchill has the final say.josei

There is no way, Canada has become the last base of the British Empire. If they can't control this place, it will be impossible for them to revive. Under such circumstances, the Governor and Prime Minister of Canada have become victims. Although, they hold a lot of power locally in Canada. However, it is impossible to fight Churchill without mastering the army.

Now, the situation in Canada has stabilized. The British Empire is lingering here, enjoying its final glory.

In the case of the United States, Germany did not launch an attack on Canada. But in the same way, if the British Empire dares to engage in small captains, such as sending a fleet to attack German merchant ships, or other actions that are detrimental to Germany's interests, then what awaits them will be a fierce blow from Germany. The consequences are simply not something the British can bear.

Therefore, the policy set by the British cabinet is to try not to provoke the Germans as much as possible before gradually recovering their strength, develop themselves first, restore their strength, and then wait for the opportunity.

However, this does not mean that the British are willing to watch Germany grow stronger day by day. After all, the Germans have now begun to attack the remaining British colonies. As Germany swallows those colonies step by step, Germany's strength will become stronger. At that time, it will be even more difficult for Britain to defeat Germany. If you can find some small troubles for Germany, of course it will not have much impact on Germany. However, it can also make Germany pay a greater price for this.

"Gentlemen, our army conscription in Canada has begun. Although Canada has only a few million people. However, there are countless British people coming here from other places. Whether they come from the mainland, South Africa, Australia or India. They They are all British. Soon, we will have a larger population. Our army recruits 500,000 soldiers, so there should be no big problem!" Churchill seemed very optimistic.

"Our navy has also begun to recover. We are upgrading the Canadian shipyard. It is expected that by next year, we will be able to start building our capital ship. Of course, there is also an aircraft carrier. We have already suffered a loss last time .This time, we will not make the same mistake again. We will be stronger again. At the same time, with our help, the United States will also become stronger. At that time, we will unite and fight against Germany. If you add other countries that oppose Germany, it will be very easy to defeat Germany!" Churchill seemed very optimistic.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, everything is moving in a good direction. The future of the British Empire will definitely get better and better!" The new Minister of War, Earl Kitchener, said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, Governor Grad once again requested to withdraw from the Strait of Gibraltar. Recently, although the Germans have not taken action against Gibraltar. However, based on various intelligence analysis, the possibility of them launching an attack on Gibraltar is already very high. Now we are in Gibraltar , without a ship, only a few thousand soldiers defending the fortress. Once the Germans attack, we have no chance of resisting it." Sir Edward Gray, the foreign secretary, said.

Churchill could not help frowning, Gibraltar is very important. After the British Empire occupied Gibraltar, it has been blocking the passage of other countries into the Mediterranean through there. If it is abandoned, it will be a huge blow to the global interests of the British Empire.

However, Churchill then thought, does the current British Empire still have so-called global interests? They are withdrawing their strength to Canada as much as possible. So that they can survive here.

"Gibraltar is indeed unstoppable. Let Governor Grad evacuate at the right time!" Churchill sighed. Although, it had long been expected that the evacuation would be inevitable. However, the shrinking global interests of the British Empire still made Churchill feel distressed. You know, the British Empire paid a huge price in order to obtain these benefits. Now, they can't keep these interests anymore, they can only hand them over to others. Watching their enemies take these benefits away from their hands.

"Your Excellency, since Gibraltar is doomed to fail. Then, let's return Gibraltar to the Spaniards! In this way, Gibraltar will not fall into the hands of the Germans. Besides, Spain is weak. One day in the future, we will return If it rises once, it can take Gibraltar from the Spaniards again." Secretary of the Army Kitchener said.

Churchill couldn't help but his eyes lit up, this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone,

It would be great if Germany and Spain could fight each other through this matter. Of course, it is still uncertain whether the Spaniards have the courage to fight the Germans. It is estimated that most of them have no courage. But even if it can make the Spaniards resentful, that is not bad. When going to war against Germany in the future, the Spaniards can definitely play a greater role!

"But, does Spain have the courage to accept Gibraltar?" Sir Edward Gray was a little worried.

After all, the Spaniards are not fools. They naturally know that taking over Gibraltar at this time will undoubtedly mean confronting the Germans. As long as they are not fools, they should know how big the risk is.

"Whether the Spaniards dare to accept it or not, we have to try it. In this case, it will not do us any harm. Let the imperial ambassador to Spain talk to the Spaniards about this matter immediately. As long as the Spanish government promises to guarantee that we will garrison in Gibraltar The safety of our officers and soldiers, then Gibraltar can be returned to them immediately!" Churchill made a decision. In order to avoid accidents caused by long nights and dreams, he even asked to implement this matter as soon as possible.

"Okay, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." Sir Edward Gray nodded, then got up and left immediately, preparing to send a telegram to the British ambassador to Spain.

"I hope the Spaniards will be more courageous!" Churchill murmured.

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