Jagged Germany

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Moltke-class battlecruiser

"Everyone, according to the information we have received, the British Navy has accelerated the preparations for the construction of the 'St. If the first-class warships are in service, we will be at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers." Qin Tian introduced to everyone.josei

"His Royal Highness, even if the British start building these two classes of warships, the threat to us is quite limited. Don't we have five 'Helgoland class' battleships? The British's two classes of warships are no more than There are only six ships. Calculated, the number is one more than ours. And the performance of our battleships is far stronger than that of the British. What's more, the 'Helgoland-class' battleships are still equipped with 343mm main guns. So, what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said just now is a bit too alarmist!" Little Maoqi jumped out.

Although, the navy's warship construction plan has nothing to do with him. But he just couldn't see Qin Tian's growing influence.

"That's right, after our 'Helgoland-class' battleships are built, although they are inferior to the British in terms of numbers, we can still dominate in terms of overall combat power. But don't forget that we don't just want to It's just better than the British. We plan to defeat the British in future wars. This makes us have to prepare early. What's more, the British's shipbuilding capabilities are not comparable to ours. In addition to the 'St. Vincent-class' battleship and the 'Indefatigable-class' battlecruiser, the British also have other shipbuilding plans. It is expected that these warships will start construction soon. If we sleep on the credit book Dajue, in the end, will only watch the British regain their superiority in the sea. At that time, we will be under tremendous pressure." Qin Tian retorted.

"Yes, His Royal Highness is right. Although our 'Helgoland-class' battleship is very strong, we have to prepare early. According to intelligence, the British have already started the development of the 343mm main gun. It's just that we have encountered some technical bottlenecks. However, with the British's scientific and technological strength, there will be almost no problems in making breakthroughs. Once the British make breakthroughs in large-caliber main guns, it is foreseeable What's more, they will soon start building more new battleships. At that time, what will we use to catch up with the British?" Marshal Count Tirpitz glared directly at Moltke.

This is a matter for the navy. Xiao Maoqi is the chief of the army's general staff, and he is not yet qualified to manage the navy. Unless after the war broke out, the Supreme Command was formed, and Mao Qi was appointed as the chief of staff of the German Empire's armed forces. In that case, he is qualified to dictate to the navy.

Little Maoqi smiled and said nothing more. He raised such a question before just to disgust Qin Tian, ​​and he never thought that he could stop the navy from obtaining more battleships. After eliciting Tirpitz's counterattack, he immediately shut up. He didn't want to have another big fight with Tirpitz.

"Okay, Oscar, what do you think of the capital ship of the next level?" William II asked.

"Father, although our 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers are about to enter service. However, the British 'Invincible-class' battlecruisers will also enter service at almost the same time. Although our 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers "The battleships are stronger, but once the British' Indefatigable-class" battlecruisers are also in service, with three ships against six, our "Blücher-class" battlecruisers may be very difficult. What's more , We also need to launch an attack on the British sea transportation line. This makes us not inferior to the British in terms of battlecruisers. Therefore, we need to build another level of more powerful battlecruisers." Qin God said.

King William II nodded, although he still had some doubts about the combat power of the battlecruisers. However, since the British have spared no effort to build such warships. Then, the development of this kind of warship is undoubtedly very promising. And if Germany wants to attack the British by attacking the British sea transportation lines in future wars, it needs to have more battlecruisers.

"Tirpitz, what about the navy's opinion?" William II asked.

"Your Majesty, the three 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers are indeed not enough to achieve the Navy's strategic goals. We still need more battlecruisers." Marshal Count Tirpitz said immediately.

For him, battlecruisers and battleships belong to capital ships, no matter what level they are, he hopes to have as many as possible. Although, in principle, battlecruisers are best not to be used in capital ship duels. But the battlecruisers of the German Navy may be an exception. The battlecruisers of the German Navy are certainly inferior to the battleships of the German Navy in terms of armor defense. However, it is no worse than the battleships of the British Navy. Therefore, if necessary, it is not impossible for the battlecruisers of the German Navy to join the battle line and confront the capital ships of the British Navy. Under such circumstances, Marshal Count Tirpitz naturally hoped to have more battlecruisers.

King William II nodded: "Oscar, please introduce your design to everyone!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Qin Tian nodded.

"Everyone, this is the next-level battlecruiser I designed. It is 185 meters long, 28 meters wide, with a draft of 9.1 meters and a full load displacement of 29,000 tons. It is armed with three triple-mounted 343 mm 50-caliber main guns. 10 150mm single-mounted secondary guns, 12 120mm rapid-fire guns and 4 88mm rapid-fire guns. Powered by 24 improved Sulzer oil-fired boilers and four steam turbines, four-shaft propulsion, with a maximum power of 64,000 Horsepower, maximum speed 27 knots. In terms of armor defense, the defense of the main armor belt is 330mm, the deck armor is 55mm, the frontal armor of the turret is 330mm, and the armor of the conning tower is 330mm. Compared with the 'Blücher class' As far as battlecruisers are concerned, this class of battlecruisers has more powerful firepower, thicker armor and faster speed. Personally, I suggest that this class of battlecruisers be named 'Moltke-class' battleships Cruiser, to commemorate the immortal feats made by Marshal Moltke during the unification of the German Empire." Qin Tian introduced to everyone.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect Qin Tian to make such a suggestion. Especially Xiao Maoqi, who was even more stunned. You know, the relationship between him and Qin Tian is very bad now. And Qin Tian actually suggested naming the first-class battlecruiser after his uncle, which is undoubtedly an extremely lofty honor.

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