Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Laura's Power

The moment Cloud said those words, thunderous clapping and shouts continued all around in the Arena.

Feeling the heated anticipation in the air, Cloud smiled and raised his hand, "Let's start the final fight then!"

Knowing that it was a signal for the beginning of their fight, Greg looked at Jonathan and thought, "Let's see what your next move will be."

As he said that he raised the staff in his hand, while a cloak made out of purple mist slowly appeared around his body.  "What is that? A Soul Creature?", asked Eliana with squinted eyes as she looked at the cloak on Greg's body, but the moment she figured out the rank of it she looked slightly disappointed.

"That's an Awakened rank Soul Creature, so it can't be anything powerful. And if I'm right it's from a zone where the monster's type was a Mist Bat.", said the old man next to Eliana calmly as he looked at the cloak on Greg's figure too.

"But why is he using such a weak creature? Wouldn't his fairy be a bigger help for him?", asked the skinny guy from behind with a frown.

However, the Saint just shook his head and said, "No definitely not. And why? Just watch."

Turning his gaze toward Greg, the skinny guy saw as he summoned his fairy out and said something to it. A while later the fairy nodded and after flying onto Emma's shoulder, she started to swing her little legs here and there.

"What is he doing?"

Kuragari on the side nodded like he understood something and said, "Nice choice. He understood in an instant that this time the girl is a healer in the first place and not a fighter. Also knowing that his opponent this time was someone who can control time itself, while the other one's power was unknown to him, he chose to use his pet as a helper for that girl. That was a wise choice indeed."

"But why did he summoned that weak Soul Creature? This doesn't make any sense at all."

Hearing the skinny guy's question Kuragari stayed quiet too because he also didn't have any clue why Greg summoned that cloak.

As the experts tried to figure out the cause behind that mysterious choice, Greg looked at Jonathan and asked, "So? Will you attack me or will we just watch each other like this?"

With a smile, Jonathan shook his head and looked at his sister.


Knowing what his brother wanted Laura nodded and with a calm expression, she started to walk toward Greg slowly.josei

Seeing this, Greg frowned slightly, but in the end, he smiled and said, "Well... At least we will figure out her power."

With that in mind, Greg activated his cloak's ability, and in an instant insane amount of purple mist filled the whole stage.

Watching as the stage got filled to the brim with purple most blocking all sight from the onlookers, Cloud frowned and wanted to use his ability to let the spectators watch the fight without any issue, but suddenly all the fog vanished.

Just as fast as it appeared, it disappeared just as fast.

However, when everyone saw what could be seen on the platform everyone's eyes widened in an instant.

On the stage, Laura's hand was on Greg's back in a relaxed manner. And while this happened, the purple cloak on Greg's body and the black staff in his hand started to fade away slowly, leaving Greg without a single Soul Creature.

Greg felt that the moment Laura touch his body, all the Soul Creatures which he used, suddenly went back into his consciousness without the chance to summon them back again.

Also, he felt as the flow inside him started to go crazy while giving him a strange feeling that he was under restriction, but at the same time not. It was a very weird feeling for sure.

"A power that can seal others' Soul Creature while limiting the Guardian's ability? Interesting power. Luckily you have a unique Soul and you have already obtained my Cultivation Art. If not, you would have been in a very dire situation now."

Listening to what Alice said into his ear Greg was surprised and thought, "So Jonathan knew the ability of Shapeless and my cloak, so he used Laura's power to take them out of the game. But who knew Laura had such terrifying power. These siblings are very scary."

The experts on the estrade looked at this sight with dumbfounded expressions, while Eliana said, "Jonathan Clanwing and Laura Clanwing. A boy who can control time, while a girl has the power to seal others' power by physical contact. These two will be terrific characters in the future."

Looking at Kuragari on the side Eliana sighed and said, "I'm sorry, but it seems your student is not as strong as you think. He lost."

Kuragari looked at Greg on the stage and wanted to say something when suddenly he saw Greg's eyes.

Seeing those sharp and determined eyes with the will to fight burning in them visibly, Kuragari laughed and said, "I wouldn't say such a thing so soon!"

Not understanding why Kuragari said that Eliana frowned and opened her out to say something when suddenly the temperature dropped down in the Arena.

"What the..!?"

On the stage, Laura looked incredibly surprised as she noticed that the air around Greg suddenly felt insanely cold.

Knowing that it couldn't mean anything good, Laura wanted to escape, but before she could Greg grabbed her hand and turned around slowly with a wide smile.

"What is the hurry? Didn't you come here to say something?"

Seeing that gentle smile, only one thing appeared in Laura's mind, before the unexpected happened to her.

"I underestimated him."

And just as that sentence appeared in her mind, her whole body froze into an ice sculpture, making everyone in the Arena immediately dumbfounded.

Cloud on the side turned angry in an instant and was about to stop the fight and punish Greg when Laura's frozen body started to melt out from the ice.

When her body was fully out of the ice Greg hit her without a second thought, making her instantly unconscious.

Putting her gently on the floor Greg put his fingers on her neck and a while later he nodded and turning toward Cloud he said, "She is alive, you don't need to worry."

Hearing this Cloud waved his hand and in an instant, Laura appeared in his hands. After checking her pulse and feeling a slight heartbeat, his expression softened in an instant.

With a nod, Cloud looked at Greg and said, "Continue the fight."

Jonathan in the distance saw all of this happening in a few seconds and didn't know what to say. He was just as surprised as anyone else or even more because no one knew Laura's power more than him.

Her Guardian could seal anyone's power and their Soul Creatures after physical contact for a limited time. There was not a single moment since she got her Guardian, where she had a problem to use her ability. Not a single one. 

However, somehow Greg was able to repel this ability. He didn't know how, but he knew for sure that he too underestimated him from the beginning.

With a smile, he looked at Greg's standing figure and said to himself, "It seems I will have a very enjoyable moment."


Somewhere in the colorful space, six different looking creatures were flying with inhuman speed, making the space around their bodies distorted.

The one on the front suddenly stopped moving, which made the other five behind him to halt too and wait for a signal.

Watching as the man with a sword in hand turned his head toward a specific direction, a woman which looked like a fairy with a colorful crown upon her head flew next to the man and asked, "What did you see?"

The man pointed toward where he was looking at and said, "I feel her power rampaging because of something. However, the distance is too far and with our speed, we need at least a few years to arrive there."

Listening to what the man said, a creature with ash black skin and crimson red eyes flew before the man and said in a creepy voice, "If that's the case, let's make a gate for a limited time. If we make one, one of us can go there and take her here."


The devil looked at the creature which looked like a mix between a wolf and a lion, the devil said, "Even he agrees with the idea. So? What do you think?"

The man with the sword looked at the other five creatures one by one and after thinking for a while he nodded.

"Let's do it."

Hearing the answer the devil smiled creepily and said, "Perfect."

After that, the solid creatures made a shape of a pentagon with the devil in the middle.

The man looked at the creature and said with an expressionless face, "Remember you have only 5 minutes. We can't sustain more than that, because the distance is too great. If you don't have an opportunity to bring her back, it's not a problem, but at least try to figure out how far she cultivated her powers."

With a nod, the devil started to chuckle in a creepy tone and said, "Sure. It will be my pleasure."

"Well then... You know what to do."

With that said, the man released his power making the space around his body to be distorted in an instant. The other four creatures followed his act and did the same as him releasing their power one by one.

As their power flowed below the devil, slowly a pitch-black circular-shaped portal started to form making the devil smile in an instant.

"Then I'm off to go!"

And as he said that, the creature touched the darkness, resulting in his body to vanish in an instant.

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