Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: The Blessing

The moment Greg stepped onto the bridge, his body disappeared from the sight of the two men.

Russ seeing this looked at the beasts that were waiting behind their backs quietly and asked, "What do you think Wayne, which one of these spirits will become his blessing?"

The man called Wayne turned his gaze at the hundreds of different looking creatures behind his back and after thinking for a while he said, "If you ask me... I don't really have a clue. That kid is just too strange for me."

"What do you mean?"

Wayne turning his gaze back at Russ started to think for a while and said, "Commonly, the Alpha gives people a blessing that goes for their hidden personality. But f-"

"Yeah, that's why your blessing that you got was a sloth, to begin with. With your lazy and boring personality, it wasn't a surprise at all, haha!"


Feeling Wayne's somewhat angry gaze on his skin, Russ cleared his throat and said, "My bad... Please continue what you wanted to say."

With a small sigh, Wayne shook his head and said, "What I wanted to say is that things are never what it seems to be. That boy... He is nothing that could be called normal."

As Russ heard what Wayne said wanted to say something, but suddenly the earth started to shake like crazy.


The power of the trembling was so great that Russ thought the ground below his feet was about to split in two.

Even the beasts and creatures behind him started to run away one by one like they were scared because of something.

"What is happening here?", asked Russ confusedly from Wayne, while he looked at the escaping creatures in the distance.

Not understanding the situation too, Wayne just stayed quiet and turned his gaze at the bridge, but the moment he did his eyes got round in an instant.

"What... The hell?"

Russ hearing Wayne's voice turned his head toward the bridge but just like Wayne, his eyes widened instantly by pure shock.


What appeared before the two was something that didn't make any sense at all.

From below the bridge, the water level started to grow rapidly while from below the lake's surface an enormous head started to emerge.

Only the head itself was almost as big as half of the lake, while on it, thousands of eyes were looking here and there from time to time.

Each eye had a different pattern and color making the sight even more disturbing than ever. Only just looking at them made one feel an insane amount of suffocation.

As the two looked at the creature before them, the beast slowly turned its thousands of eyes toward the bridge and suddenly with white light, it vanished.

"Did... Did that thing...", Russ wanted to say something, but before he could have finished his sentence, suddenly the air around the bridge started to vibrate and Greg appeared on the other side.

"Woow! That was scary!", said Greg the moment he noticed as he finally appeared back where he came from and sighed up with relief.

Russ and Wayne looked at each other after seeing Greg's carefree attitude and both of them caught a glimpse of shock in the other's eye. 

A small while Russ just simply cleared his throat and after starting to walk toward Greg he said to Wayne, "Let's go and ask him what his blessing was. I can't wait to find out."

Wayne was also curious about what could have happened a moment ago, so after a tiny nod, he started to follow Russ from behind.

Greg feeling the two men's presence behind his back turned around and with a wide smile he said, "I got the blessing you talked about."

"Perfect, absolutely amazing. So? Can you show us what you got?", asked Russ with curiosity.

However, Greg as an answer just simply shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't."


Seeing their frown, Greg waved his hand around and said hurriedly, "It's not like I don't want to, but I really can't."

"What should that mean? A blessing comes from the spirit that the Alpha gives you and you can also watch it on your device. Blessings are also called there Heritage, with them, you can obtain a unique power similar to those of a Soul Creature."

"Yes, I somehow figured it out but as I said I still can't use it. Ah, nevermind I will just show it to you what I mean."

After he raised his hand before Russ and Wayne, Greg turned on the device on his wrist making a sentence to pop up before the two men.

'Heritage Successfully Obtained'

{Heritage: Thousand Sight} (Unusable)


Russ and Wayne after reading the sentence on the screen didn't know what to say. They never saw something that stated a person can't use the Alpha's blessing. For them, it was the first ever thing they saw.

"It says unusable, but as to why I don't have a clue. I feel that it is in my consciousness, but because of something I can't command it to use."

Wayne hearing this crossed his arms before his chest and after thinking for a while he said to Russ, "There are only two possibilities that I can think of at the moment. One, you are not strong enough to control the Heritage, but that would be ridiculous because the Alpha wouldn't give you a blessing that goes beyond your limit."

"Alpha? Do you mean that gigantic creature I saw back there? Is it called Alpha?", asked Greg with curiosity from Wayne.

"Well the creature is called the Alpha of the Mystical Beasts, but we prefer to call it just simply the Alpha."

Greg nodded after hearing what Wayne said and asked, "And what is the other possibility?"

Wayne after looking at Greg he just shook his head slightly and said, "The second thing I can think of is that the spirit that the Alpha gave you as a blessing is completely unsuitable for your body."

"Unsuitable? How?"

"As I said, blessings come from the spirit that the Alpha gives you. The moment you get the blessing, the spirit's power will become yours and it will be called the Heritage. I mentioned that they are similar to those of a Soul Creature, but there is a slight difference."

"And what is that?", asked Greg with burning interest as he saw that Wayne stopped talking for a moment.

Seeing Greg's burning gaze, Wayne started to explain, "While Soul Creatures are independent of your body, meaning that if the creature somehow dies under a fight then you lose their ability until then the Heritage will be fully a part of your body."

Russ nodded in agreement and said, "For example your fairy. If somehow that little creature dies under a battle, you will lose every ability that was in connection with her."

"However Heritage works totally different. They blend with your body making you to use it just like your Guardian's power. You can also make it stronger with different methods."

"So with Heritage, it's like I have dual Guardians? That's kind of like a cheat no?", asked Greg with a frown.

However, Wayne just shook his head as a no at his answer and said, "Not wholly. While you can use your Guardian's power for unlimited times until then the Heritage is only usable under special conditions. For example, my Heritage is about laziness and sleepiness. Maybe it sounds funny, but with it, if someone tries to put me under a sleeping spell, I can't fall asleep, but instead, I get a sudden adrenaline rush, making me super hyperactive. It's can become quite useful, it saved my life several times."

Understanding now what made this blessing so special, Greg nodded and after looking at the 'unusable' signal on his device he asked, "So what should I do with this then?"josei

Russ and Wayne hearing the question started to think hard, but no matter what method they tried to think of there was none.

"Well, as time goes on we will definitely figure it out, so let's just relax and let's do what we have come for.", said Russ after shaking his head helplessly and started to walk toward the house in the distance.

Wayne nodded in approval and said, "Yes, we will definitely figure it out, so don't worry. There is nothing in this world that has no solution and this is not an exception too. Time will solve everything."

Patting Greg on the shoulder Wayne started to follow Russ from behind leaving Greg alone on the wooden bridge.

Watching as the two men walked slowly toward the house in the distance, Greg looked in the opposite direction, but seeing that there was nothing, he just shook his head and said quietly, "It's not like I have a single clue which direction I should go to escape this place, so for the time being let's go with the flow."

With a slight smile, he turned around and after dusting his clothes off he began to follow Russ and Wayne from behind at a steady pace...

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