Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: A Request

Under the blood red moon's light, Wayne and Russ were standing before an insanely huge dimensional zone with an orange glow.

"Are you sure about it that this will be the one that we are looking for?", asked Russ with a squinted eye as he looked at the entrance of the dimensional zone.

"It must be. If I'm right, one of the six key should be inside this zone. However as to how we will obtain it, I don't have a single clue.", answered Wayne with a slight nod.

"Perfect.", said Russ and without any following words, he entered the zone with Wayne on his side.


Back inside the wooden house, Greg was standing in the middle of the room, while his hand was raised high above his head with Shapless in his arm in a sword form.

Seconds after a seconds ticked by, and suddenly Greg took in a deep breath and was about to slash, but just as he started to move, he let go of Shapless and start to held his chest.

"Arghh... Hol... Argh... Damn!" 

Clenching his teeth while holding his chest in pain, Greg started to straighten his back and exhaled slowly.

After exhaling for a 10 second, he inhaled for another time, and said, "That... was not pleasant at all."

Feeling the pain still inside his body just even after minutes used the technique, Greg frowned slightly and after picking up Shapeless from the ground, he sat down.

Looking at the description in the book, Greg scratched his head and said, "I did everything that it told me to do, but even like this, it feels like my whole body would break from the inside. I thought my lungs would explode if I try to use the skill even for a second more." 

"This technique is much more intriguing than I have thought.", said Alice and with a sudden flash, she appeared before Greg.

Just like before, her body was shining with white light, but this time next to her two legs, her left arm was also visible. 

"Do it again. I want to see something.", said Alice as she looked at Greg with her shining body.

With a nod Greg stood up and took on the posture he was in a while ago and after breathing in a huge amount of air, he slashed. However what happened the next moment was exactly the same that has occurred before a while ago.

"Arghh... Still not good enough..."

While Greg was suffering from the intense pain in his chest, Alice put her hand on her shiny chin and said quietly, "It seems this technique is really something else. Even with your refined body, it is hard for you to use it."

"Am I doing something wrong?", asked Greg with a frown as he looked at the book once again.

"You are doing everything well. You just need to practice it from time to time. As I saw it, this time you was able to slash for a millisecond more than the last time."

Hearing this, Greg looked surprised and asked, "Really? I didn't feel it at all."


Listening to this Greg smiled and after standing up in an instant, he started to practice the technique again.

One attempt after another, Greg went through in a hell of a pain, but even like this, just like Alice said, he was able to slash a bit more after every try. Even the pain lessened a bit as time went by, making Greg know that he was on the right path.

After hours of practicing, Greg could finally do one slash. But because of the pain and the immense pressure that he was feeling in his lungs and throughout his body while doing the motion, it was too slow for using it in a real battle.

"Well... At least I can do the skill."

As he thought about this and was about to continue practicing, suddenly the air threads started to move like crazy from the staircase's direction.

"Alice, someone is coming."

Knowing what Greg wanted, Alice stood up from the couch and disappeared into the Soul Stone with a flash of white light in an instant.

And just as she did that, Russ's head popped up from the first floor, and looked around. The moment he saw Greg he climbed up to the second floor and said, "It seems you are still practicing even though you are in here. Amazing."

Walking closer Greg, Russ suddenly stopped moving and with a frown asked, "Why do I feel another presence here even though you are the only one here?"

Hearing this Greg was instantly stunned, but with an expressionless face, he said, "I don't know. I am the only one here. Maybe you felt my pet's presence"

As he said that Greg pointed toward the top of the couch where the little fairy was soundlessly sleeping.


Looking at the fairy, Russ stayed silent for a while, but after a second he just shrugged and said, "Nevermind. Anyway, the reason I came is that I need your help."

"My... Help? In what?", asked Greg with surprise as he looked at Russ.

"It is too complicated to explain it right now, but I will tell everything, so, please."

Seeing Russ's honest expression Greg scratched his neck and with a sigh, he said, "Sure. How can I help?"

With a satisfied smile, Russ patted Greg on the shoulder and said, "Just wait and you will see it."

With that instant, Greg felt a strange power enveloping both of their and the little fairy's bodies, and under a second all three of them got teleported into another place.

"Where... What the?"

The moment he saw where they were Greg didn't understand what was going on, but the instant he saw the massive dimensional zone before him, his eyes widened extra wide.

"Why are we here?", asked Greg as he looked at Russ walking toward the zone.

"Just follow me and you will see it."

Not understanding why Russ was acting this way, Greg frowned slightly, but still, he followed him inside without any further questions.

However, the moment both of their figures disappeared into a zone, a man with a missing arm appeared in the woods with another man with a pair of daggers on his waist on his side.

"Are you sure about what you said? Is it him?", asked the man with the pair of daggers.

"Yes, Sir. He is our target, but because we couldn't approach the place he was in, we couldn't do anything but track them all this time. Luckily he decided to come out, so this is our best chance."

"I see.", said the man and after walking toward the zone he said, "You stay here and call the remaining of the team here. I will take care of the rest in there."

"Understood!", answered the half armed man with a slight bit and vanished into the woods in an instant.

While unknown of the approaching danger behind their backs, Greg and Russ was walking in the middle of a vast desert filled with destroyed buildings.

As the two of them walked slowly toward a specific direction, Russ saw that Greg was on high alert so he started to talk.

"You don't need to worry about creatures, Wayne and I have already killed all of them."

"Where is Wayne?", asked Greg as he looked at his surroundings.

Instead of answering Russ smiled and pointed before him and said, "There."

Looking toward where Russ was pointing, Greg saw as Wayne was sitting on a rock, while behind him, a huge temple with a closed door could be seen.

Feeling their approaching aura Wayne stood up and waved at them.

"I thought you two will never come back. I almost fell asleep.", said Wayne as he looked at Russ and Greg.

"Sorry, sorry.", said Russ with a wry smile and continued, "Anyway I brought him, so we can proceed on."

"Perfect.", said Wayne and after looking at Greg he pointed at the door and said, "We need your help to open this door."josei

"How? If you couldn't open it, how should I be able to do it?", asked Greg with surprise as he looked at the massive door.

With a smile, Russ walked before the door and pointed at a sentence in the middle of the entrance. The words were written with letters that Greg didn't understand, so the only thing he could do was frowning.

Seeing his confusion Russ said, "These letters are from ancient times. We knew about them because almost all the creatures out there use these words. It says The Element Of Passion."

"Yes, and we all know for which element that refers to. The element of fire and out of all of us you are the only one who can wield fire, so that is why we brought you here."

Hearing this Greg now understood why Russ brought him here and asked, "And how should I use my power? I shouldn't just blast my fire onto the entrance now should I?"

Russ shook his head and after he pointed toward the left and right side of the door, he said, "No. You need to aim for those gaps on the sides and if I'm right, the door will automatically open."

Looking at where Russ was pointing at, Greg nodded slightly and after walking forward a few steps, he raised his hand and activated his Second Flow.

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