Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Russ's power

"Amazing! I have never thought it would really exist. One of the six temples, The Temple Of Passion!"

As the man was looking at the interior of the temple, Russ squinted his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

Hearing that someone was talking to him, the man stopped looking around and turned his face toward Russ, and smiled.

"I don't really have a name, but you can call me Albert."

"Why are you here? Don't you know you are currently inside a dangerous zone?", asked Russ another question as he tried to figure out what that man's powers could be.

However, for this question, the man called Albert just smiled even more and said, "Dangerous zone? This low ranked dimensional zone? Hah! Please... Don't make me laugh."

The moment he said this, the man's body started to change shape slowly and in a few seconds, his whole appearance changed.

While his muscles grew in size, his height decreased, and from his entire body, black smoke started to leak slowly, covering his face and figure in an instant.

Watching the sudden changes Wayne's and Russ's expression froze up in an instant.

"Not good at all! He completed the Evolution Step. He is using his Soul Body!"

"What is a Soul Body?", asked Greg with confusion as he looked at Albert's somehow scary appearance.

"You remember when I said after completing the Evolution Step, the Guardian and the Owner will merge together yeah?", asked Russ calmly without taking his eyes off from Albert.


"Well, as I said, after completing the Evolution Step, the Guardian's power will be fully yours, while the soul that dwelled inside the Soul Stone, will merge with your body. The result of that is what we call a Soul Body. With the activation of the Soul Body, you will be able to use your powers with much better efficiency, but only for a limited time."

Listening to Russ's explanation, Albert started to chuckle creepily, and said, "That is true indeed. However, I, who came from a greater race, have no such thing as a limit. I and my race are not like you pitiful humans. We are on a totally different level!"

As Albert said this, he was about to use his powers to attack the three, but suddenly Russ's calm expression appeared inches away from his face.

"Maybe you don't, but this is the reason why you don't know what greater power really means.", said Russ calmly and waved his hand powerfully toward Albert's face.




Following a loud slap, Albert's body got blasted onto the temple's wall on the side, making the whole building to shake like crazy.

Greg watched this scene with wide-open eyes, not believing just what happened in under a mere second.

"What the... How was he that fast? And that strength..."

Wayne hearing Greg's surprised voice nodded and said, "Maybe he looks lazy and careless sometimes, but when things are turning to the worst, he is the only one who you can trust the most. With his teleportation ability, he can save hundreds of lifes in under seconds. And he still didn't use his Soul Body."

Listening to this, Greg stayed silent and looked at Russ in the distance.

"So it was teleportation... Not even with my First Flow could I detect him. He is just simply too powerful.", thought Greg with awe.

While Greg was looking at Russ with amazement, suddenly Albert stood up from the debris in the distance and tilted his head to the side.


With a cracking sounds came from his body, Albert massaged his neck and said, "That was truly surprising. Never in my dream would have imagined that someone from the humans could reach such height, without using their Soul Body."

"Thank you very much for the compliment.", said Russ with a smile.

Seeing that smile, Albert smiled also, and said, "I hope you will be this cocky when I cut you up to thousands of pieces."

The moment he said this, Greg saw as the air threads on Russ's left side started to move like crazy, so without hesitation, he shouted.

"Watch out! On your left!"

Russ hearing this looked surprised, but even like that he jumped to the side without hesitation.

And just a millisecond later he did that...


With a black flash, Albert's figure appeared where Russ stood a moment ago while holding a feet long dagger in both of his hands.

Seeing that he missed his target, Albert chuckled slightly and turned toward Greg.

"A kid on the Creator rank, yet he can detect my movement. How fascinating."

Watching as the air threads before he started to move like crazy, Greg wanted to use his First Flow to boost his speed, but it was too late.

In an instant, Albert's figure emerged before him from thin air and slashed at his neck with his dagger.

"I'm dead!", thought Greg, but just as the dagger was about to touch his skin, suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder and in the next second, he found himself a few meters away from Albert.


"A miss again?"

Albert looked to the side where Russ was holding Greg by the shoulder and pointed toward them.

"You! Kid. Why are you with those two? Can't you see they just want to use you for their good?"josei

Just as Greg wanted to answer, suddenly Russ stepped before him and said, "What you are saying is total bullish*t and also he has nothing to do with you, so just tell me what you are doing here or just get lost."

Strengthening his back, Albert chuckled and said, "Oh? You seem even arrogant just because you luckily avoided my attack."

Bending his knees and leaning forward, Alberts smiled and said, "But don't worry. My next attack won't miss."

The moment he said that Greg saw as the air threads all around him started to move like crazy, without a single gap for escape, widened his eyes.


Russ felt the danger too and was about to teleport away with Greg when suddenly Wayne's figure appeared before the two and waved his hand.

"Basilisk's Breath"

In an instant, a huge purple fog arose from Wayne's arm covering them from all directions in an instant.

However, even like this, Albert just smiled calmly and said, "What is that? Some kind of toxic cloud? How futile!"


With a sudden burst, Albert's body exploded through the purple mist and appeared right before Wayne's face and said happily, "You were an idiot trying to use such ability before me!"

"Are you sure about that?", said Wayne calmly, without the slightest sign of panic.




Just as the dagger was about to cut Wayne's head off from its place, suddenly Albert's hand started to petrify, making his super-fast move halt in an instant.

"First rule in a fight. Never underestimate the enemy."



With a single wave of his hand, Wayne cut off Albert's petrified arm without the slightest hesitation.

Feeling the pain, Albert clenched his teeth and with a loud shout, he slashed toward Wayne with his other arm.

"You piece of s-, huh?"


Not knowing when, but suddenly Albert's other hand petrified, and just like before Wayne cut it off without a problem.


Seeing as both of his hands now turned to dust, Albert looked incredibly angry, but before he could say anything Russ's voice sounded from behind.

"When will you end up being a child and show your true self? Your pitiful clone won't fool us."


Greg looked up at Russ not understanding what he was talking about, but suddenly Albert's angry expression softened, and smiled.

"So you knew it from the beginning? Haha! How interesting!"

Just as he said that Albert's body suddenly started to be engulfed by black smoke, making his figure to vanish under a few seconds, and in the entrance of the temple, a figure emerged.

"It's not a coincidence, that you were able to reach the Evolution Step. Not only your powers are unexpectedly strong, but even your intelligence and sight are pretty good too."

While Albert was walking closer and closer to the three, Russ smiled and said, "It wasn't hard to figure it out."

Hearing this Albert frowned and asked, "What do you mean it wasn't hard? Until now there was not even one person who could figure out this trick of mine."

"Really? Then they were quite real I guess.", said Russ and pointed at Albert's face.

"On your face. When I hit you I put a mark on your cheek. I don't know when, but the moment you used your clone I instantly knew it wasn't the real you. It's a simple, yet great trick."

Touching his cheek, Albert felt that a strange power was stuck onto his skin, however, it was so weak that if Russ didn't say it, he wouldn't have noticed it until now.

"Interesting.", said Albert with a smile, but the next second his expression froze, and said, "But unfortunately you made your biggest mistake."

"And what should that be?", asked with a slight frown.

Raising his dagger, Albert looked at the sharp edges of the weapon and said calmly, "What I hate the most is..."

Looking up at Russ slowly, suddenly Albert's expression turned ice-cold, making the temperature to drop down a few degrees in an instant.

"That someone tries to mark me as their target."


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