Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Silk Spider Egg



"It seems it is working.", said Greg with a slight smile as he watched the slime on his body slowly turn solid and form small cracks one after another.

Russ seeing as Greg figured out how he can get off that strange slime from his body, nodded and said, "Great job. I call that thing simply just a Glue Ball. Not so creative I know, but it is entirely enough to tell you what it can do."

While Russ talked, the slime on Greg finally froze completely, and a small while later, it fell to the ground one by one in small pieces.

"It is quite effective against people or creatures who are depending entirely on their physical strength. The more they move or they use heat to take it off from them, the more it will be stuck on them and cover their bodies. The only way to make it vanish is to freeze it totally solid. There is no other way."

While listening to this, Greg finally made the slime to disappear from his skin, and after he could move freely again, and asked, "How can I make such a thing?"

"It's easy. You need two things for it. One is a small object that will be used as the object you throw or fire at the enemy. The other one is quite easy to obtain. Especially in the Forbidden Lands."

With a tap on Greg's shoulder, Russ waved his hand and appeared right before a cave's entrance. Pointing toward the edge, Russ smiled and asked, "Can you see them?"

Squinting his eyes, Greg concentrated on the spot where Russ was pointing, and a second later he saw several small, sponge-like eggs placed deep in the earth's crack.

"What are those? They seem like some kind of eggs for me.", said Greg with a slight frown.

Stepping closer to those eggs, Russ grabbed a few and said, "These are the eggs of a Silk Spider. It is only a 3rd rank creature, which hates the sun, but somehow they always try to mutate by placing their eggs under the light."

Walking back to Greg, Russ took out a small orb that was made out of thin glass and after carving a small hole on it he threw the eggs into it.

After he did this, he crouched down and tore down a small grass from the ground and put it into the hole, closing the gap with it.

Seeing this Greg was kinda confused, but before he could ask something, Russ said, "Silk Spider eggs become very sensitive if they don't get fresh air all the time. After a few minutes, the surface of the egg will start to crack, and if it collides with this glass's surface on the inside... Bam! It explodes."

Imitating the explosion with both of his hands, Russ smiled, but the moment he saw Greg's frown he stopped and asked, "And how is it associated with Pharmacy, if I may ask?"


The moment he heard this unexpected question, Russ put down his hand and said seriously, "Maybe you think Pharmacy is all about making different kinds of potions by mixing together a few unique materials to boost yours or other's power, but you are wrong."

Pointing at the glass orb, Russ smiled and said, "For me, Pharmacy is all about finding new materials and creating new things from them that I have never thought about in the past. But if it is not enough to convince you, then watch."

As he said this, Russ turned around and took down another egg from the stone's surface.

Greg watching this wanted to ask what he wanted to do with that, but suddenly Russ took out his bone knife and cut his other hand powerfully, creating a deep wound on his palm.


"What the?", asked Greg with surprise as he watched Russ's palm bleed like crazy and was about to run forward to help him, but before he could, Russ put the egg on the wound and started to rub it.

To Greg's surprise, the bleeding started to slow down, while above the wound a small layer of silk started to form.

"As you can see, Silk Spider eggs, are quite useful for stopping bleeding. You can even stop fatal bleeding for a limited time, so using this is definitely helpful. It could determine if you live or die."

"So it's like an upgraded bandage. I see.", said Greg as he looked at Russ's palm.


"Well... Nevermind. At least now you know how to make this. Well, then... Up to the next lesson."josei

Hearing this, Greg's eyes brightened, and asked, "Will it be a potion this time?"

"Well, something similar to that."

"What type?", asked Greg curiously and continued to think, "I hope it will be just as cool as the healing potion. Maybe I don't need potions which can boost my powers, but if I can learn to make some, I can teach them to Joe and the others."

"I will teach you how to create different kinds of poisons."




Inside a pitch black cave, Kuragari just cut a three meters high monster into two, like it was nothing.

As he picked up the energy crystal that the creature left behind, Kuragari lit up one cigarette and said quietly, "And this makes number 9464. I killed quite a few in the past month, haven't I?"

While blowing out the smoke into the air, suddenly Kuragari noticed something on the side, so he turned his head toward there.


Walking closer to see what it was, Kuragari put his hand on the cave's wall and cleaned off the dust on it.

"What are these?"

What Kuragari was watching at the moment, were different looking symbols, that we're deeply carved into the cave's stone surface.

Wiping off the dust on the wall's other parts and seeing more and more symbols, Kuragari's frown deepened a level more in an instant.

"I have never seen symbols like these in the past. What could they mean?"

As he was slowly extending his hand toward the symbols to touch them, suddenly the symbols lit up with colorful light, making Kuragari to jump back a few meters instantly.


While Kuragari watched as the characters on the wall lit up the whole cave with colorful glint, suddenly the ground shook like crazy and a linear crack started to form slowly below Kuragari's feet.

Noticing the sudden changes, Kuragari jumped away into a safer place and from far away he watched the changes that took place with a slight frown.



The moment the crack reached five meters in length, suddenly the ground started to move toward each side, presenting a wide staircase down to the unknown.

Walking closer to the staircase, Kuragari noticed that each staircase was made out of unknown material, while each of them had several carvings on them.

But the most sightly aspect of them that Kuragari noticed was that even though he didn't know what they meant, somehow he felt like he understood each symbol clearly.

Unfortunately, it was only a feeling, so no matter how hard he tried he couldn't understand them.

"What could be down there?", asked Kuragari and after checking his surroundings that he was really all alone, he looked back at the staircase and said, "Well, let's find it out."

With that in mind, Kuragari summoned a pitch black katana into his left hand, and after throwing the cigarette away he took in a deep breath and started to walk down slowly.

One step after another, Kuragari descended with insane care fullness, ready to defend himself against any unexpected trap or enemy.

However to his surprise, nothing like that happened, but instead, the more he went down, the more symbols appeared on the stairs, while the already huge space around him started to widen too.

Knowing that he was approaching the end of these stairs, Kuragari tightened his grip around the hilt of his katana and quickened his pace.

After walking for around 10 minutes at a normal pace, Kuragari finally stepped down from the last stair, but the moment he saw what was before and around him, his jaw slacked.

"What is the true world..."

What waited for him was an insanely huge hall, which had several pillars made out of unknown material. They somehow looked like jade, but from their surface, they seemed much more solid than that.

Before each pillar, a statue could be seen, which represented different looking and types of creatures. But even though they had nothing similar in their appearance, they had something in common, if one looked at them.

Every statue was facing an insanely enormous door at the end of the hall with a kneeling posture, while all of their faces were lowered, not knowing if it was due to respect or simple fear.

Amazed by this breathtaking sight, Kuragari walked closer to the door to inspect it, but suddenly he noticed something on it.

The door was made out of from the same material that those statues and pillars were, but with the only difference that the color of the door was divided into six parts and their ends met at the middle inside a colorful sphere.

Red like a phoenix, blue as the ocean, white as the clearest paper, dark like the deepest abyss, yellow like the sun, and green just like the most beautiful meadow.

On each color, different scenery could be seen carved, each showing a different view.

However the most interesting part was the sphere in the middle where the colors were mixed together. On it, six small holes could be seen next to each other, which were creating a circular lock.

"What the hell is this place?"

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