Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Unexpected Incident

"Then let's go with this plan."

With that in mind, Greg summoned his fairy and gave her the small potion.

"Here. Hold it and when I say it, open the lid and pour the liquid into my mouth. Got it?", asked Greg as he gave the Intermediate Healing Potion to his pet.

The little fairy while taking over the small potion, looked at the strange liquid and a while later she nodded.


"Perfect.", said Greg and without further hesitation, he turned back toward the crater and raised his hand.

Instantly, Shapeless appeared in his hand in the shape of a thin, but long sword.

As he was looking at the motionless creature deep down in the hole, Greg thought calmly, "That thing is too massive. Will my golden flames cut through it?"

Thinking about the possibility of failure, suddenly Greg shrugged and said quietly, "Well, I did kill someone who completed an Evolution Step, so a mere creature like that shouldn't pose a problem... Right?"

What Greg thought was half true and half false. It was true because those who completed the Evolution Step, obtain a somewhat stronger body than any other below the God rank, but it was false because, in the end, they were still human made out of flesh. And let's not talk about the fact that his power back then was boosted by the strange phenomenon, which is obviously is missing right now.

That creature's body compared to Albert's body was like comparing the diamond to metal. Hitting both of them with a bare hand or a weapon was extremely sturdy, but no matter what, in the end, the diamond will be the one that wins.

So even though Albert has finished the Evolution Step and obtained a stronger body, in the end, he wasn't a specialist in the body field, but instead, he was much closer to the agility field.

However, this creature before Greg was something else. Even though it was only just on the Calamity rank, because it was in the earth system and also it specialized in body protection it was a bit harder to injure than Albert.

With this in mind, Greg loosened his grip on Shapless and said, "From this distance, I won't be able to kill it. I need to go closer."

And just as he said this, with the fairy on top of his shoulder, his whole body sunk into his shadow and appeared at the bottom of the crater.

Because emerging from the shadow made no sound, Greg knew he was safe and could make his move easily, so without hesitation he raised Shapeless and activated his Second Flow with Shapeless's Home Of Attributes power.


With a loud explosion, Shapeless in the form of a sword was set on golden flames, making the creature to wake up instantly.

Seeing Greg and his golden flames, the creature turned insanely angry, and with a powerful hit with its arms on the ground, it started to stand up.


Watching as the colossal body reached over a few hundred meters and it wasn't stopping, Greg clenched his teeth and after tightening his grip on the weapon he took in a deep breath.


With purplish veins visible all over his body, Greg swung Shapeless toward the monster powerfully, instantly creating a crazy earthquake following a huge fire blade.

The earth creature seeing this knew that it was in a dire situation, so without hesitation, it put its massive arms before its body and readied itself for the impact.


Watching as his attack made an explosion that reached even the sky high above, Greg was quite surprised.

"This technique is really something else.", thought Greg, but the next second his eyes widened instantly.

It was because the moment the dust flew away and he could finally see what happened with the creature, he saw that except for one arm that wasn't fully served, the monster was breathing and acting just as fine as before.

"Are yo... Argh!"

Just before he could react at that sight, suddenly Greg kneeled down and clenched his chest, trying to get a bit of an oxygen, because right at the moment he couldn't because of the intense pain he was feeling in his lungs.

Turning his head to the side, Greg raised his hand toward the fairy, indicating that he needed the potion right now.

The little fairy knowing what she should do nodded and flew closer to Greg, but just as she was about to give him the potion, suddenly her hands slipped, making the potion to fall to the ground and roll closer to the creature in the distance.


Watching as the healing potion stopped only a few meters away from the creature, Greg turned his gaze to the fairy, without saying a single word.

The fairy slowly drifted her head toward Greg, but the moment she saw Greg's ice cold expression, she could only smile wryly.



With a crazy earth shake, the creature straightened its colossal body and with an angry look, it started to move toward Greg.

Watching as the creature moved slowly, and didn't move as fast as those giants he saw in the past, Greg sighed slightly with relief and struggled to get up onto his feet.

"I need to get that p-"




However just before he could finish his thought, the moment the creature put down its enormous foot and made the whole crater shook like crazy, suddenly several sharp earth pillars broke out from the ground and flew toward Greg with an insane speed.

"Not good!", said Greg and without hesitation, he used his earth element.

Instantly, the moment the fourth cycle in his body solidified, Greg put his palm onto the ground and made a huge earth wall before him.



Seeing as the wall protected him from this one attack but it was full of crack, Greg knew it would not sustain another hit.

"I need that potion!", thought Greg hurriedly and was about to switch to his darkness element to grab it through the shadows, when suddenly he noticed as the creature's feet was about to step on it.

"Oh no!"

Greg knew that the bottle had insane durability, but that didn't mean it could stay unbreakable under that creature's weight. It had over a thousand tons in weight that was for sure!

And because he needed a bit of time to use his darkness element plus to create a connection between the shadows to make him able to take the potion away, Greg instantly knew he couldn't do that.

"Then there is only one thing I can use.", said Greg and without hesitation, he acted.

Suddenly the solidified fourth cycle in his body changed. It started to shine with a blinding white light, making Greg's whole body to be covered with the same light too.


With a sudden acceleration, Greg's body burst forward, leaving only a huge pit where kneeled a moment ago.


Under a single second, Greg appeared next to the potion, and with a fast but swift move, he grabbed the bottle and continued to run forward.


Jusst as his figure passed through there, the creature's leg exploded onto the ground, making the whole place to shake like crazy, while creating a huge crater in the ground.

But for some reason Greg totally ignored the fact that he could have died there and instead he was shocked by something even greater.


He was totally surprised by the light element's speed. Right now, it was not any slower than his wind element acceleration ability.

"It wasn't like this in the past at all!", thought Greg, but the moment he felt as the pain in his body started to grow, he didn't hesitate any further and opened the bottle's lid.



One swallow after another, under a few seconds Greg drank all the liquid inside the bottle.

"Ahhh! Much better!", said Greg with pleasure as he felt the pain inside his body dissipate instantly.

Raising his head at the creature, Greg watched the creature turning its massive body around and started to walk toward him again.

"He is much slower than I expect-, huh?", started to say Greg, but before he could finish his sentence, suddenly he noticed a flash from his flash, so he tilted his head backward.


"What the...", said Greg with a slightly raised eyebrow as he watched a small stone pass by just a few inches away from his eye with a fast speed and explode onto the huge rock in the distance, turning it into nothing more but debris.

Turning his head where the stone came from, Greg noticed as small gaps representing cannons started to form on the ground one by one, with small and sharp stones inside them.

"Don't tell me..."

Realizing something, Greg looked around.

"Just as I thought."

Everywhere he looked what he could see were small gaps with those stones in them.

"This whole pit is his Core Territory! I should have thought about this!"josei

And just as he said those words, the hundreds of cannons all around him turned toward his direction and started to fire at him without mercy.





One sharp stone after another flew toward him, but luckily, they couldn't injure him at all.

With the power of the First Flow that created the vortexes around his body, Greg could easily dodge the attacks, no matter how fast they came at him.

While evading the attacks of the creature, suddenly Greg noticed as the surroundings around him started to turn darker, so as a result, he looked up.

But the moment he did, his eyes widened. What appeared only an inch away from his face was the earth creature's remaining hand, ready to smash him with a single punch.



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