Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: The Secret Passage

[Around 30 minutes ago]

Greg and Joe were slowly walking inside the maze while being careful not to meet with that creature again.

Greg was eagerly watching the air threads around him, ready to run at any moment if they started to move.

While they were walking, Greg glanced at Joe for a moment and asked, "I know it's a bit sudden, but you didn't tell me why you came into the Forbidden Lands. Was there any reason to it?"

Hearing the unexpected question, Joe knew sooner or later Greg would ask it, so he sighed and started to talk.

He told Greg the real reason why he came, which was because of his father's selfish request. Naturally, he would have come to find Greg on his own and help him, but because of his father, this act became not volunteers, but a mission.

When Greg heard that Joe's father wanted him back even though knowing what kind of situation he was currently in, became instantly shocked.

And what was even more irritating, that he didn't want him back to check if he was right, but because of his mask he obtained in the Dual Dimensional Zone.

The moment Greg thought about the mask, suddenly he frowned and thought, "Now that I think about it, now I can use it no? I got several times stronger and also those creatures still find their way to find me, so it would be only a waste not to use it."

"That is true, but don't forget that they are only cannon fodder. Even they are able to slaughter half of humanity with their power.", said suddenly Alice in Greg's head calmly.

When Greg heard Alice's voice he sighed and asked, "Creature's on the God rank are only cannon fodder? How funny..."

"Well, when you reach the Evolution Step, you will understand it. Even those two don't really get it just how weak they are."

The moment Greg heard this, he instantly realized that Alize was talking about Russ and Wayne, which made him smile wryly.

After a second later Greg became serious again and looked at Joe.

"So, what is your plan? Even though your father let me in the Dia Family, you know that if I go with you, I will only bring harm. Especially if others find out that I have the power to obtain the keys to that place."

Joe nodded hearing this and said, "I know and to tell the truth I would rather say to you that don't come back, but I don't really have a choice."

"Why? I think you are old enough to choose what you want to do.", said Greg as he raised slightly his eyebrow.

However, Joe just shook his head and said, "This is not that simple. Maybe you don't know, but the Dia Family has started to obtain bigger influence in the Federation and among the five Great Families."

When Greg heard this his face turned to surprise. He clearly knew that in the Federation there were 5 Families who had huge power and control just like the Soul Association.

The Alchemist Family on the north, who was specializing in creating potions and different kinds of herbs and medicines.

The Scepter Family and the Dia Family on the east, from which the former had a bigger influence in the eastern region, while the latter was only better in connection with the Soul Association.

On the south, the Voodoo Family was the strongest and it was not a surprise at all. They were the most scariest among the 5 Great Families. Their people had powers that could kill anyone from miles away, just like those devil creatures.

Of course, their power was not as strong, but even like that they were feared by all. And because of this, all families wanted to get on their better side to avoided unnecessary problems.

Lastly the Charon Family on the west. Even though they were not as scary as the Voodoo Family, they were just as strong. Exceptionally powerful.

The Charon Family was the only Family in the whole Federation, which had more manpower and experts than the other four families put together. Also, it had the most influence, almost similar to the Soul Association which was quite frightening.

Luckily they were monitored all the time by the other 4 Families and the Soul Association, so they couldn't become a single entity in the whole Federation. 

Knowing all of this, when Greg heard that among them the Dia family started to get more and more influence and power he was surprised.

"How?", asked Greg curiously.

Joe looked at Greg and wanted to answer, however before he could have done so, suddenly a huge explosion occurred from their rear, making the whole place to start shaking like crazy.



Greg and Joe stopped moving and looked toward the direction from where the explosion happened.

After a small while, the shaking stopped.



Before Joe could have asked again, suddenly Greg signed him to stay quiet, making Joe to stay silent instantly.


Just as the two thought that creature came back again, suddenly what they saw as before them in the passage a black flash passed by with insane speed toward where the explosion happened.

Greg and Joe looked at each other with shock, but instantly they realized something.

"It's going toward the exit?"

Instantly they didn't hesitate and started to run, however, just as they turned to the left to follow it, what they saw was only a wall.

"Are you kidding me? Again?", asked Greg with a bit irritated expression the moment he saw as another wall appeared out of nowhere before them.

Joe looked at the wall too with a frown, but suddenly he noticed something on the side. However, the moment he turned his head toward there, his eyes widened, and said calmly, "Greg look at this!"

Greg hearing Joe's voice glanced where he was pointing with a frown, but the instant he saw what Joe was focusing on, his eyes widened too.

Slowly before him, the massive wall started to turn half-transparent and a passage that was 3 times smaller than the other ones, appeared on the side.

But this wasn't the reason they looked shocked, but because at the end of this path, a breathtaking sight opened up before them.

"So this is the place Jay talked about?", asked Greg with awe as he looked at the hundreds of thousands of energy crystals on top of each other.

While they were standing outside, suddenly the path started to get narrower and narrower slowly, making the two to get surprised instantly.

"Should we go?", asked Joe as he watched the path eas getting narrower an inch with each passing second.

Greg looked at the energy crystals in it, started to think I immediately.

"This place is not only huge, but its routes are changing all the time. If we stay here and continue to find an exit, then we will never reach an end, so the best should be to go inside there."

"Let's go.", said Greg, and instantly his body burst forward with the wind vortexes around his body.

Joe seeing Greg act didn't hesitate either and with lightning particles around his body he busted forward too.

Under a single second, both of them arrived into the hall full of crystals, while behind their back the passage shrunk slowly.

"Aren't you afraid we will get stuck here forever?", asked Joe as he watched the path vanish behind their backs fully.

Looking behind, Greg shook his head and said, "Not at all. This place has been already revealed twice, so I'm quite sure if we don't find an exit here we will be able to safely leave this place sooner or later."

Joe hearing this nodded and turned his gaze forward only to let out a huge sigh.

"Still... This place is extremely huge!"

Greg looked at the millions of energy crystals before him on top of each other, while among them different kinds of weapons could be seen here and there.

"Are these even real?", asked Joe and grabbed the closest energy crystal to him.

However instantly as he did, the crystal melted into his skin, and a few moment later it disappeared only to make Joe's expression to become even more dignified.

"What happened?", asked Greg curiously.

"This... This one... This one was a High-class energy crystal from an Ascender ranked creature..."

"Eh? Are you for real?", asked Greg with shock and grabbed an energy crystal too.

Instantly, it melted into his hand and soon a piece of information appeared inside his head.

'High-class energy crystal consumed'

Feeling the huge amount of energy rushing into his body, Greg knew that it must be an Ascender ranked energy crystal for sure. He has already consumed a few Calamity ranked crystals, so he was very clear just what kind of feeling he should be feel, but this was totally different. It was much better.

"It really is from an Ascender ranked creature!", said Greg with shock and looked at the millions of energy crystal before him with awe.josei

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