Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 184

Chapter 184: Ridiculous Secret

After it turned out that the whole maze has been exploded, the five decided to leave the place as it was.

"I can't believe something this happened.", said Joe as he was deep in thought, trying to figure out what could have happened.

Greg on the side nodded too and started to think.

Everything down there was just way too strange. It was quite obvious that whoever built the place wanted those treasures to be left intact and that is why it made the place look that haunted and disgusted as it was.

"And that is why that the one who built the place put that creature there. Whoever it was, it hoped that no one will approach that place, but even if someone did, they will get killed by the creature."

But, Greg could understand this wholly. Who in their right mind would want others to find their millions of treasures? Naturally, no one, right?

"So the most obvious explanation I can think of that the moment we left the place through the second exit, we started a self-destruction mechanism. But still that..."

As Greg thought about that, suddenly Joe tugged his arm from the side, making Greg to come back to his senses.

Raising his head up, Greg realized that the five arrived back at the lake with the wooden bridge and house, making Greg realize a problem.

"They can't cross that bridge!"

Turning around, Greg inspected the three before him, and in the end, glanced at Emma.

"She is still on the Creator rank, so she can obtain a Heritage, but the other two can't. Jay is on the Gid tank, while Mila is already reached the Calamity rank."

The three saw that Greg was looking at them in silence looked confused, but before they could do anything Greg started to talk.

"Emma, please cross that bridge."


Emma hearing Greg's sudden statement looked surprised, but just as she wanted to nod, Jay on the side squinted his eyes and said, "Kid, do you have any idea what that place is? The aura around that lake is extremely suffocating."josei

"I know.", said Greg with a nod, and a while later he started to explain everything.

After 10 minutes of detailed explanation, Greg looked at Jay and said, "And this is the whole story."

Jay looked quite confused by hearing this, not knowing how to react.

Seeing that he was confused Greg waved his wrist and showed him the Heritage data on his device, while saying, "My Heritage lets me learn things from experts with 100 times faster than normal. While it is powerful it has also harsh requirements too. However, still, it is extremely useful, so that is why I want Emma to obtain one."

After a small while, Greg sighed and said, "If it were me, I would have let all three of you to obtain, but because only those can cross the bridge who is below the Calamity rank... I can only let Emma."

"But Joe still obtained one, so why can't we try too? Maybe that statement that only people below Calamity rank can one cross the bridge is false.", said suddenly Mila from the side calmly.

"That is a definite no.", said Greg with a shake of his head.

"Why?", asked Mila with a frown.

"Because that was an acci-."

"I could obtain the Heritage because one of my powers.", said Joe calmly from the side.


Greg, Jay, Emma, and Mila looked at Joe with a frown not understanding what he did mean under that statement.

"I think you have noticed this already, but I have an ability to surpass ranks.", said Joe as he looked at Greg calmly.

"Yes, that was quite obvious, but still that didn't explain why you... Wait...", started to say Greg calmly, but in the middle of his sentence, he suddenly halted.

"Just what you are thinking. I'm not only able to surpass rank above me, but I can also lower rank too. But there is a slight difference. While I can only surpass the ranks above me for a limited time until then I can start my cultivation from the start from the first rank if I want to without losing my powers. However, I can do that only once."

The moment Greg and the others heard this, they were totally speechless. 

A power that was able to surpass ranks was rare and shocking, but a power that let the owner to restart its cultivation without losing their powers was something way different.

If it was true, then that meant once Joe reached the God rank and obtained all of his powers, he could start from the beginning once again and make his current power twice as strong.

If he succeeds in reaching the God rank for a second time then that will mean he will hold two or three times the power that anyone else on the same rank if not more.

That power was simply a cheat! A ridiculous cheat, which was way too powerful.

"Will you be able to obtain more abilities if you restart or only your current powers will become stronger?", asked Greg curiously as he wanted to know as much as he could.

"That, unfortunately, I don't know.", said Joe with a slight shrug.

Hearing this Greg nodded and glanced at Mila.

"Then now you know that no matter what, you are not allowed to cross that bridge."

The moment Mila heard this she pouted slightly and said quietly, "Sure."

Seeing her like that Greg just smiled and turned his look at Emma.

"Then do you want to obtain your Heritage or no? As I said you don't need to if you are not confident enough in yourself to answer the riddle.", said Greg calmly.

Emma looking at the bridge started to think, but in the end, she nodded and said, "I will. If you two were able to answer it, I will be able to do so too!"

With that said Emma started to walk toward the bridge and the moment her feet stepped onto the wooden surface, the air around her vibrated, and just like Joe and Greg, she vanished into thin air.

Jay next to Greg looked toward the bridge with terrifying calmness, but it was also visible he was a bit anxious about his daughter.

Just like Greg said, if she is not able to answer the riddle of the Alpha, she is dead for sure.

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