Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: A Smooth Fight

As Greg was looking at his Soul Fairy's information, the scenery around him started to change.

A while later, the huge mountain disappeared and what remained was the zone's entrance, which after losing its core started to shrink and a while later it disappeared.

"Finally you are here."

Hearing a voice, Greg turned around and saw as the man was waiting for him, while the others have been long gone back to the Association.

Greg walked to the man and wanted to ask something, but didn't know the man's name, so he stayed quiet in the end.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my apologies. My name is Nicholas Charon, but please call me Nick."

Hearing the Charon name, Greg was shocked. The Charon family was one of the Great Families in the current Federation and their reputation came from their firmness and power. There were no other families, who can rival them in manpower.

Seeing as Greg was flabbergasted after hearing his name, Nick said calmly with a smile, "Don't worry about my name, just think of me like a normal person. Anyway, what is important now that we need to go and report what happened here, so please follow me."

Greg nodded and followed the man toward the vehicle, which was parking not far away from them.


[In the Soul Association, a few hours later]

Emma, Mila, Sam, and Greg after reporting what happened to the Soul Association, went home.

In an office, Nick was looking at his computer's screen watching pieces of information about the four students.

After reading everything about them, he leaned back into his chair, while he started to tap slowly on his desk.

As he was thinking, he started to murmur quietly, "Emma Moore and her older brother Sam Moore. These two are really promising and that lady with her fire powers is also an interesting individual. If they can rank higher, they will definitely be experts in their fields. However him..."

Nick looked at the adats on the screen, which showed Greg's information.

"He is too strange. A black Soul Stone owner with strange powers, which doesn't make any sense at all. And what is more, he trapped a Soul Collecter ranked creature, while he is only an Awakened ranked. It's not normal at all."

After a while, Nick closed the informations on the screen and stood up.

"I think I will watch him for the time being."josei


[PGF day, In the Arena]

On the following day, Greg arrived in the arena and sat down, while he looked around.

"Joe isn't here yet, so I will wait then."

As time went by, more and more students arrived and sat down, waiting for the beginning of the PGF.


Greg turned around after hearing the familiar voice and saw Joe standing behind him with a smile.

"I thought you would never come.", answered Greg with a smile as he let Joe to sit down next to him.

"I hope it wasn't a problem that I left you alone yesterday. I had family business to do."

"No, not a problem at all, but you won't believe what happened after you went away."

After Greg told him the story from yesterday, Joe was shocked and asked, "A mutation occurred and you got a mutant Soul Pet, which can fight alongside you?"

"Yeah, I couldn't believe it too, but it's true. And the watch states that it can rank up twice, so it can even reach the Creator level. It's cool no?"

Joe heard this and just nodded, while saying, "Your luck is really good nowadays."

Greg just smiled as he heard this. As the two were talking, Chris walked in and stood atop the platform.

"Welcome back kids. If everyone is here, then let's start the PGF."

As he said this, people started to challenge each other one after the other.

After the sixth fight, the guy who just won looked up at Greg and Joe with a smile and chuckled eerily.

"Winner: Mark Deitch. Points: 6"

After Chris announced the winner, Mark pointed at Greg and said with a snarl, "I want to fight with Greg Hyde!"

Hearing this, everyone got surprised and started to talk.

"If Greg accepts this, we will see a good fight for sure."

"I don't know. Mark is just too fierce, but Greg has a strange Guardian too. I can't decide who will win."

As everybody was talking, Greg stood up and accepted the challenge. He walked up to the platform and stood at the edge of it, while he looked at Mark, who was also looking at him from the other side with a beast like smile.

As Chris saw that both of the contesters were waiting for the sign, he raised his hand, and with a shout, he started the fight.

In an instant, as the fight started, Mark's body changed into a beast. His skin grew silver fur, his teeth started to grow bigger and his ears changed into a pointy shape. His nails got razor-sharp and his eyes turned blood red.

His appearance represented a werewolf from the legends.


Mark screamed toward the sky and started to run toward Greg with bloodlust in his eyes.

His speed and agility after turning into a werewolf increased a lot and in a second he arrived before Greg and raised his hand full of sharp nails, ready to cut him into pieces.


With a fast downward chop, Mark slashed at Greg. However, to everyone's surprise, Greg just easily jumped to the side, dodging the incoming attack.

Mark seeing as his attack didn't work, turned to the side and jumped toward Greg ready to turn him into pieces of flesh.

However, just like before, Greg dodged to the side easily.

"His attacks are slow. Maybe because I'm on the verge of ranking up is the cause I feel this way?"

Seeing as Greg dodged those fatal attacks like it was nothing, everybody started to talk.

"Is it just me or Greg suppressing Mark without putting up a fight?"

"No, you see it right. Mark couldn't even touch Greg's clothes."

"And I thought a huge fight will break out between the two, but after seeing this...."

Dodging his attacks one after the other, Mark couldn't believe that he can't injure his enemy.

However, as time went by, he started to get exhausted and his appearance begun to change back to his human form.

Seeing as Mark's form started to change back, Greg sighed and with a swift move appeared before Mark and hit him in the face.

As this happened, Mark's body flew a few meters away and fell to the ground. Just as he wanted to stand up, suddenly with a cold flash, a dagger appeared just a few inches away from his neck.

Seeing as Greg made Mark unable to continue his fight, Chris announced the results.

"Winner: Greg Hyde. Points: 9"

Seeing as the fight have already ended people were a bit disappointed.

"I thought this would be much more interesting."

"Yeah I thought I will see an action-packed fight, but this... I'm a bit disappointed."

Hearing what the people talked about, Mark clenched his teeth and walked away ashamed.

As Greg turned around to leave, suddenly a calm voice came from his side.

"I want to challenge you, Greg!"

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