Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 262

Chapter 262: World Peak

Grabbing the surface of the mountain, Greg started to ascend on the rocks slowly.

One foot and arm following his other slowly, he made sure to go up with great carefulness, but still couldn't help to feel a bit anxious.

In the beginning, it was not hard at all, but the more he climbed the deeper the frown became on his face and the more sweat started to appear on his forehead.

Because the restriction in this place worked like he was unable to use any of his powers, he was like a mortal before death's door.

Just making a mistake here could lead him all the way to the other world. If he falls down from such heights, even if his physical strength could resist some of the falls, he could easily end up dying.

And as he could see, even though he has climbed close to 500 meters, Greg realized he was only less than 1% of the mountain.

"When you made this mountain... Just what did you think about?", asked Greg from Alice as he climbed up slowly.

"Well, we... I mean the Creator has made this Mountain in resemblance from the biggest mountain in the universe. But even compared to that it is only 1% of it."


When Greg heard that somewhere in the Universe there was a mountain that was unimaginably huge that even this massive mountain was 1% of it... Didn't know what to say. 

This mountain he was currently climbing was like an ant climbing a skyscraper. And Alice just said, that there was an even bigger mountain out there in the vast cosmos?

Then just how big was the planet? Was it a whole universe in size or what? Greg was unable to comprehend this fact in his head.

It felt exactly like how people weren't able to believe the fact that they will be able to bear superpowers a hundred years ago thanks to the Guardians.

"You don't need to think about it, it would just useless. That place is way far away from Earth, is even if you ascend above the God rank you won't be able to find it."

"That's so...", thought Greg with a nod and continued to climb.

Hours have passed and he was nowhere near close to the halfway point, making Greg to stop a bit after taking a break.

Glancing down, Greg gulped down a big amount of his saliva and averted his gaze.

Right now, he was so high in the air, that he was unable to see the bottom, because of the clouds below him.

And what made things even worst, that thing became only harder for him from now on.

He realized that not only the angle became steeper for him to climb, but the surface of the mountain started to become smoother too, giving him less space to grab.

This news made him quite anxious, but not scared. He knew that he could do it, especially because he didn't feel tired at all.

Thanks to his inhuman physical strength, he was sure he could make this, even if he needed to struggle in the end.

"Let's continue!"

With a determined and unshakable will, Greg continued his ascension, but this time with greater concentration and caution.

Because things from this point on became harder than ever and only a small misstep could cause the end of his life, he needed to be as comprehensive as ever.

As he climbed he made sure twice before continuing his ascension that the place he grabbed or put his feet was stable or not.

It was because there were occasions when he put his feet into a small gap, but the moment he put his weight on it, the rock below his feet cracked and fell down, almost making him to fall down.

Step by step, Greg climbed the mountain with everything he had, and after a whole day of climbing, he finally reached the halfway point.

"You must be joking with me right? How the hell is this so huge when I was able to see the Temple below?", asked Greg as he wiped his sweat off from his forehead.

"This whole barrier is made to fit infinite space into it. Also, there was a bit of illusion used with space and time abilities, so the Creator made the mountain look like it was huge, but at the same time small. Like that, anyone could see the top, while also feel the might of the whole thing. Amazing, right?"

When Greg heard Alice talk like that, he felt like he just heard an excited and proud kid talking about her parents, which was quite new to him.

However, he could still only sigh and nod.

"Indeed amazing.", said Greg and raised his head.

Seeing as the mountain's surface started to become almost horizontal, frowned and asked, "How should I be able to climb over something like that?"

"Try using his brain. You don't have any Soul Creature neither can you use your powers. Then what do you think will help?"

Greg wanted to say nothing after hearing Alice's voice, but raised an eyebrow and said, "My physical strength."

"Exactly. You didn't go through hell when tempering your body just on a whim. It was because if you lose everything, your body will be still your greatest asset no matter what."josei

As Greg heard this he nodded and looked at the mountain's side before him.

Because he was climbing on this huge mountain for more than a day, he long ago realized that it was not quite solid.

"Can I do that?", asked Greg and raised his hand.

Clenching it into a fist, he swung a fist and crashed into the mountain's side, causing a loud explosion to sound in an instant.


"It worked!", thought Greg immediately with a satisfied grin as he looked at his arm.

Right now, his hand was buried elbow deep into the mountain, preventing Greg's body from falling.

He even let go of his other hand and his two feet and relaxed in the air with nothing more but his arm planted in the mountain.

"This will do it.", thought Greg and without any hesitation started to climb.




With one powerful punch into the mountainside after another, Greg ascended toward the peak quite fast.

When he reached the area the cliff was almost horizontal, Greg used his feet too, preventing him from falling down.

"This is not hard at all.", thought Greg with a smile, but the next second his expression froze up.


Almost like if the gods above just heard what he said, the moment Greg finally overcame the hard part and the mountain's side became vertical once again, a terrifying wind appeared, causing Greg to fall down almost instantly.

"The... Hell?", thought Greg with squinted eyes, and did everything in his power to prevent himself from getting blown away.

The wind was so strong, that Greg could do nothing but stay put and use his physical strength to resist the typhoon strong wind.

Minutes that felt like eternities have passed and soon, the wind started to calm down.

It didn't vanish completely, because Greg was able to feel the strong breeze on his body, but at least he was able to move once again.

"That was close...", thought Greg and relaxed his body.

Right now, even though his arms and legs were buried into the rock, he was only a hairbreadth away from getting blown away.

Not only did the rock around his arms and feet form huge cracks, showing if the wind went for a bit longer then he would have died, but even his body got tired a bit.

Resisting such a huge and powerful natural force only with his bare body... It was quite difficult a task for sure. Anyone else would have died a thousand times if not a million times.

"If I were you, I would start climbing. The storm will soon come back again."


When Greg heard this, his eyes widened and without hesitation started to climb.

Not knowing when the storm will appear, Greg didn't dare to use his bare hands like at the beginning but used his brute force to ascent.

One smash into the rocky surface after another, Greg was like a robot who was fueled with gas. He climbed close to 100 meters almost in an instant while leaving deep holes on the mountain's side behind him.

When he was exactly between the peak and the halfway point, suddenly Alice's voice sounded once again, causing Greg to halt in an instant.

"Here it comes."



Buring his feet and arms deeper into the stone than before, Greg huge the mountain's side like depended on his dear life.

Well, it depended on its so it was only natural.

And just as he finished getting ready, an insanely massive storm appeared out of nowhere, causing Greg to clench his teeth and close his eyes tightly immediately.

"What the... It is twice as powerful as the first one!!"

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