Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 266

Chapter 266: A Problem

After obtaining the wind key, Greg had been brought back to Skyfall Mountain with Eliana's and Zane's help.

He was currently standing before the entrance into the Eternal Kingdom while looking up at the sky above him.

"We will come and find you as soon as we found the last Temple." was the last thing the two said to him before vanishing into thin air, making Greg to sigh with relief.

"At least I will have time to prepare." thought Greg and opened the entrance.

Alice told him that finding the final Temple was extremely hard. Not only was it in a place where people wouldn't think of, but it had a similar barrier around it like the Temple of Swiftness, making it insanely hard to detect.

"I am curious just how hard will be to obtain the final key. Alice told me it will be harder than the last one, but I can hardly imagine it."

As Greg thought about the possibilities of what kind of dangers could wait for him in the Temple of Void, he finally arrived before the main building.

"I should continue creating my remaining formations and form the final two Layers." thought Greg and walked inside.

Because he didn't see his friends the moment he came in, probably because they were away practicing or doing something else, Greg didn't bother himself to find them.

He was away only 3 days, so looking for them after such a long time would be pointless. He will go and see them when he finished breaking into the Mind Grade, so as for now, he needed to cultivate.

"I still need to form a few connections to create my Fifth Layer. If I am right, it should take me around half a day." said Greg quietly as he walked up to the 26th floor and sat down calmly.

Summoning out his demon mask to protect the place from unwanted incidents, Greg crossed his legs into a lotus position and closed his eyes.

Instantly, inside his mind, the complex, colorful web-like system appeared, showing the points where he should form the remaining 5 connections.

"Let's get started." said Greg and with the help of the insane amount of energy in the air, he started to move the Fifth Flow's layer toward his Sixth Flow.


Yet, the moment he did, the pain he had forgotten about appeared like an unexpected guest, making Greg's body to tremble instantly.

"I... Still didn't get used to this pain." thought Greg with huge drops of sweat on his face, while slowly pushing the layer toward the other Flow.

Indescribable pain that made every second feel like hours, Greg controlled his layer inside his body, and soon formed the very first connection.


A small, but powerful aura broke out of Greg's body, making Greg to open his eyes and start to breathe heavily.

Just this single connection made him experience hell itself, while his whole body and would felt extremely exhausted.

His whole being was covered in a thick layer of sweat, making him look like he just came out of a bathroom after a good shower.

However, even though he felt almost like dying, Greg felt as his power grew once again. Just looking at his body, Greg knew that just in presence alone, he was finally on the God rank.

"I'm curious just what will happen if I break into the Mind Grade." thought Greg with a grin, however, the next second looked at his body and sighed.

"Just only after one attempt, which was not even 30 minutes, I feel so tired. I need to rest for a bit before I can continue."

As Greg thought about this he stood up and walked out.

After resting for a bit he walked back inside and continued to create his connections, however, the next attempt was harder than the previous one.

While the last try lasted close to 30 minutes, until he needed to endure this attempt for close to 40 minutes straight.

There were even occasions where because of the insane pain Greg thought he will fail, but luckily he didn't. He was withstand the pain all the way to the end, but the result because of it was obvious too.

The moment he finished created the second connection, Greg's muscles turned extremely sour, while his body felt like it has been smashed thousands of times with a hammer.

The pain and sensation he felt currently was twice as worse as what he felt after climbing the mountain a few days ago.

"If I feel this awful, what will happen when I try to form the Final Layer?" thought Greg as he walked out to rest his sour body.

Time flowed slowly, and after resting close to an hour, Greg walked back inside.

"3 more to go."


"Argh... My... body feels so numb."

After cultivating in the Energy Chamber for close to a day, Greg was finally able to form the remaining 3 connections, creating the Fifth Layer in his body.

However, even though he succeeded with that, his face didn't look happy at all. No, instead, his face showed a kind of expression that only those expressed who underwent several years of continuous torture.

His whole being leaked an incredible amount of exhaustion, while his whole body trembled like leaves on autumn.


Falling onto the ground with a heavy sound, Greg lied down and tried to calm his heavy breathing down.

"I... Somehow did it, but... The Final Layer... That will be impossible."

During his time forming the connections between his Flows, Greg noticed something which wasn't a great sign for him.

First, which was the most obvious one, every time he formed a connection and got closer to the Mind Grade, the pain he would feel during the process would become several times greater.

In the very beginning, the feeling was very similar to when someone started to tickle his skin with a feather, but now, it was like hell.

Not only did he feel like someone wanted to tear him apart from the interior, but even a strange, boiling sensation appeared inside his muscles and bones.

It was like someone used a special power and poured burning hot lava into him. The feeling was insanely crazy and he even failed to create his connection once because of the pain.

But luckily, in the end, he somehow made it, even though the whole process lasted for an entire hour! Just imagine the torture-like pain he felt during that time. 

And there was the second problem Greg has discovered. Not only did the time limit grow after every successful attempt, but the amount of energy he needed to form the connections grew too.

In his last two attempts, he needed to go a floor higher just to make the layer move, because on the 26th floor he was unable to do it.

"Not only do I need to endure the pain, but also need to be careful not to die by the huge amount of energy in the chamber. Great..."

From Greg's point of view, forming the Final Layer had exactly the same amount of chance he would win the lottery.

Close to 0%.

"Well... At least I was able to reach such heights. Now I can finally control all of my elements at the same time." thought Greg and raised his hand.

As he did, his arm turned into jade while the middle of his palm got engulfed with darkness. Around that, golden flames that had a half-transparent shade appeared too, giving Greg's hand a mysterious yet powerful presence.

"Ice, darkness, wind, and fire. If I want, I can finally use any of my elements at the same time." said Greg as he looked at his arm with shining eyes.

Naturally, he could use his earth and light elements too, but because they were more efficient in controlling the area, it would be only a waste of energy.

As Greg watched his hand that was engulfed with his several of his elements at the same time with affection, suddenly a strange phenomenon happened.


The elements around Greg's palm started to twist and turn, while the space around his arm started to tremble like crazy.

"Fast! Undo your power!" shouted Alice abruptly, causing Greg to do as she said.


However, even after he successfully made the elements vanish from his hand, a great explosion occurred, sending his body to fly away in an instant.

"What the hell?" thought Greg with great surprise after he stopped himself from exploding into a house in the distance.

"Until you don't form your Final Layer, you will be unable to use your powers." answered Alice, making Greg's expression to stiffen instantly.


"Because maybe the elements are finally in harmony inside your body, but the moment you summon them at the same time, this harmony will break. That is why, if you want to use several of your elements at the same time once again, you need to first form the Final Layer. There is no other solution."

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