Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 285

Chapter 285: Legends?

[Several minutes before...]

Eliana did just as Greg told her and went to help Zane and Kuragari, but she wouldn't have belived that even her assistance would fail to be beneficial for her friends.

Kuragari was the master of shadows, able to create anything through the darkness itself let it be clones from himself, others, or simple items.

Zane had the legendary Celestial Serpent's power, giving him unpredictable and uncountable power against others, so no matter who he fought against he always had the advantage.

Eliana herself on the other hand didn't have powerful physical strength nor she had long-range attacks but simply an ability that could let her control other's fortune for a limited degree, but for that to happen, she needed to hit her target with her coin. 

And this is where her help failed...

Eldar not only had insanely fast reaction speed and physical strength thanks to his strange Martial Art, but it was almost like he had an eye on the back of his head; every time she threw a coin at him from his blind spot, he would always react in the last moment and avoid her assault while at the same time doing a counter-attack at Zane and Kuragari!

He was akin to an Immortal that learned Martial Arts for thousands of year's and no matter what anyone tried to do against him, he always found a way to escape and counter his enemies!


Leaning backward to evade Kuragari's katana, Eldar watched with an indifferent expression as the sharp weapon passed by inches away from his face, cutting off a strand of hair from his head.


Zane who stood exactly a meter away from Eldar's leg, raised his arm and with a gentle white light covering his palm smacked toward him; but because he depleted almost all of his power against Ecron with his Soul Sacrifice and was brought back from death's door an hour ago, this was the best he could currently do.

"..." however, Eldar didn't look fazed at all and the moment he noticed the approaching palm that was about to break his leg from above, he put his hand down onto the ground, and by supporting himself on them, he kicked powerfully upward, meeting Zane's palm head-on!


"I got you!" smiled Zane as he held Eldar's body firmly in one place by his leg; but it was still apparent from the blood on the corner of his mouth that even this single kick put a great burden on his body.

Eldar however wasn't surprised by this, but instead smiled wickedly. Immediately, he pulled his leg which was held by Zane forward, resulting in Zane's whole body to be pulled forward too and at the same time swung and rotated his other leg around Zane's neck, locking him tightly between his thigh!




With a tight grip and hold, Eldar raised Zane's body high up into the air with his hands still on the ground, and with a quick spin, threw him into the distance as easily as kicking a football away!josei

Although surprised by this, Kuragari and Eliana still didn't let this change their plan and attacked Eldar with everything they had.

Shadow clones from the sides, golden coins from above, both Kuragari and Eliana attacked at the same time giving Eldar no space to escape not counter.

Yet, even like this, their plan failed.

The very moment their assaults would have fallen onto Eldar's body, resulting in their unquestionable victory, something unexpected happened. As Eldar stood up onto his feet and lowered his stance, it was akin to freezing time itself; like a phantom dancing under the night sky, Eldar avoided each and every attack from the two while also approached them with a frightening speed! It was almost like he knew exactly where the attacks would fall and by calculating the best route out of the chaotic storm of attacks, he evaded them without even breaking a sweat!

"How?" was the only thing Kuragari could say with surprise, before Eldar's figure has already appeared before him in a flash!

"So you have defended against my power like that? Interesting!" pondered out aloud Eldar with a scary grin and hit Kuragari in the ear, "Kne-"


But before he could have said anything, a white light appeared from the side, forcing Eldar to retract his arm immediately.


"Oh? You are still alive?" asked with surprise Eldar as he looked at Zane before him, but his eyes were smiling; the Zane before him right now, was without a question, weakened to an utterly pathetic state!

"You... Okay?" asked Zane between his rough breathing as he glanced at Kuragari behind him.

Kuragari watched Zane in silence, unknown what to say. To think that Zane, which was all the time mighty and arrogant this time radiated such a weak presence akin to collapsing onto the ground in any given moment, Kuragari's face turned bitter.

"I am okay, but this couldn't be told about you. Your body is on the verge of collision thank you for your foolishness while you can't even use your power properly! You are the one currently here who should be asked if you are okay, not me!"

Eliana on the side nodded in agreement, but her eyes never left Eldar's figure before them; currently, they were facing such a powerful enemy that the slightest mishap could cause all of their demises!

"Haha, don't tell me! You used Soul Sacrifice?" 

Turning their gazes at Eldar who laughed like a maniac, all the three of them turned silent and readied themselves to fight.

"Oh? Why so serious?" asked Eldar as he continued to laugh and stood up straight, "The three of you are the legendary trio that could be considered as the strongest among humans? Then why are you acting so anxious even though you are against a single opponent?"

What Eldar asked was right on the spot. The three before him right now were no other than the three genius experts that reached heaven-defying achievements one after another in their past! They cleared several God Rank Dimensional Zones together that others couldn't, stopped wars that were on the brink of eruption, and had pasts that everyone in the whole Federation knew about! They were living legends each having unfathomable power in their respected field thanks to their Soul Stone and Guardian.

Yet, even like this, right now they were having a bad time against a sole opponent, who did not do anything else but use his Martial Arts to fight! Was this really the three that everyone talked about as 'legends'?

"Well, never mind it. It seems I just simply overgrown you and I became stronger." chuckled Eldar and raised his hand, "This will be the end for you."

"!?" Kuragari seeing the Eldar's fingers instantly widened his eyes and wanted to warn the two on his side, but unfortunately, it was too late.


Instantly as Eldar snapped his index fingers and thumb together, all three of the experts before Eldar suddenly stiffened up, while all of their eyes turned blank and hollow; they became hypnotized!

"Now then..." grinned Eldar as he turned toward where Greg and Nos vanished away, "Where is he?"

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