Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: The Unknown Hero

"What should I do?"

As he was looking at the approaching calamity in the distance, Greg was thinking of solutions with which he could stop the forming of the dimensional zone.

"My elements are totally useless here. That power can tear even space itself. However..."

As he was thinking, suddenly an idea popped up in his head and ran into the valley on his side.

He looked at the buildings in his vicinity and after confirming that no security cams and no lurking gazes were looking at his way, Greg summoned out his demon mask, while his body turned half transparent.

His skin and muscles started to fade away, while his bones got clearer and clear with dim grey light.

Seeing as his body changed completely, Greg grabbed the mask, which was floating before him, and pushed it onto his face.

In an instant the same strange power flowed through his body as always he uses the mask, feeling himself above cloud nine.

"Let's get going!", said Greg and disappeared into the shadow below his feet.


People were walking on the street when suddenly a man screamed up in fear.


Everyone who heard the man's shout stopped and looked toward him. However, the moment they saw the small cracks in the air, which started to spread slowly, made everyone run away in fear.

Some people pushed away the others while running, while there were some who has just frozen still, unable to move because of sheer fear.

"Mommy? Sniff~ Maaaammaaaa?"

A small little girl with a Teddy bear in her hand cried in the middle of the street, while she looked around for her mother with tearful eyes.

However all around her, people were running madly away from the cracks, ignoring wholly the little girl.

Just as the little girl thought, she won't find her mother again, suddenly between the escaping people, a woman in her twenties appeared, while looking here and there.


Hearing the shout, the woman turned her head toward the shout and after seeing the little girl, she immediately started to run toward her.

However, her face instantly paled, when suddenly, behind the little girl a spark broke out from the crack and it came at her with insane speed.


The woman screamed with fear in her eyes, but just as she thought her kid will die in front of her eyes, suddenly a white flash appeared behind the girl.


The woman covered her eyes with her hands, because in an instant as the white light appeared, an explosion occurred, while a huge shockwave broke out.

Only after seconds later could the woman put her hands down and watch what just really happened and when she did, her eyes widened in shock.

A strange figure with a half-transparent body and a smiling demon mask on its face appeared before the girl while defending her against the spark from before.

Seeing this, the little girl ran to her mother and hugged her thigh, while fat tears rolled down on her face from time to time.

The stranger looked at the mother and with a slight nod, it turned around and ran toward the crack.

Greg as he watched the crack, which got bigger and bigger with each second, sighed in relief.

"Luckily I arrived on time. Well then, let's see what can I do."

In an instant, as he said that, the mask on his face released a white light toward the spreading crack and as it touched the crack, a small part of it disappeared in an instant.

Just as Greg thought this will be the solution, suddenly the part where the crack disappeared, another crack appeared, but with a huge spark, which got fired toward Greg.

"Interesting.", thought Greg and used the power of his mask to deflect the spark, but to his surprise, it went straight through his light and hit his arm with tremendous power.


In an instant that the attack hit him, another explosion occurred.

Just as he thought that this was the end for his arm, his bone with the dim grey light on it got significantly stronger, and like a sponge in the water, it consumed the sparks like nothing.

"So this is the Unbreakable Bone ability. Quite useful.", said Greg and used his light on the spreading crack again.

Just like before, the white light hit the crack and made it's a small part to disappear, but in the next second, it appeared back again and fired another attack at Greg again.


Yet again, as the spark hit his body, an explosion appeared, but because of his Dimensional Ghost body, nothing happened except a bit of pain.

Of course, if it had been his bare body, he would have died a long time ago, no matter, if his body could get stronger by attacks at the moment.

"This zone will be a fourth-ranked one. I need to hurry up!", thought Greg and used whatever he could to stop another calamity.

However this time, he didn't just use a small amount of the mask's power, but all of it. However, to use it, he needed to pour his own power into the mask.

In his free time, he examined the mask to understand it a bit better and as he did, after a long time he realized that the mask's power was beyond imagination.

He couldn't understand everything yet, but at the moment, he knew that it had the power to deflect spiritual and physical attacks, which endangered the owner itself. Also, it had a small amount of suppression ability, but because of the small amount of time he had, he couldn't figure out the usage of it.

But what he knew for sure is the usage of the crystal in the middle of the mask's forehead.

It was like a converter. It let the owner pour his or her own power into the crystal, while it transforms the power into a strange substance and in the end sends it back into the owner's body. As a result, the power, which got transferred back into the body could be used to strengthen the mask's power.

And this is what Greg was doing at the moment. By pouring some of Alice's six elements into the mask, the crystal on the mask-like a bottomless pit started to consume it.

However, with each drop of power that the crystal consumed, Greg's body shined brighter and brighter.

As time went by, Greg's body was like a small sun. It shone with a blinding light, while everyone in the proximity stopped running and looked in his direction with shocked expressions.

"Let's end it!", said Greg and raised his hand.

In an instant, as he did that, the white light on his body got released and like a laser gun, it shot toward the crack.josei

As the white light touched the crack, an amazing scene happened.

The space around the crack started to twist from time to time, while the crack itself started to shrink slowly.

When the crack was smaller than a football, the white light engulfed it like a cover and coercively made it shrink to the size of a golf ball.

However instead of making it disappear it just floated toward Greg gently and vanished into the crystal.

And the moment it did...


"What the hell?!?!"

Greg's body trembled insanely, while he felt small explosions occurring in his head from time to time.

Just as he thought his head will explode, the feeling suddenly disappeared and a quiet, but deep voice sounded from the mask's mouth.

"Dimensional Zone consumed. Remaining zones to consume for personal Universal Creature is 9 more."

"What in the world? The mask can talk? And what is this thing about Universal Creature? What is even happening?", thought Greg confusedly.

"I know what is it, so I will explain it later, but firstly, I think you need to get away from here as soon as possible.", said suddenly Alice in his head.

"Get away from here? Why?", asked Greg Alice, but instead of her answer, a white circle appeared above his head.

Looking up, Greg instantly knew who's ability this was, so without hesitation, he activated the mask's power and started to run away with max speed.

"No, this time you won't!", said a familiar sound, and in an instant the vicinity around Greg halted.

Even Greg's figure stopped moving. Feeling this Greg looked to his side to only see Nick's figure slowly approaching him with an ice-cold expression.

"Not good!", thought Greg and poured everything he got into the mask's crystal.

Nick saw as the stranger's body before him started to get shinier and shinier, while his body started to move again.

He wanted to use his powers for another time, but just as he wanted, a blinding light broke out from the stranger making him unable to watch what was happening.

Only when the light disappeared could he open his eyes, but when he did, the stranger has already escaped, making his face look incredibly scary.

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