Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Registering For The Tournament

The next morning, Greg walked into the Arena and after seeing his friends in the distance he smiled and walked toward them.

However, as he was walking toward them, he saw as two girls on his side were watching a video on their phones with an excited expression while talking from time to time.

First, he thought it was just those kinds of girlish videos as every girl likes to watch, but as he continued to walk, he saw more and more people watching the same video, making him quite curious to know what it was all about.

So the moment he arrived next to Joe and the others, he pointed toward all the people watching their phones and asked, "What are they watching?"

Joe took out his own and handed it to Greg while saying, "Just watch it and you will understand."

Greg took the phone from Joe and looked at the screen on the phone. However in an instant, as he did, his face changed to surprise in a second.

In the video was him, showing as he was stopping an attack while protecting a little girl. As the recording went on, it showed as he used his mask's power to stop the dimensional zone to form and in the end make it disappear.

The video was only a few minutes long and was out less than a day, but the views have already reached an earth-shaking number, going above the 10 million lines.

"Holly molly! Who is that?", said Greg with shock, but inside he blessed the gods that no one knew he was the one behind that mask.

As Joe took back his phone he said with a shrug, "Don't know, but everyone talks about him a lot lately. They call him the Demon Hero, because of his appearance and that mask. There are even people from all around the world, who came into Nexus city just because of him. But who he really is, no one knows."

Greg nodded and thought, "Luckily I had my shapeshifter ability and the mask. If not, I would be busted for sure."

As the two were talking, Chris came in and after a small talk, he started the PGF. People went up onto the platform and fought one after another, making the PGF as exciting as ever.

There were a lot of interesting fights, especially the fourth fight. It all started with William's challenge against Gerald just to see who was the strongest. Everyone knew that William was a bit jealous of Gerald, because of his strength and this was why he challenged him.

As the fight started, William's body grew twice as huge and muscular as before, making everybody around quite shocked.

Joe looked at William's appearance and said seriously, "It seems he finally reached the third rank. I'm curious about how strong he became."josei

Gerald watched the change happening before him, but his expression was ice cold.

William saw that Gerald didn't do anything and in an instant, he started to walk toward him.


Like a walking mountain, William was so heavy that every step he took, a huge footprint stayed in the platform below his feet.

When everyone thought he will just walk before his opponent, William suddenly started to speed up. In a second he was running toward Gerald, making the platform and even the surroundings shake crazily.

Gerald watched all of this with an expressionless face and when William was an inch away from him, his body suddenly tensed up.


With an insanely huge explosion, William's colossal body hit Gerald's chest, creating a huge crater below their feet, while the air around them trembled visibly.

But the most shocking scene wasn't these, but the fact that Gerald's body was motionless. Like the most stable and unbreakable pillar in the world, he wasn't faced at all after getting a direct hit from William.


William looked quite confused by this fact, but a second later his face changed dramatically. And it wasn't just him, but Chris, Greg, Joe and everybody else in the Arena. Their face showed utter disbelief.

The reason why they looked like that was because after the hit, suddenly Gerald's body started to shine with dim grey light, making his skin look a bit metallic.

"C-Creator Rank??!", screamed up someone, while looking at Gerald on the platform.

Greg looked as shocked as everyone else, but in the end, his face turned back to normal, and thought, "He definitely was a third rank, when I fought with him, so it means he ranked up this morning or yesterday. But if it's true, then that means he is a freak. What a talented kid."

"He didn't rank up fully.", said Joe suddenly as he looked at Gerald's body with a serious expression.

Hearing this, Greg was quite surprised and asked, "What do you mean he didn't rank up fully? He shows the power that only a Creator ranked fighter has."

"Yes, but look closely. His body didn't turn fully metal, but only halfly. And also the proximity around him isn't showing any changes at all, so this means he just stepped into the doorstep of the fourth rank but didn't go through it yet."

Hearing this, Greg nodded in the end and looked back at the fight on the platform.

However, Gerald on it looked expressionless. He watched as William was struggling to push him away, so he raised his hand and put it on his wrist.

"I'm not in the mood to play with kids."

In an instant, as he said that, a shocking scene happened.

As he grabbed William's wrist, he spun around, while William's huge body followed him like a towel from behind, and with a smooth move, he threw him off the platform, making his body to explode onto the wall in the distance.


Watching this, everyone around stayed dead quiet. Even a pin drop could be heard, that's how silent the Arena became.

"W-Winner: Gerald Charon, Points: 42", said Chris from the side after coming back to his senses.

Hearing his points, Gerald wasn't satisfied at all, because he knew that he had this much only because Greg and Joe were away for a week. If they weren't, then they would have had the same amount of points, if not more as he had.

As he was thinking, he looked up in the direction of Greg, but in the end, he just walked away without a word.

Greg saw this act and just scratched his neck slowly.

"I don't know. If I fight with him again, I think I would definitely lose against him in pure power.", said Greg quietly as he watched Gerald's back.

After this fight, everyone knew that a guy at the age of 17 reached the fourth rank, making him a genius.

However as life, neither the PGF stopped because of one small surprise. It continued and after everyone challenged someone, the PGF ended for the day.

As Greg stood up, he looked at Joe, Mila, and Emma and said, "Let's go and register ourselves as a team into the Soul Tournament."

Joe and the two girls hearing this nodded and followed him down toward Chris. After arriving before Chris, Greg told him that they wanted to participate in the Soul Tournament as a team.

Hearing this, Chris looked at the four and after a small hesitation he nodded and handed over Greg a paper to fill.

They filled it out in minutes and after all of them wrote their signature on it, handed the paper back to Chris.

After confirming everything was right, Chris nodded and said, "Perfect, with this, you are the second team so far."

"Second? Who is the other team?", asked Joe from the side.

"Steve, Gerald, Eric, and Roy. They form Team A for our Academy."

Greg and the others knew the first three, so they weren't surprised, but the last name made them quite confused.

"Who is this Roy guy?", asked Mila curiously.

Chris looked at her and said after thinking for a while, "Well he is an Academy student, but because of some important matters he can't attend to the PGF. However, somehow the principal made an exception for him and he can continue as a student in the Academy no matter if he reaches the 50 points line or not."

Hearing this, Greg and the others were quite surprised. It was a common fact that everyone needs to reach the 50 point line to continue as a student at the Academy. If not there could be grave consequences, which no one wanted.

After they gave the paper to Chris and asking a few more questions, the four walked away.

When they walked out of the Arena, Greg looked at the others and asked, "Wanna go and clear some zones?"

Hearing the question everyone nodded and Mila said, "Sure let's go. After seeing Gerald, I'm really fired up!"

Greg heard the reply smiled and said, "Well I would lie, if I say I'm not, so let's go."

With that, the four started to walk toward the Soul Association in the hope to get a few free dimensional zones, which they could clear.


Days after days went by and Greg spent every spared time he had to make his body reach the next level, but in the end, after two weeks, he could only reach the third level.

The reason was because there was no one with the same ability as Gerald, so the tempering process was much slower than before.

But except for this, finally, the moment, which everyone waited for has arrived.

In the Arena, Chris walked in and said happily, "Welcome everyone! The day you all waited for has arrived. The Soul Tournament will begin the day after tomorrow on Sunday morning."

Hearing this everyone in the hall was excited, however, Chris's next sentence made everyone instantly quieten down.

"But unfortunately, the rules state that the participants need to walk there, without any external help."

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