Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Arriving At The Capital

"They say what?", asked Mila in surprise.

Judy after seeing the shocked expressions of the others, she smiled and said, "Didn't you hear? Experts after analyzing the video stated that the Demon Hero is almost 100% just an Academy student. Because of this experts and even some big shots started to watch the Academy from all around the world in the hope to figure out who that mysterious guy could be. The Soul Tournament will be very special this year for sure."

Greg listening to Judy's talk, looked quite surprised and thought, "Even with my shapeshifter, experts could easily identify my age and who knows what more they could know so far. I need to be much more careful next time."

"But even they know that he is a student, that doesn't mean he will participate in the tournament, no?", asked Emma from the side curiously.

"Yes that's true, but Mistress of Fortune stated he will definitely be participating.", said Russ on the side with an excited expression.

"Mistress of Fortune? Even she got curious about a boy like him?", asked Greg with shock.

He knew what that meant. Mistress of Fortune was a legendary figure. At the age of sixteen, she got her red Soul Stone with a Guardian, which can bless her with incredible luck. Everyone thought that was a trash ability, but with her knowledge and power, she disproved everyone and now she was at the summit of humanity.

Now that she said the Demon Hero will be there it will be definitely true. People believed in her this much because there were a lot of cases when she predicted calamity beforehand only by using her Guardian's ability.

"Amazing!", said Emma with awe.

After they talked for a bit more, all of them went to rest for an hour.

At 5:30 am, Joe stood up and clapped his hands, "Wake up guys, we need to hurry up."

Hearing his voice, the six started to wake up one by one and slowly started to pack their stuff.

They were ready in no time and following Joe, they started to set-off toward the capital.

During their trip, they didn't meet anyone else or any obstacles. They walked for almost a day and around 3 am in the next day, they finally arrived before the capital's city gate.

The gate was almost 10 meters high, while the city wall itself was ten times as large reaching more than 100 meters in height. The length of it was so long that on both sides Greg couldn't see the end even after stepping back a few meters. And to make the sight much more awe aspiring, the walls were decorated with different sized and colored lamps, giving a beautiful sight to everyone who watched it from the outside.

"Welcome to the city where everything could become real, Mythbreak!"

As Greg was looking at the gigantic wall before his eyes, suddenly a voice sounded before him, making him to turn his gaze toward that direction.

Not far away from them, a man in a white suit with a black tie and a white hat on his head walked toward them, while he was swinging a thin stick in his hand here and there.

Greg and the others saw the guy and didn't know what to say. His appearance was wholly out of normal. He looked like those singers from the 1960s even before when Altars appeared on earth.

Seeing that the kids before him didn't say a word, the man stopped and with a graceful motion, he took down his hat and bowed.

"Oh where are my manners, I forgot to introduce myself.", said the man and with a smooth move, he threw his hat up into the air, which fell perfectly on his head.

"My name is Cloud, and I will be your guide until the tournament ends. Pleased to meet you, but before I could say anything more, please follow me.", said Cloud and turned around, walking toward the city.

Greg and Joe looked at each other, but in the end, they started to follow Cloud from behind, but just as they walked through the gate, an amazing sight appeared before their eyes.

From the outside, because of the huge city wall, they couldn't see a thing, but in an instant, as they stepped inside the city, a beautiful sight opened before their eyes.

Like the scenery from a painting, Mythbreak was awe-inspiring.

Shops and restaurants with tons of people going in and out of them from time to time, people on the streets in different kinds of dresses showing their difference in cultures, and a huge mountain in the distance with a gigantic mansion on top of it.

"It's nothing like Nexus city.", said Mila with a wide-open mouth as she looked around.

Cloud didn't stop, but started to talk, while he walked, "Mythbreak is the home for everyone. Irrelevant if you are from a different culture, if you are weak or strong, rich or poor, here you can achieve greatness if you have what it takes to be one!"

Listening to this, Greg was even more amazed. Everything around him was just first tier.

They were walking slowly and looked at the different buildings on the side, while hundreds of people passed by them when suddenly Cloud stopped before a hotel.

"Here we are. This will be the place for you to stay under the tournament. Oh, and here are your identity cards. Remember, without this, you cannot enter the tournament no matter what."

Hearing this Greg was surprised and asked, "And what if they steal it?"

Cloud after hearing the question smiled and looked at Greg.

"You don't need to worry about that. No one can steal it."

Greg and the others heard this and were confused, but a second later Cloud took out a card and threw it at Dylan.

Dylan saw this and wanted to catch it, but the moment as his hand touched it, it got electrified in an instant.


Seeing this, everyone was surprised. Seeing their surprised expressions, Cloud bowed down to pick the card up, while saying, "As I said, no one can steal it, so you don't need to worry. Well then, if there is no more question, I will go on my way. Remember, the tournament's ceremony will begin at 2 pm. Be sure to be on time."

With that Cloud turned around with a smooth move and started to walk, while he spun the stick in his hand.

Greg looked at the card in his hand and turned it around. On it, his face and his data were written on it.

While he was watching the silver card, Joe said from his side, "Let's go and rest. We deserve it."

The others hearing this nodded and walked inside.

After getting their room key, they stepped into the elevator and pushed the number 3 on the panel.

In a moment, they were on the third floor and after saying goodbye to each other, they left to their room.

Greg was holding a key with the number 311 on and started to search.

"333, 332, 330... 311. Finally."

Greg wanted to put the key into a hole, but after he looked at the door for moments, he didn't find any.

Just as he thought it was some kind of bad joke, suddenly the numbers on the key started to shine, and in an instant, a click could be heard from the interior of the door.

Watching as the door automatically opened, Greg was surprised, but after a second he pushed the door open and walked in.

After closing the door behind him, he looked around, and slowly, his mouth started to open up slightly.


Greg was speechless. The room before him was like a small apartment. Everything could be found in this 'room', from the kitchen to a bathroom. It was amazing.

As Greg looked around, he walked toward the window and pulled the curtains away.

Just like when he first walked into the city, the same breathtaking scenery waited for him, making him utterly speechless.

After mesmerizing in the view for a bit, Greg pulled back the curtains and jumped onto his bed.


"Ahhh!! Incredible!", thought Greg and in seconds he fell asleep.josei



Greg was sleeping soundlessly when suddenly someone started to hit his door.


"Coming!", said Greg and started to climb out of his bed slowly.

Standing up, he walked toward the door and after unlocking it he opened it.

Before him, Joe and the two girls were standing, while they looked at him with stern expressions.

"What?", asked Greg as he started to yawn slowly.

Joe heard this and his eyes flinched slightly, but in the end, he sighed and showed him his watch.

"It's 13:32. Twenty-eight minutes and the opening ceremony will start. What do you think, why are we here? The Arena isn't in the vicinity."

Hearing this, Greg stopped yawning and looked at the time on his watch.

"Sh*t!", thought Greg and instantly ran back into his room.

In a minute, Greg changed his clothes and took everything that he thought important, including his identity card.

"Sorry.", said Greg as he closed the door behind him.

Seeing his apologetic expression, Mila, Emma, and Joe sighed and turned around.

"Let's go, we need to hurry.", said Joe and started to walk toward the elevator.

And just like this, the four began their very first Soul Tournament in Mythbreak.

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