Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: First Match

• You have been registered as Duo 9

In an instant as the information appeared on the card, a silver light shot out from it into the air and the moment it touched the hologram above, the word 'Duo 9' appeared in the Duo column.

As Greg and the others watched this, more lights shot up into the air from all around the Arena right toward the orb in the sky.

'Duo 13'

'Duo 56'

'Solo 4'


Watching as hundreds of silver lights shot up into the air at the same time made everyone around amazed by the sight, which looked like shooting stars at night.

"Wooow!So beautiful!", said a little girl not far away from Greg.

She wasn't the only one who appreciated the sight in the sky. Everyone in the Arena was speechless by the happenings before their eyes.

After a few seconds later, the number of the silver lights started to decrease and in the end, when the last silver light dissapeared into the orb everything ended.

Cloud seeing this smiled and clapped his hands together.

In an instant, the hologram above the sky shrunk in size and flew into Cloud's hand.

"It seems everyone registered without a problem. Well done! Now that this is done, we can finally start the main course."

In an instant as he said that, the huge platform started to shake and a second later it divided into three sections.

No one knew what power controlled those gigantic objects, but only one section of that platform had the size of a football court, if not more, which could weigh more than a few tons.

After the platforms stopped moving, Cloud shook his hand and three white lights flew out of his palm, each flying above one stage and forming a same looking hologram as the one before.

In each, one word from the three from earlier appeared, indicating that each event will take place at a different platform.

Cloud and the experts behind him were all in an estrade looking down onto the hundreds of thousands of people and the field with calm gazes, making every spectator around feel respect toward them.

As Cloud started to walk forward, out of nowhere seats appeared behind the experts making them to sit down comfortably and enjoy the subsequent show before them.

Standing at the edge of the estrade, Cloud put both of his palm on top of his stick and said,"Let's start the show then, shall we?"

In an instant as he said that, different words appeared on each hologram.

'Team 4 vs Team 56'

'Duo 9 vs Duo 43'

'Solo 167 vs Solo 223'

Greg looked at the holograms and after seeing the number 9 next to the Duo word he was suprised, but this feeling only got a level deeper, when suddenly the card in his hand started to shine and a second later it engulfed his body.


When he opened his eyes again, he noticed that he and Emma were now standing on top of the platform, while two unknown guy were in the distance, while looking around confusedly.

Just as Greg wanted to ask something from Emma, suddenly a strange transparent shiled started to appear around all of the stages, while Cloud's voice sounded through the Arena.

"As you can see, the first participants have been already selected for each event, how exciting! But before we start, let me tell some important rules. Firstly, killing is strongly prohibited, but anything else is allowed. Secondly, if somehow someone gets selected for two or more event at the same time, that person can freely choose, which one they want to participate firstly in, but after the end of the fight they need to instantly begin the other one. The third rule is, if one cannot compete, because of some kind of grave injury or is late from the beginning of the match, then unfortunately that person is instantly disqualified from the fight and also from that event. Fourthly, Team fights are fought in 3 against 3, so if something happens like I said earlier, the Team has the chance to substitute in the fourth member. If they have no fourth member in their team, then they have the chance to continue the fight 2 against 3 or 1 against 3. And lastly, all of the fights will be overseen by me."

As he finished his speech, Cloud's body started to tremble, while white mist came out from him. In less then a second, the white mist formed two identical looking Cloud, making everyone around seeing this dumbstruck in an instant.

Without any hesitation, each Cloud jumped toward one platform and stood still on the side.

After confirming that everything was ready, the Cloud in the middle raised his stick up into the sky and said,"Let's start our very first match then!"


In an instant as Cloud's stick hit the ground, every team on the stage started to fight, making all the spectators in the Arena shout with spirit.

Greg watched as the two in the distance before him were running at them, he stepped closer to Emma and said quietly,"Stay behind and support me. I will take care of them."

Hearing this, Emma nodded and stepped behind, while she cast her healing abilities, ready to help Greg anytime.

Up in the estrade, a skinny man with a hoodie on looked at the fights below with a bored face and said with a small yawn,"Let's see what will happen in the tournament. I hope it won't be a waste of time like last year."

Hearing what the man said, the old man, who was called The Saint, smiled slightly and said,"I hope too, but if Milady told us right, that interesting kid will show up in this tournament, am I right?"

Feeling the old man's gaze, the woman who was called Milady by the Saint, looked down onto the stages, opened her beautiful red lips and started to talk,"Yes, I'm sure he is here somewhere, but unfortunately I can't tell who is he in person, so I need to... Huh?"

Hearing her sentence to halt suddenly, a lot turned their heads to her direction and saw as she was looking at the left stage where two pair of kids were fighting.

It was the fight, where Greg was in combat with the two guys, from which one used a huge axe as a weapon, while the other one used metal chains in the hope to bind him from time to time.

But instead of getting into a disadvantageous position, Greg was in a tie against the two, which was quite suprising.

"What is it Milady?", asked a young looking man next to her as he looked at the fight on the left. He was confused by the fact that someone like the Mistress of Fortune would be this serious after seeing a kid's fight.

And he wasn't the only one who thought this way, but everyone around her too.

However hearing the question the woman didn't answered, but instead her gaze sharpened with each second and asked,"Who is that boy, who fights against the two?"

In an instant as she asked that, a white mist started to form and less than a second, Cloud appeared next to the woman and said,"His name is Greg Hyed. He is from Nexus city, has a black Soul Stone, however the Academy records states that he has a Guardian, which can control the six elements, making him unbeatable on the PGF so far."

Hearing what Cloud just said, now made everyone around suprised even more and they looked at Greg who was fighting with his bare fists against the rapid attacks. Even the man, who is the legend that everyone talks about turned his gaze toward Greg's direction, but a second later he started to frown.

And it wasn't just him. The woman, The Saint and a few more looked at Greg with confused expressions.

"Why doesn't he uses his powers?", asked the skinny guy as he looked at Greg, but suddenly a muscular guy behind him leaned forward and smiled.

"He is developing his physical strength."

"What? He does what? Hahaha! He is in a tournament not on the practice field. What does he think?", said the skinny guy with laugh, but a second later that smile froze on his face.


With a huge explosion, the guy with the chains flew away as fast as lightning after Greg hit him in the chest, making the guy with the axe suprised for a second.

However this one second was enough for Greg to appear before him and hit the guy on the chin with his knee, making the guy's body to fly up high into the air and without hesitation Greg kicked him in the waist with the same power as he did with his teammate.


And just like the other guy seconds ago, his body flew away with insane speed hitting the transparent shield in the distance, making it tremble visibly.josei

"What the hell?"

The skinny guy and the others couldn't believe in their eyes and were instantly dumbstruck.

However the woman wasn't. She wasn't shocked, but instead she looked confused, very confused.

"What is this disturbing feeling, when I look at him?"

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