Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Terrifying

'If I were you, I wouldn't do that."

Hearing Greg's threat, the guy on the left side stepped forward with a pissed look and started to talk angrily, "Hey kid. What do you think you are doing, ha?"

As he said that, the guy slowly started to pull out a knife from his pocket, making Emma, who saw this a bit worried.

Greg saw this and the expression on his face looked even colder.

"I don't think you want to f**k with u--."


Just as the guy wanted to say something to Greg, he got punched in the face, making his whole body fly away in an instant and explode onto the wall behind.

People hearing the explosion turned around and the moment they noticed as Greg hit a guy onto the wall, all the guests stood up hurriedly and started to run out one by one.


The guy who was the one who talked to Greg before instantly got angered and punched toward Greg's face. However it wasn't just a normal punch, but one with a special power in it.

Greg looked at the incoming fist and calmly stepped to the side, letting it pass by his head, and the moment it did...


He grabbed the hand with both of his palms and with a smooth move he kneeled the guy's elbow powerfully, making it bend toward a direction, where it couldn't normally.


With a loud scream, the guy fell to the ground, while he clenched his distorted hand in pain.

As Greg was watching the screaming guy on the floor, suddenly the skin on the back of his neck turned numb, making him know that an attack came at him from behind.

Without any hesitation, he bent forward, while he kicked backward with his left leg with insane speed and power.

The guy, who just slashed at Greg with a penknife, saw as the terrifying kick came in his way and didn't know what to do. Just as he thought it was the end for him, suddenly out of nowhere, a stick appeared between him and the feet, making it stop to a halt, like it was nothing.



Greg looked at the one who stopped his kick like that, but the moment he did, his eyes got round.

"Fighting is prohibited in the city and could be severely punished."

The one who said this was Cloud, but this time, the smile on his face nowhere could be seen, but only sheer seriousness, which made one instantly think twice before doing anything.

Greg put his leg down and stood up, while he looked at Cloud calmly.

Seeing that Greg calmed down, Cloud put his stick down and looked around. A guy, whose body was unconsciously lying in debris below a cracked wall and another guy who was screaming desperately on the ground, with his arm distorted.josei

Seeing this sight, Cloud didn't know what to say, but before he could say anything, he crouched down next to the guy on the ground and touched his forehead.

At the moment as he did that, the guy's screaming started to quieten down and less than a second later, he fell asleep.

Standing back up, Cloud looked at Greg and looked at him with a questioning look.

Just as he wanted to explain himself, Emma stood next to him and bowed at Cloud.

"We are very sorry and will take bear any punishment fall on us."

Cloud hearing what Emma just said was quite surprised, but a moment later, the expression on his face softened, and said, "In Mythbreak, fighting outside the Arena is severely prohibited, but at the same time self-defense is allowed. I saw everything, so you don't need to worry. I was just curious about your response."

Listening to this, Emma sighed in relief and pushed Greg's back forward to make him bow and said, "We are appreciated by your help and we promise nothing like this will happen again in the future."

As a response, Cloud just smiled and said, "Not a problem at all, however, this doesn't mean you don't need to pay out the damage you made."

Greg and Emma hearing this flinched a bit, but in the end, nodded.

"Well done. Then you can go, I will take over the things from here. As for the payment for the damage, you just need to wait and I will come to find you personally."

"Thank you!", said Emma and pulled Greg away hurriedly, not waiting for Cloud to change his mind.

Cloud watched as the two left the restaurant and smiled, however, the moment Greg's figure disappeared in the corner, he looked down onto his hand, which held the stick.

Watching as his arm was slightly trembling, he clenched his hand and smiled.

"Interesting, yet terrifying."


Greg and Emma were walking back to the Arena quietly. Only after a while did Emma look up at Greg and at that moment, she felt something that she has never ever felt in her life before.

She remembered that a month ago, he was a boy, who was bullied every time by the stronger and he just beared it and didn't do anything. He just smiled no matter what happened.

But this time, he showed her something that she has never seen from him. His expression the moment the guy wanted to touch her and the afterward scene he did just because he wanted to protect her. Everything he did, was simply incredible and this was the moment she knew that he wasn't the same little boy, who he used to be. 

As he looked at Greg's face, suddenly her heartbeat quickened, while she felt as her cheeks started to redden slowly.

"T...Thank you...", murmured Emma quietly as she looked at the ground before her.

Hearing something from his side Greg looked at Emma and asked, "What? Did you say something?"

Emma hearing this got even redder and said again, but this time a level louder, "Thank you. I said thank you for protecting me."

Greg heard this and smiled while saying, "It was not a problem at all. I was just angry about the fact, what would have happened, if I weren't there and that those bastards came at you. Only thinking about that makes me mad."

Listening to what Greg just said, Emma blushed even more and couldn't say anything. 

As the two were walking suddenly the cards in their pocket shone with a silver light.

Greg and Emma seeing this instantly knew that it was their turn to fight yet again, so they stopped moving and waited for the light to teleport them to the stage. 

And just like before, less than a second the two were standing above the stage, while two girls were looking at them from the platform's other side.

"It seems we will fight Duo again. Emma you will stay behind and help me with your healing.", said Greg and made him ready for the fight.

Emma saw this nodded and breathed in the deep fresh air, making her heartbeat calm down a bit.

"Concentrate... Concentrate..."

As Emma was breathing in and out slowly, until then the two girls looked at Greg with a mocking smile.

"Do you really think, you can beat us all alone? Don't make me laugh, no sis?", said the one on the right. She was wearing a black skirt with a black thigh-high stocking, while her hair was in a ponytail, making her look a bit seductive.


The one, who theoretically was her sister was the other girl on the left. Her look was exactly the same as the other one, but only with the difference that her clothes were white and she had twin tails instead of a ponytail.

Greg looked at the two girls before her and scratched his neck.

As the two were waiting for Cloud's response, a girl and a guy among the spectators looked down at the stages, especially the one where Greg was standing.

The girl looked at the twins on the stage and asked with a surprise, "Did the twins from the Alchemist family came to participate in the tournament? Poor guy, who has to fight against them. He is done for."

The guy next to the girl just stayed quiet and looked at Greg calmly on the stage.

Only a while later did his eyes brighten a bit and smiled a little.

Seeing this, the girl looked surprised and asked, "What's the matter bro? It's are rare to see you smiling, what happened?"

The guy just smiled and said, "You won't understand, so just watch and wait."

Hearing this, the girl pouted and turned her gaze back to the stage below, but deep inside her, she was quite confused.

"Who is that guy, who made him this curious? I never saw him before."

As she was looking at Greg, Cloud's clone on the side raised his stick and after confirming everyone was ready he hit the ground.


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