Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Ancient Dragon


The moment the guy's leg hit Greg's side, Greg's body flew away in an instant like a cannonball.



With a huge bang, Greg's body exploded onto the shield in the distance, making the whole stage shake like crazy.

Sandra seeing this smiled and said aloud, "Deserves him right. After that kick that bastard won't stand up for sure!"

Joe hearing this just smiled, while he shook his head slightly.

"You are wrong."

Sandra after hearing what just Joe said made her a bit confused, but even like that she didn't stop her attacks.

"What do you mean I'm wr-, huh?"

The moment she wanted to finish her sentence, she noticed that in the distance where Greg's lying body should have been, there Greg was standing proudly with a small smile etched on his face.

"Huh? But... but how??!"

While a lot of people were surprised by the fact that he survived that scary hit, Greg put his hands down and looked at the guy in the distance.

"Holly Molly! This guy is nuts. I thought I would die!", thought Greg as he tried to stay as calm as he could.

The moment he got kicked, the bones and muscles in his body where the guy just hit him got twisted and deformed, showing just how scary that guy's attack could be.

Luckily he had his strange Guardian and Soul Stone, which let his temper and refine his body, so the deformed bones and muscles healed almost instantly.

"Now can you see it? This is one of the advantages to have a Pure Soul. Your body can regenerate broken bones or torn muscles if they are not fatal. If you reach the fifth level and break through the Soul Grade, more and more shocking things will await you."

Hearing Alice's voice, Greg gulped and nodded.

"Yes, that's a wonderful fact, but the feeling is horrible. If I could choose, I would rather not try this again."

"Well, if you fight against monsters like him, you need to be used to it."

The guy seeing as Greg was okay, looked a bit confused, but a moment later a creepy smile appeared on his face.

Seeing that smile, Greg knew that nothing good will happen, so he readied himself for the worst.

And just like he thought, the body of the guy started to change, while the transparent dragon behind him started to disappear inside his body.

Small horns, a pair of dragon wings and a dragon tail formed out of his body, while his eyes turned crimson red with a vertical split in the middle.

Sarah and Sandra feeling the changes looked behind and the moment they saw what was happening, their expression changed in an instant.

"Oh no! Juan is going to form!"

Looking at Greg's direction, Mila and Joe saw as the guy named Juan's body started to turn into a human-looking dragon, while his presence grew more and more terrifying with each second.

"Is he really just a third rank fighter? How can he have such a scary power?", thought Joe and made up his mind.

In an instant, he used some kind of acceleration power to appear behind Sandra and raised his hand.

"Huh? Whe-"


Like a footballer, Joe kicked the girl in the waist making her fly away in an instant. Seeing this Sandra's sister got angry and the next moment her whole body started to change snow white.

Joe knew what was about to happen and readied himself, but suddenly Mila appeared next to the girl and touched her shoulders.

"I'm still here little girl."

In an instant, as she said that, a thin layer of fire bubble appeared around Sarah's body trapping her inside.

Sarah's body didn't stop to turn white, but after seeing the sight around her, she looked quite confused.

Just as she wanted to release her attack, suddenly the temperature started to increase to a terrifying level, making her whole snow-white body turn back normal bit by bit.

"What? How?"

Sarah didn't know what was happening. The normal fire couldn't melt her power away when she starts using the Ice Mist Field, but somehow Mila's fire powers could.

Seeing the surprised expression, Mila smiled and said quietly, "Congrats. You are the first one to make me use my Purgatory for real."

Hearing this, Sarah was surprised and tried her best to use her ability, but the more she tried the hotter it became inside the bubble.

Mila saw as the girl couldn't fight back, she looked at Joe and said, "Go and help him. I will be okay here, she won't come out of there."

Joe hearing this nodded and turned around, but the moment he did, a shocking scene appeared before his eyes.

Before him only a few inches away from his face, Juan suddenly appeared with an ice-cold expression and said calmly, "So you like to kick others, huh?"

Mila was surprised too because a moment ago Juan wasn't there. It happened too fast.

Just as Joe could react, Juan's leg came at his waist to the exact same place where he kicked Sandra not long ago.

Joe wanted to jump away from the kick, but somehow he felt that as a strange power made him unable to do so.

"What is this?"

Just as he thought the kick will hit him, suddenly Greg appeared between him, however instead of stopping the attack, the leg made both of them fly away in an instant.


Hitting the shield in the distance, Greg stood up and looked at Joe on the ground.

"Are you okay?", asked Greg while putting his hand out to help Joe stand up.

As Joe looked up and saw that Greg was unscathed, which made him a bit surprised, but still grabbed his hand and stood up slowly.


Greg hearing this nodded and turned his gaze toward the guy, who was looking at them with an ice-cold expression.

However, instead of attacking them, he looked at Mila not far away from him with a smile and punched her.

"Not good!", said Joe and suddenly thick thunderbolts rolled everywhere on his body. In less than a second later, he was next to Mila, and with her, he jumped away.


Just where they were a second ago a huge crater appeared on the ground, shocking not just Joe and Greg, but even the experts above.

One of the experts behind the Saint looked a bit surprised and asked, "How can be a third rank fighter this strong?"

"His Guardian is one of the Ancient Dragons, which can give him a tremendous amount of physical power. Unfortunately, he is too young and cannot control it well. How unfortunate", said Mistress of Fortune as she looked at the fight below with a calm expression.

Juan looked at his fist and saw that the girl he targeted was nowhere before him and was a bit confused. 

Turning his head to the side, he saw that Joe was holding Mila in his arms, which made him surprised.

"It seems I won't get bored this time.", said quietly Juan and stood up.

However just as he wanted to step forward, suddenly Greg appeared behind him out of nowhere with a raised fist.

Looking back a bit, Juan just smiled and waited for the hit.

"Let's see how strong you are."



The moment Greg's fist hit Juan's head, a huge shockwave broke out, while Juan's body started to fly away a few meters in an instant.

"Damn! He has very hard skin!", said Greg as he looked at his distorted fingers, but luckily the next moment they started to heal slowly.

Joe and Mila looked at Greg with a surprised expression, but the next moment suddenly they felt as their bodies got heavier and heavier with each second.

"What is happening?"

The three looked in Juan's direction and saw as he was slowly standing up, but this time the expression on his face wasn't just ice cold, but a bit of bloodlust could be felt too.

Emma saw this and looked at Cloud with a worried expression and asked, "Mister, shouldn't you do something? Something bad will happen for sure."

Hearing this Cloud smiled and said, "What is happening right now is the best for this tournament. Look around, all the spectators are looking this way."

Emma heard this and looked up and what Cloud said was true. Each and every spectator at this moment was looking at this fight with dumbstruck, excited, and happy faces. All of them were heated up by the fight, which was happening at the moment.

"But even.."

"Don't worry, if something happens I will be the first to stop them. Just enjoy the show."

Hearing this, Emma still looked worried and turned her gaze back at Greg and the others.

On the stage, Greg watched as Juan was looking at him with those scary eyes, while a strange power engulfed his whole body, making it heavier and heavier as time went by.

"What is happening here?"

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