Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Shapeless Dream

Greg turned around and watched calmly as Roy and the others walked away slowly.

"He really reached the Creator rank.", thought Greg with shock, still not believing that a guy at that age could really reach that level.

If someone heard that a person at the age of 17 reached the 4th rank, then there's only one thing that would come to their mind.

"He is a monster."

As Greg was thinking about all of these things, suddenly a palm appeared on his shoulder, making him come back to his senses.

Looking at the palm's owner, Greg saw Joe as he smiled at him, while the two girls were behind him too.

"Hey, guys. I was just looking for you."

"Yeah, we were waiting for you in the hall in the hotel, but the woman at the reception said you have already left a long time ago. Where were did you go?", asked Joe as he looked Greg curiously.

"I went and used my card that I won yesterday. And I think I have chosen a very good one.", answered Greg happily as he showed them his new Soul Creature's data on his device.

Joe, Mila, and Emma after stepping closer to Greg, started to read the pieces of information.

When they finished reading, they looked up at Greg with visible surprise, while Mila on the side said with amazement, "Holy Cow! If the abilities are what I really think they are, you have found a hidden gem, Greg. Can I see what it looks like?"

Seeing as the three looked at him pleadingly, Greg chuckled and put his palm out.

In an instant, a black colored staff with strange golden carvings on it appeared in his hand. The length was a bit more than one meter, but it's grip was just simply perfect.

Greg looked at the staff in his hand and suddenly he felt like he understood the carvings on the weapon. However, it was just a simple feeling and he didn't really know the real meaning behind those symbols.

Joe, Mila, and Emma looked at the staff in Greg's hand and they started to observe it real close.

"Hey, use its first ability. That thing called Metamorsomething.", said Mila with brightened eyes, as she straightened her back.

"That's called Metamorphosis, but okay.", answered Greg with a sigh, but still he did as she asked. He was also curious about that ability.

"Let's see... How do I use this?"

He started to activate the staff's first ability, but strangely nothing happened.


Greg looked quite confused and tried again, but still, nothing happened.

"Why is nothing happening?", murmured, but just as he wanted to try again, a sharp and loud sound, like two metal hitting each other sounds from the stage below.

Greg and the others turned their heads toward the sound and saw as two guys with swords were fighting against each other, while huge shockwaves formed around them from time to time.

As Greg wanted to enjoy the combat for a bit more, suddenly Emma's shocked voice sounded in his ear.

"Guys, look!"

Looking at Emma, who was pointing at his's hand, Greg looked down only to find that the staff has disappeared and instead he was holding a longsword.

"Isn't this..."

Thinking about something, Greg turned his head down onto the fight and looked at the sword in one of the guy's hand.

"That's the same!", thought Greg in surprise and turned his gaze back at the sword in his hand.

The shape and length were exactly the same as the one on the stage, but with the only difference that it's color was the same deep black with those golden carvings on it.

"What did you do?", asked Joe confusedly after noticing the same thing as Greg.

Greg wanted to shake his head as he didn't know, but before he could do that, an idea popped up in his head.

"Don't tell me..."

Without any hesitation, he started to think about the staff from a moment ago, and the moment he did...

"What the hell?", thought Greg shockingly as he watched the sword in his hand turn into the black and golden liquid and a second later turn back into the staff from a minute ago.

It wasn't just him who was surprised by this. Joe, Mila, and Emma, all of them looked at the weapon in Greg's hand with round eyes.

To make sure he was right, in Greg's head the image of the Ice Python dagger appeared.

And just like before, the staff turned into a black and golden liquid, and almost instantly it turned into the same looking dagger that he got from Joe as a gift.

Joe saw this looked surprised and looked at Greg.

"Does this thing takes the form of a weapon you think of?"

Hearing the question Greg nodded, but instead of answering he thought, "This Soul Creature can turn into any kind of object I think about, but can only form one piece. Then the ability of Duplication is..."

In an instant, he activated the Soul Creature's 4th ability, and the moment he did, the dagger's side started to melt with the same black and golden color.

Seeing this Greg saw as the dagger's size started to shrink, while in his other hand a same-looking dagger started to form slowly.josei

After a few seconds later, two exactly identical daggers appeared in his hand, but with the only difference that the right one was black with golden carvings, while the left one was golden, but with black carvings.

"Amazing!", thought as he looked at the daggers in his hand, but a second later his smiling face changed into a frown.

"But it seems after using this ability, the weapon's size got drastically smaller. Also, the time to finish the process was quite long, so in a real fight this could become a burden instead."

As he thought about this, Emma looked at Greg and said, "You find yourself a hidden gem. This weapon is super cool!"

Hearing this Greg smiled and wanted to say something, but suddenly a silver light enveloped him and Emma.

"It looks like it's your turn. Good luck guy.", said Joe as he looked at Greg and Emma with a smile.

Greg and Emma smiled back at Joe and Mila and a second later both of them got teleported down onto the platform below.

Greg looked around and saw that everything was the same as yesterday. The same looking platform with the same half-transparent shield around it, while Cloud's clone was standing on the side with a smile.

Greg and Emma looked before them and saw two guys in a strange-looking suit standing not far away from them.

Both of them were wearing a coat like dress with a hoodie on their bald head, while each was holding books in their hands.

Just like in the other matches, Cloud made sure that the two teams were ready, and after that, he hit the ground with his staff.

Hearing the signal, the two guys opened their books and started to chant in a strange language, while their bodies started to dance strangely.

Greg and Emma looked at each other in confusion not knowing what they should do.

The way their opponents danced while singing in that unknown language made them feel like they were watching some kind of ancient ritual. Only a bonfire and a few shamans missed and everything would be perfect.

However as Greg watched this strange act before them, suddenly he started to feel dizzy, making him realize that something was wrong.

Concentrating on the song the two singed, suddenly Greg's eyes widened and looked at Emma to warn her, but he was too late.


The moment he turned his head to the side, Emma's body fell onto the ground unconsciously, showing that she fell asleep almost instantly as she heard the chant.

"Not good!", thought Greg and without further hesitation, he used Alice's wind ability as a speed boost and in an instant, he appeared before the two guys.


The two after noticing Greg's figure were surprised and started to chant and dance even stronger than before.

Feeling that the dizziness got a level stronger, Greg clenched his fist and punched toward the guy on the right.


Making the guy fly through the air, Greg didn't wait for the other one to get the chance to react, so with a smooth spin, with the back of his feet, he kicked the other guy in the stomach, making him also explode onto the shield in the distance.


Seeing how fast he finished off his opponents, Jonathan smiled, while a silver light enveloped his body.

"I can't wait to fight against him."

Laura on his side rolled her eyes and said, while her body was also covered with silver light, "Come on bro, he wouldn't have stood a chance if the two of you start a fight since you are a genius, who got his hands on a white Soul Stone, aren't you?"

Hearing this, Jonathan didn't answer but just continued to smile, while his and her sister's body disappeared in the silver light.

Down back on the platform, Greg cleaned the sweat off his face, while Behind him Cloud raised his hand and shouted.

"Round 4, Winner: Duo 9! Congratulations! The two of you have successfully got into the top 16!"

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