Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: Do It Or I Kill You!

"You there... Come here! NOW!"

As he pointed at Greg in the distance, the man's face looked ice cold. 

Everybody in the dining hall started to followe the man's finger, but the moment they saw who he was pointing at, all of them started to murmur between each other.

As the people talked quietly, Greg looked at the man with a confused expression, not knowing what was really happening here.

Seeing that Greg wasn't moving, the man frowned slightly, but after thinking for a moment he opened his hand into a palm and started to talk calmly word by word,"I. Said. NOW!"

In an instant as he said that, suddenly Greg's body flew up into the air and like someone pulled him on a rope, he started to fly toward the man's palm with insane speed.

In less then a second, his body was floating before the man without the chance to move even an inch.

Just as he tried to say something, the man turned around and started to walk out of the hall, leaving everyone else behind with a shocked expression. Even Joe couldn't do anything, but watch this scene with wide eyes.

"W-wait. What is happening here? I didn't do anything! Can't we just tal-", just as he was about to ask the man to let him go, suddenly the katana, which was on the man's back appeared before his neck.

"If you don't shut up right here and now, I will be sure to skin you alive without a second thought."

Hearing what the man said without even turning around, Greg shut his mouth up in an instant, but still started to think for a way to escape from this strange power, which held him in one place.

"Well... I could use the mask's power to repel this strange force, but if I do that, there will be a possibility that I get busted. What should I do?"

As he was thinking about a solution to get out of that position he was in, suddenly the man walked toward a restaurant.

Looking at the structure of the building, Greg frowned and thought,"Isn't this... Isn't this where Emma and I were? Why is this man bringing me here?"

Not knowing what the man's purpose was, Greg waited to see what will happen.

The moment the man walked inside the building, he undid the force around Greg, making his body to fell to the ground heavily.


As Greg looked around, the man turned around to face him and started to talk witn an ice cold tone.

"Repair the destroyed wall and repaint the whole place. I give you 1 hours, if you don't finish until then..."

Standing up slowly and cleaning the dust away from his clothing, Greg looked at the man with a frown and said,"Sir, I-"

"You have 59 minutes and 47 seconds left."

Hearing the strict voice and that ice cold glare, Greg took back his words and looked around.

"This really is the place where Emma and I were. Then the reason he brought me here is...", as he thought about this, he turned his gaze to the left, but the moment he saw the wall in the distance his mouth opened slightly.

"That's where I threw the guy, but at that time there was only a crack. How did a hole appear there?"

As he looked at the huge hole on the wall, the man brought out a thick cigarette from his pocket and with a lighter he lit the end of it.

After sucking into the other end of it, the man looked up to the ceiling and blew out the smoke, while saying,"59 minutes left."

Greg turned to look at the man and with a frown he said,"Sir. That hole wasn't my doing, s-"

"58 minutes and 43 seconds left."

Frowning, Greg knew that he couldn't talk to him, so he just simply turned around and started to walk toward the exit.

"What I hate the most is to be used as others think. I thought I could talk with this man normally, but it seems he thinks I'm some kind of servant he could order around as he please. If he asked me normally to compensate for it I would say okay, but come on... It wasn't me who put that hole on the wall. And also, why should I repaint the whole building? He must be kidding."

As he thought about all of this a bit angrily, the man's expression behind him instantly turned dead serious.

Raising his hand, he held his palm toward Greg and said,"I said do it or I will kill you!"

Hearing the man saying this, suddenly Greg's neck turned numb, while he felt that something very bad was approaching him with rapid pace.

Feeling this, Greg's eyes turned serious too and thought,"I won't fall to the same trick twice."

With that in mind, he instantly activated his newly obtained Cultivation Art for the very first time.

The flow, which was quietly inside his body, suddenly turned into a a half transparent state, while it's speed got insanly fast.

It was his wind ability that he used all the time to boost his speed. And just like before, small, half transparent vortexes appeared all around his body, while each started to spin in different directions.

Before, he could only manipulate the direction of the rotation and speed limitedly, but after he reached the peak of the Body Grade and completing the flow, he could control them without limit.

Of course, if he tried and made the vortexes to spin with insanly high speed, it would be unknown if his body could bear the pressure or not.

But one thing was sure. He could become much faster than ever before.

And just like that, he made all the vortexes around his body to spin to the right, making his body to appear on the side in an instant.

From the man's perspective, it looked like that Greg's body suddenly flew to the side, without him moving his leg even an inch. It was like he was some kind of snake or fairy, who was able to change direction anytime he wanted.

Seeing this happening, suprise appeared in the man's eyes, but only for a moment. In the next second, he turned serious again and raised his other hand too.

"No matter what trick you try to use, you won't go anywhere until I say so!"

Just like before, Greg's neck suddenly turned numb, while he felt that if he doesn't move now, he will get caught without getting a second chance to escape.

"I don't believe you are faster than me.", thought Greg with a serious face and he accelerated the vortexe's rotation even further, making his body to fly to the side again, but this time with a faster speed.

However as he did, suddenly he noticed something moving next to him on the ground. However the moment he looked down to see what it was, his eyes widened in an instant.

On the floor, a shadow which looked like an arm, moved toward his direction, trying to catch his own shadow below him.

"So he has the ability to control others through his shadows. So that's why I couldn't move before. But wait... how did I levitate then?"

While thinking about this, Greg started to concentrate on the shadow on the ground in the hope to dodge each and every attempt of it.

Of course, it wasn't an easy task, because he not only needed to concentrate on his own shadow to not get caught, but also the one, which tried to catch him.

Dodging one attempt after another, Greg used his ability to control his body in an inhuman way, in the hope to get as far away from the shadow arm as possible.

"Luckily I didn't try to run away by my shadow ability. It would have been only a death wish."

Seeing as Greg easily dodged his attempts and realised his tric, the man smiled slightly and said quietly,"Interesting. Let's see then what you will do if I do this."

As the man said that, suddenly the whole building got covered in black, making the interior isolated from the outside.

Seeing as this happened, Greg's eyes widened in an instant and thought,"Core Territory? This man is on the Calamity rank or even worse he is above it!"


In a luxurious room, Mistress of Fortune was holding a golden coin in her hand, while a few experts around her were talking spiritedly amongst each other.

As time went on, suddenly all the experts raised their heads up and turned their gaze toward the window on the side with a complicated expression.

Cloud on the side noticed something too and was about to move, when suddenly the old man, who was called The Saint, put his hand on his shoulder and smiled at him kindly.

"Don't worry. It's just Kuragari. I think he just found someone interesting for himself. Nothing will happen I promise. I know him real well, so instead of standing there why don't you come and play with me some chess?"

Looking at that smile, Cloud didn't know what to say, but in the end he could just sigh and sat back down, while starting to play chess with the old man.josei

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