Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Awkward Moments

Hearing what Kuragari said to the Saint, the whole room fell into silence.

Greg, who was trapped by the man's shadow ability, looked at this sight with a shocked expression, while thinking, "Did he just say 'old wreck' to one of the strongest experts on earth? Did I hear it wrong or am I going crazy?"

And it wasn't just him that thought this way. Everyone else in there looked at Kuragari with wide-open eyes, not believing that he just said what he did.

But the old man, even after hearing what Kuragari said at him, just looked at him with the same calm smile and said with a chuckle, "Haha, look at you. You are just as rude as ever. What have you been up till now? Why are you chasing that poor boy, to begin with?"

Listening to the old man's kind words even after Kuragari's quip, everyone felt a bit strange.

"Strange. Maybe this Kuragari guy is the Saint's long seen friend or something?", thought Greg with a confused face and continued to watch what will happen next.

Kuragari after thinking for a while pointed at Greg and said, "I thought I will teach this kid how to behave after breaking others possession, but who knew he would just run away like a child. That's why a followed him all the way here and captured him. So if you don't have anything else to say, I will take him away."

As he said that he turned around and walked toward Greg with a creepy smile.

"As for you kid... Haha, it will be a pleasure to tea-"


"Now what... huh?"

Hearing the feminine voice Kuragari turned around and was about to say something, but after seeing Mistress of Fortune's imposing look he stayed quiet in an instant.

"Eliana? What are you doing here?", asked Kuragari, while his cocky attitude, which was around a second ago instantly vanished.

As he was about to step forward and greet her like an old friend should, suddenly the legendary man stepped next to Eliana and looked at Kuragari calmly.

Seeing the man, Kuragari stopped moving and looked at him quietly.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else?"

Looking at the man, Kuragari looked scarily cold and said, "Well, is this your first question after seeing me a long time ... Zane?"

Feeling the tense atmosphere between the two, Greg felt like only a small spark needed and the two before him would instantly jump at each other's neck.

"Why do I feel like they kind of hate each other? Is there a mysterious relationship between the two?"

As Greg tried to figure out the cause of the icy attitude between the two, suddenly Eliana stepped between them and said, "I don't think it's the perfect time for this you two. Instead, tell us why did you chase Greg all the way here?"

Hearing her voice, Kuragari's face softened a bit and after looking at Zane one more time, he started to tell them his story.

Listening to the end, Eliana nodded, and just as she was about to say something Cloud on the side stepped forward, and with a deep bow, he started to talk.

"Sir Kuragari, it's my pleasure to meet with you. Sorry for my rudeness that I just talk all of a sudden, but I have something to tell before you do anything."

As he said that, he started to tell his story about Greg and Emma, who tried to eat peacefully together when a group of hooligans came in and tried to take Emma away with force. And that's where Greg came in and beat them up.

He also told him that the hole on the wall wasn't his doing, but those hooligans, who came back and vented their anger on the restaurant.josei

After listening to the story, Kuragari glanced at Greg and asked in a calm voice, "Is this really the truth kid?"

Seeing Kuragari's ice-cold glare, Greg nodded and said, "Yes Sir, that's really what happened."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Not knowing if he should cry or laugh, Greg stayed quiet and after a while, he opened his mouth.

"But... I di-"

"Well nevermind. The point is that it wasn't you who destroyed the wall in my place, so you are free to go."

Not waiting for Greg to finish his sentence, Kuragari undid his binding on Greg and said, "Well then, I have other matters to tend to. So if you excuse me..."

As he said that, the shadow below his feet grew twice as large as it was and with a slow-motion, his body started to sink down into the shadow.

However, before his whole body was about to vanish into the darkness, he looked at Eliana in the eyes and suddenly a kind of sadness appeared in his eyes.

As he looked at her face, he sighed and after shaking his head slightly, he fully disappeared, leaving Greg all alone with the experts.

Feeling as all the gazes were now directed at him, he looked at Cloud, and with a hurried bow he said, "Thank you very much, it was a lifesaver."

"No problem at all, but please next time be a little bit more careful. If Kuragari thinks and targets you again, I don't think I could help you again."

Understanding what Cloud meant, Greg nodded and said, "Okay, I will try to be much more careful. Then if you excuse m-"


Turning his head to the side, Greg saw Eliana's face inches away from his face, making his body to flinch in an instant.



Hearing the sudden order, Greg instantly closed his mouth and waited for Eliana to finish whatever she was doing.

Mistress of Fortune looked at Greg without the slightest expression, while slowly circling around his body.

After walking around Greg for a full circle, she stopped moving and asked, "Did you just ranked up to the Creator rank?"

Listening to the unexpected question, not just Greg became surprised, but everyone else in the room too.

The Saint after hearing what Eliana asked, squinted his eyes and a while later he said calmly, "Now you say it, I notice it too. He has an aura, which is definitely on par with a 4th rank fighter, but somehow... it's different."

Feeling tons of eyes on his skin, Greg felt like he was a naked woman before hundreds of men on an island. It wasn't a pleasurable feeling at all.

Not knowing how to answer at Mistress of Fortune's question, suddenly Alice in his head started to talk.

"After leveling up to the last level in the Body Grade and obtaining my Cultivation Art, others will feel like you have ranked up to the 4th rank, so just simply say yes."

Understanding the reason why Eliana asked him that question, Greg nodded and said, "Yes ma'am, I was lucky enough to rank up yesterday night."

Squinting her eyes, Eliana looked deep into Greg's eyes and after a while, she sighed and said casually, "Then congratulations. I only wanted to ask this question, so you can go now."

Hearing her say that, Greg was a bit surprised and thought, "I thought she will ask me a few more questions, but it seems she didn't get suspicious at all."

As he thought about that, he bowed and said in a polite manner, "Well then, I take my leave now. It was my pleasure to meet you."

After bowing, he activated his ability, and just like Kuragari a moment ago, he disappeared into his own shadow, while leaving all the experts in the room with a complicated look.

Seeing as Greg finally went away, The Saint stepped next to Eliana and asked, "What did you find out?"

Thinking for a while, she shook her head and said, "I don't how he has a 4th ranked fighter's aura, but he didn't rank up that's for sure."

Hearing this the old man got surprised for a moment, but in the next second his calm look came back and asked, "How are you so sure about it? What I could tell that his aura was definitely on the 4th rank. He didn't play any tricks."

"The moment he appeared in the room, I instantly noticed the change around him, so I used my ability. Firstly when I tried to figure out if he ranked up or not, what happened was just like always. My power was useless. However when I used my power to see how many 4th ranked fighter was in the room, the answer was..."


Listening to Eliana's explanation, the old man looked deep in thought and after a while, he said quietly, "It's really interesting. This kid is much more mysterious than I thought."

Nodding, Eliana turned around with an excited expression and said, "And that's why I will figure out what is really happening here."

With that said, she walked out of the room, leaving the other experts in the room without saying a single goodbye to them.


In a corner of a hotel, where no one was looking at, a shadow suddenly started to grow in size and after a moment, Greg's body started to emerge from it slowly.

When his body was fully out of the darkness, Greg sighed up in relief and said quietly, "That was too close."

As he was about to walk forward, suddenly Emma and Mila appeared not far away from him. After the two noticed him they waited at him with a smile and walked before him.

"Where were you? We just got back from shopping, when Joe said you got carried away by a scary guy, so we were about to look for you."

Hearing what Mila said, Greg smiled wryly and told them what really happened under the last hour he was away.

Listening to the unbelievable story, Mila's and Emma's face looked more and more shocked with each second, while their mouth and eyes opened wider and wider.

When Greg finally arrived at the end of his story he scratched his neck slowly and said, "So... that's what happened."

Looking at Greg's unfazed expression, Mila looked even more surprised and asked, "Why are you acting as nothing happened? You just met the second strongest men on earth!"

Looking confused after what she said, Greg frowned and asked, "With... the second strongest? What do you mean?"

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, she said, "The one you just met was The Uncrowned King, Kuragari!"

Greg after hearing Mila said with q kind of angry tone, started to frown slightly.

"The... Who?"

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