Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: Kuragari's Prediction


The moment the people heard what Kuragari just said to the strongest person on earth, they didn't know how to react at all.

On the other hand, Zane was looking at Kuragari's smiling figure with an ice-cold expression.

If it was anyone else, he would have killed them without hesitation, but the situation was a bit more complicated with Kuragari.

He knew him the best. He was like a ticking time bomb, which could explode at any moment. Even a small spark could be enough for him to turn the whole Arena upside down.

Also what made Zane hesitant was two things. One was that when Kuragari disappeared after their fight, no one knew what he did and how much stronger he became. He became stronger than before that's for sure because if not, he wouldn't have just used a priceless treasure as a bet in a wager.

Those who can clear a God rank zone and bring its core with a seal on it, couldn't be any weaker than him. And what's more, who knows if he did that all alone or not.

"Why are you here?"

Hearing Zane's emotionless tone of voice, Kuragari blew another load of smoke into the air and after chuckling slightly he walked toward the skinny guy.

Arriving next to the skinny guy, Kuragari looked at him with a murderous look and said angrily, "Get off."

The skinny guy looked at Kuragari, but after realizing the immense danger if he doesn't do what he was told, he would get into a very dire position for sure, so as a result he nodded and stood up hurriedly, giving his seat to Kuragari without a word.

Sitting down onto the comfortable seat next to The Saint, Kuragari looked down toward the fight below and said, "For nothing special. I just came to watch my student's fight."


Not just Zane, but everyone else on that estrade looked at Kuragari with a shocked expression, not believing what they just heard.

It was especially true for Eliana and Zane. Because the two of them were very close until that sad moment, they very well knew what person Kuragari was.

They once asked him if he will find himself a student that he can teach, but his answer was...

"I would rather jump into the middle of hundreds of God ranked creatures without my weapon, than teach kids for the rest of my life. That would be hell in itself."

After recalling those words of his, Eliana was even more shocked by the fact that Kuragari chose someone as his student.

The Saint on Kuragari's side started to smile just like always and asked calmly, "And which one of is your student? Is that boy with the time control, Jonathan?"

Laughing up loudly, Kuragari glanced at the Saint and said, "That? Haha! How funny! That guy is nothing more than a clown. Controlling time? Come on. Even a loser who gets such a Guardian could become as amazing as him. No, no, no. My student is nothing like him. The one I chose is right there."

Following where Kuragari pointed at, each of the expert's eyes grew wide in an instant, while their faces turned quite confused.

"Him? That defect? He is a boy who couldn't even control his sanity and went insane almost killing his friends and you still chose him? How funny.", said the skinny guy from behind Kuragari and laughed slightly.

Kuragari after hearing this turned around and looked at the guy with a calm expression.

Seeing those calm yet dangerous eyes, not only the guy but almost every expert seeing him like that started to sweat in an instant.

"Yeah, I chose him. But let me tell you something. He is not only a guy with incredible hidden talent with his strange Guardian but also much stronger than you think."

Turning toward the guy fully Kuragari's smile grew wider and wider, while the skinny guy's body shrunk smaller and smaller with each second.

"Tell me, when did he use his power to the fullest so far? Did he ever use all six of the elements that his Guardian can control? I don't think so. Also, let's not talk about the fact that maybe he has another trump card that not even I know. So far as I can tell, that Jonathan guy is nothing more than a mere joke before him, so just wait calmly and watch the show, little guy."

With that said, Kuragari turned back toward the stage and left the skinny guy with his scared look and trembling body behind his back.

Eliana saw how confident he was in Greg and after thinking for a while she asked, "When you said hidden potential... What did you me-"


Before she could finish her words, a huge shaking appeared on the stage, making the shield around the platform tremble visibly.

Kuragari looked down and after seeing Greg standing as steady as a mountain with his black staff in his hand inside a small crater, he pointed at him and said loudly, "When I said hidden potential I meant exactly that."

The Saint seeing what Kuragari meant, squinted his eyes and asked quietly, "What happened just now?"

"He is a born genius who not only will reach the summit of our rank but one day he will beat everyone else here, including me and you too, Zane."

Listening to Kuragari's words, Zane frowned slightly, but he didn't say a word.

"What is this ridiculous joke? Best all of us one day, including you and Zane? What are you talking about?"

Looking at Eliana, Kuragari smiled gently and said, "You will see it."

And a second later...


Hearing the loud explosion Eliana and the other experts turned their gazes toward the stage, only to see Greg standing next to a guy in a ninja-like suit, while his staff was on the guy's chest.

"That was close.", said Greg to himself as he looked at the unconscious body before his feet.

What happened a second ago made him quite surprised. The throwing star this guy threw at him had a strange power infused in it, which could make anything it touched to explode in a second.josei

And that's what happened to him a moment ago. After deflecting the guy's attack a strange print appeared on the staff and the next second he saw was a sudden flash.

Luckily he could jump away from Emma in time, because if not he didn't know what could have happened. She didn't have a solid and strong body like him, so that explosion could have ended poorly for her.

Unfortunately, this guy met the wrong person. After reaching the last level of the Body Grade small explosions like this couldn't injure Greg so easily. It inflicted some damage, but except for a small scratch or a little wound, which could heal almost instantly, nothing dangerous happened.

Turning his head back at where he left Emma, Greg sighed slightly with relief that she was fine, but the next second his face froze in an instant.

It was because, behind Emma, another guy in strange ninja-like clothing appeared with a small knife in hand.

Seeing this, Greg raised the staff in his hand and was about to use his power to boost his speed, when suddenly behind Emma's back a pair of beautiful wings made out of fire appeared, protecting her from the guy's assault.

The guy seeing the sudden change instantly regretted his move and tried to turn around, but it was too late.

With a sudden spin, Emma flew behind the guy and after grabbing him by his neck he started to fly high up into the air.

Within a few seconds, she was already below the shield and when her head almost touched the bottom of it, she looked down at the guy.

The guy also looked down and after seeing the they were almost a hundred meters high, he looked up at Emma with innocent eyes and started to talk, " I di-" 

But before he could finish his words, Emma smiled and with a gentle move, she let the guy go.


With a loud shout, the guy started to fall at a rapid pace, but when he saw his friend who Greg knocked out started to wake up slowly he stopped his scream and started to shout toward him.

"Hey! Help m-"


However unfortunately he couldn't finish his shout, because Emma appeared behind him in the air, and with a powerful hit, she kicked the guy into the other one, making the platform below the two to form cracks.

Greg on the side seeing as Emma stood atop two unconscious bodies like a queen, his mouth opened extra wide open in an instant.

Feeling Greg's gaze Emma cleared her throat and after stepping off from the bodies she said with a slight blush, "Well, he came from the back. Never surprise a lady from behind, because you never know what will happen, especially if it's with me. I hate when strangers try to approach me from behind."

Hearing this, Greg nodded in agreement and thought, "Well she can be aggressive sometimes too. That's good to know."

Thinking about this, Greg looked around and watched as more and more people started to get knocked out as time went by.

"We are very close to the finals for sure.", thought Greg with determined eyes and turned his gaze toward Jonathan and Laura, who were standing calmly in the distance.

Feeling his gaze, Jonathan turned his head to the side, and after meeting with Greg's gaze he started to smile.

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