Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 466

Chapter 466: Final Decision

Chapter 466: Final Decision

"You're back." josei

"Yes, master," replied Su Ya.

"Did something happen?" asked the Yin Moon Saintess.

Su Ya hesitated for a moment before telling her the entire story.

"Where is the [Seven Emotion Six Desires Book]?" she hurriedly asked.

"I have already retreated it."

"That's good. You did well this time, taking out an opponent like Lin Fan."

Su Ya lowered her head and did not say anything.

"You have experienced myriad emotions in this ordeal, so this will be good for your cultivation. Go back and reflect on them to deepen your understanding."

Su Ya nodded her head before leaving, sadness deep in her eyes.

'Is that book all she cares about?'

After returning to her abode, she spent the next few months in cultivation. She nursed her body while deepening her understanding of her Dao and physique.

After getting out, Su Ya went to see her master again. And the moment the Yin Moon Saintess saw her, he could feel that she was different somehow. However, she did not focus too much on it.

"What is it?"

"After reviewing what happened, I feel that something is wrong. There were too many coincidences. I feel like I have been calculated."

The Saintess frowned for a moment and thought about the situation more profound. And indeed, some parts did not add up. Yet, she still said: "You're overthinking things. All that matters is the final outcome.?? ? ?? n ? ???

"Master, I want to know what is going on."

The Saintess detested her disciple's insistence, and a look of annoyance appeared on her face. She waved her hand:

"Go ask your Dao Protector. Maybe she knows something."

Su Ya bowed to her before flying away. While in the sky, Su Ya looked at the empty sect, with only a few women could be seen doing their own things.

Unlike other sects, the disciples of the Yin Moon Palace spent most of their time traveling around the world and interacting with other people. Since their cultivation involves the power of emotions and desires, this is the best way for them to cultivate instead of closing themselves in seclusion.

So, these disciples hide their identity all over the Myriad Emperor World as they interact with all kinds of people–including mortals. It is prevalent for them to disguise themselves as beggars, chivalrous women, concubines or empresses of a mortal dynasty, or even courtesans in brothels.

Of all the factions in this world, the Yin Moon Palace's disciples interact the most with mortals. And because of this pattern, they also have a formidable spy system.

After arriving in front of a cave deep in the mountains, Su Ya landed before waiting. A few seconds later, the formation at the cave opened, and she entered.

A beautiful middle-aged woman sat cross-legged in the middle of the cave. She had a very peaceful and mature aura around her. Besides a small table with tea, nothing else could be found.

"Little Ya, what brought you to see me today?" she asked with a smile.

Su Ya then explained the entire situation. The mature woman sighed before holding her hands: "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. With my Dao Heart, this is not something that can affect me much."

"That's good. But be careful. Although your Heavenly Physique reduced the power of Heart Devil, it is better to be careful. Plus, I'm here if you need someone to talk to."

Su Ya smiled after hearing this before nodding.

"As for your question, there are many anomalies in your ordeal. Regrettably, I cannot think of a reason." p??da n?vel

Su Ya was immediately disappointed. After seeing this, her Dao Protector could not help feeling sorry, so she said: "In that case, let's go see if one of the Ancestors knows something."

"No, things are not that serious. There is no need to alarm the Ancestors."

"Nonsense. Since there is the possibility that someone is trying to harm you, we should know about it to take preventive measures."

After hesitating for a brief moment, Su Ya agreed, and her Dao Protector took them to see an older woman attending to her gardens. At first sight, she looked like an average person.

However, Su Ya discovered that she could not sense any emotions from her; it was like she was hiding them, more like she had transcended all her feelings and desires.

"Is that you, Little Ya? How beautiful you are."

The older woman slowly walked to Su Ya before caressing her head and pinching her face. For the first time since she could remember, Su Ya felt the familial love that she wanted.

"Ancestor, you know me?"

p ?? da-n ?v el "Of course. Don't call me Ancestor. Call me Granny Peony."

After hesitating for a moment, Su Ya nodded before chatting with her. A few minutes later, she explained her situation.

"It appears you have been used as a pawn in that Lin Fan's Outlaw Trial."

"Outlaw Trial?"

Granny Peony then explained the trial to her and the information she knew. Su Ya immediately had veins in her forehead, thinking about all her suffering came because Heavenly Dao wanted to test someone else.

She thought about how she discovered that [Bloodline Curse] a couple of thousand years ago and thought it was a fortunate encounter. She had lost her child. Although she never wanted to have children in the first place, it did not change the fact that it was hers.

'If only I….' ,c,om

"Heavenly Dao is cruel and treats everybody as dogs," said Granny Peon calmly. "There is a reason this saying exists. If it makes you feel better, even that young lad, Wang Wei, was treated as a pawn.

"Furthermore, he is a Supreme Outlaw and won't live long."

Su Ya did feel slightly better. However, she had a feeling that bastard would weasel his way and find a way to survive. She guessed that he wanted her scripture because of that trial.

"Little Ya, what are you going to do?"

Su Ya frowned for a few minutes before a look of determination flashed across her eyes.

"Granny Peony, I want…."

"Hm, that is a good idea. In this era full of monsters, this may be the best option. However, you still have to tell your master."

Su Ya nodded with determination in her eyes. She immediately went to see her master.

"What is it this time?" asked the Yin Moon Saintess as she looked at some sect documents.

"I have decided to seal myself and compete in a future Heaven Will Battle."

"What? Are you insane? I will not allow this," she yelled while standing up.

"My Dao and Path involves the desire to survive. And in this generation, my chances of surviving through the Heaven Will Battle are minuscule. So, it is better to compete at a later generation and prove the Dao then."

"Are you stupid? You have just killed Lin Fan and took all his Destiny. If you seal yourself, you will lose the majority of it."

"I know this, but my decision still stands."

"No, I will not allow this. I will not allow you to take the coward way out."

"Are you worried about me or that I cannot become a Great Emperor and give you immortality?" asked Su Ya with a sneer.

"What did you say?" asked the Saintess with an ugly look. She then rushed towards her intending to slap Su Ya. Unfortunately, with just one look, the Saintess fell to the ground with a dazed look.

Su Ya sighed. She never thought her master was so weak. With just an above-average illusion, a Peak Saint was so easily defeated.

"I've always wanted to know something. Now, it is a perfect time."

Su Ya used her illusion to spy into her master's mind and see what she thought of her. Then, tears slowly fell from her eyes as she muttered:

"So, I was nothing but a tool to secure your power in the sect."

SU Ya learned that her master once had an extremely talented sister who joined the sect at the same time as her. However, the sister was not ambitious despite her abilities.

So, the Saintess convinced her sister to support her to become the Yin Moon Saintess in their generations, and she did. With her help, she defeated all her opponents and killed the truly threatened ones.

However, after succeeding in her position, the Saintess' sister broke the sect's rules and married into the Sword Casting Pavilla. The Yin Moon Saintes became furious since she had no one supporting her.

And as expected, without a strong backer, her power as sect master was limited. The other members refused to acknowledge her position because of the cruel ways she did things.

The Saintess's power in the sect was fragile for many years–until she discovered Su Ya. The third Heavenly Physique held a special status in the Yin Moon Palace, so she used her disciple's existence to secure her power and even completely control the sect.

Su Ya sighed aloud; part of her already knew this to be accurate, but she refused to admit it. So, after shaking her head, she went to see Granny Peony begin the sealing process.

On the fly back, she felt that her state of mind had sublimated; the cloud on her mind was forever dispersed.

"You did an excellent job," said Granny Peony. "Before sealing yourself, I will send you the Sentiment Origin Pool to baptize your body and strengthen your foundation."

"Sentiment Origin Pool? What is that?"

"A pool containing Sentiment Origin Qi, the world's highest form of emotional energy. The founder refined it from the Source Qi Space, and each Emperor after that further strengthened it."

Su Ya nodded, and a few days later, she entered the pool. The process took her 12 years to strengthen her foundation. Finally, she headed to a sizeable Secret Realm with countless coffins with runes.

"Is what I ask for finished?" asked Su Ya.

"Yes. With this Fate Talisman, you can absorb endless emotions and desires from the River of Fate while you are sealed," replied Granny Peony. "However, be warned, this will make the sealing process even more difficult."

Su Ya expected this. She needed to experience countless years in isolation to wash away her Karma while sealed. And if she has to absorb all emotions and desires in the process, things will become exponentially more difficult. However, she still decided to do it.

And that's because she knows that once she wakes up, she will have one of the most powerful foundations in the world, and by then, no one can stop her from proving the Dao.

So, without hesitation, she entered the coffin and closed it.

All her clones were sealed along with her, waiting for another generation or era to show their brilliance.

"I cannot wait for what you will accomplish in a few generations," muttered Granny Peony with a smile.

Wang Wei suddenly stopped on his way back to his mountain. He suddenly felt that his Destiny increased significantly, so he immediately calculated the cause.

'Su Ya sealed herself?'

According to the rules of Heaven and Earth, if a cultivator sealed themselves, this is a sign of giving up the battle in this generation. And most of the Destiny she had with her will be distributed.

The last person who defeated Su Ya will have a quarter of the Destiny, while the rest will be distributed throughout the world to create more fortunate encounters.

Anyone lucky or strong enough to get these encounters can absorb these Destiny and rise as new Heaven Chosens.

Generally, this would not be a big deal. However, Su Ya had all of Lin Fan's Destiny that he acquired from the Slaughter Trial. With such a large amount, Wang Wei could see the rise of many new people.

Wang Wei shook his head and did not think too much about this. Destiny cannot save him, so he will not pay mind to it for now. So, he rushed home without stopping.

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