Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 482 Thirteen Taboos

Chapter 482 Thirteen Taboos

Chapter 482 Thirteen Taboos

As Wang Wei watched that single eye, he was powerless; his so-called unparalleled fleshly body, unmatched Paragon-Quality Soul, or unique Willpower; were all useless in front of that entity.

Although sad about this fact, he already knew this distance between himself and Immortal Tier Powerhouse, let alone this entity whose strength he simply could not understand or fathom.

So, he waited to know what his final fate was. All his secret attempts were useless as he could not even move; his mind barely functioned as he processed what was happening. Nevertheless, he never stopped thinking about how to get out of this situation.

As he gazed at the eye, some information popped into his mind: There are 13 Taboos in the universe, and science and technology are one of them. Then, he saw a dark light gathering in front of the enormous eyes.

p????-?0??? As he saw the light, he could not feel or sense any power from it. However, his intuition told him that he would be annihilated once hit.

'I guess it's time to go crazy. As for the consequences, I'll deal with them afterward,' thought Wang Wei. However, something odd happened before he did whatever he was planning.

He saw a barrier appearing out of nowhere to surround the Middle Thousand World he was in. And as a result, the humongous eyes stopped their attack.

Wang Wei did not know if it was true, but he felt that it looked in the distance, but he was not sure. His mind or normal senses were not working as usual; it was as if his spirit could not efficiently process interacting with such a higher being. He even guessed that if it was not for the quality of his soul, he could not even think a single thought against such an individual.

A few seconds later, the eye looked at him again before disappearing, leaving Wang Wei in confusion.

Meanwhile, in the Eternal Ascension World, when the Eye of Grand Dao appeared, no one noticed in the slightest. However, two people suddenly woke up from their slumber when the shield manifested.

Their act alerted the other seven as they wondered why these usually low-key bosses took action this time.p????-?0???.???

"Did you feel it?" asked a male voice.

"Yes, but I cannot find the source," replied a female voice.

"Me too. I thought I was mistaken for a moment. Since even you felt it, then something odd did happen."

Then, the other seven contacted these two and asked: "Is there a problem?"

"This not something you can involve with," replied the male voice, making the other seven quiet for a moment before they returned to their slumber. Finally, the two searched for the weird fluctuation but to no avail.

The Eternal Ascension World is the higher dimension where Immortal Beings usually live and cultivate. And beyond this world is Primordial Chaos, the source or beginning of all things and life in this universe.

Many worlds–known as Chaos Worlds— exist with different cultivation systems, cultures, ideologies, and religions. And Chaos Worlds are divided into two: Source World and Normal World.

Source World are worlds that can create Heaven Wills and thus give birth to Great Emperors, Empyreans, and eventually Paragons. Normal Worlds have different power systems similar to the path of Dao Ancestors and Immortal Venerable, or completely different ones.

Although Normal Worlds are weaker than Source Worlds, some are so unique that they can create powerhouses on par with Great Emperors. Essentially, they are worlds that can easily cultivate Insurgent Heaven Chosen.

Amongst these many worlds, one of them is very special as it seems extremely difficult to discover, if not impossible. The people of this world can leave and return, but foreign individuals–no matter how strong–cannot find or enter that world unless invited by its habitant. p???? ?0???

A purple palace floated in the Primordial Chaos right outside of that world. Inside, an older Daoist sat cross-legged in cultivation. Suddenly, he felt something and opened his eyes.

He waved his hand, and three pictures floated in front of them before looking at one of them: this was a picture of Wang Wei when he was back on Earth.

The power of Destiny flashed across this Daoist's eyes as he looked at Wang Wei's pictures.

"Another one is committing the taboo?" he muttered. "Should I help him?" He hesitated to take action as he thought of the possible consequences. Then, he remembered the lone soul he saw floating in Primordial Chaos, using its own Willpower and dedication to absorb World Essence to survive.

He was a unique individual, even amongst all the people he chose, accomplishing unimaginable feats. josei

"According to my deduction, these three are the only chance this world has to survive the upcoming catastrophe. So, I cannot let them die like the others."

So, the Daoist took out an ax that was pieced together; it appears it could be destroyed at any time. He activated it before connecting to the Eternal Ascension World, ignoring the infinite distance between them.

Then, he used a strange power from the ax to create a barrier between the Middle Thousand World and protect Wang Wei. So, Grand Dao Eye looked at the Old Daoist. It no longer attacked and disappeared as it gazed at the ax in his hand.

Taboos are only for 99.9999% of all living creatures across all Chaos Worlds. As for the 0.000001%, they get a pass as long as they are strong enough.

Then, the Old Daoist looked at Wang Wei and instantly could calculate his current situation. But he did not plan to intervene. Of all the three, if he had to place a bet on who is the one he is waiting for, he would put his bet on Wang Wei.

'In that case, let's sow some positive Karma first to prepare for the future.'

So, he said directly to Wang Wei's mind.

"Fellow Daoist, Hongjun is waiting to meet you one day and discuss the Dao."

After saying that, he removed the connection and all traces of his existence or presence in this world. He glanced at the awaking people for a moment before leaving.

Although these two people were in the same realm as him, the Pangu Ax gave him an overwhelming advantage, so he did not fear they could find his trace or connection to Wang Wei.

After Hongjun's mind returned to his body, he suddenly coughed a mouthful of purple blood. His single action suddenly shook the entire Prehistoric World and turned the sky blood-red, an act that would last for at least 3000 years.

His eyes then saw the six people outside of his palace and said:

"You don't have to worry, just a slight injury."

Shocked appeared on these people's faces after hearing this; as the one and only Saint in this Chaos World, they all knew how powerful their teacher was. But someone or something could injure him?

However, they did not ask since the latter obviously did not want to say anything. So, all six bowed before returning to their cultivation abode.

In the lower dimension of the Eternal Ascension World, Wang Wei also looked shocked after hearing the message in his mind.

'Ancestor Hongjun? As in the one in mythology? Doesn't that mean Pangu, the 3000 Innate Demon Gods, and all the Saints were real?'

Something then clicked inside his mind. He always thought there was something odd about his reincarnation. The first one is the space crack that swallowed him.

The thing happened right inside his apartment next to him. Additionally, his intuition was very late to warn him; to be exact, the moment he felt something was wrong was also the moment the crack swallowed him.

However, this was not the main reason for his suspicion. The main reason was his family. Being born as the son and heir to a family like the Wang Clan and the Dao Opening Sect is a manifestation of extreme luck.

And based on his understanding of luck, he should not be reincarnated with such a strong background. Wang Wei's had two theories to explain this situation.

The first one was that maybe before earth, he had a previous life where he was a powerful cultivator, and his luck from that time helped him be born into such a prestigious clan.

His second theory was that someone blessed him with tremendous luck.

Now, he understood that Ancestor Hongjun might be the reason for his reincarnation and the person who blessed him. Additionally, he also theorized that he was not the only one who reincarnated into different worlds.

He had these suspicions long ago with the Human Emperor, but now he could confirm this.

'So, why is Hongjun sending people from Earth into different worlds? What is he planning?'

Although he thought of many possibilities, he could not think of a real answer because of the lack of information. So, he concentrated on the situation at hand.

He realized he had contacted two of the 13 Taboos so far. The first one is the Dao of Nothingness that almost killed him, and [Science and Technology].

'Why is [Science and Technology] a taboo in the first place?' thought Wang Wei. Based on strength, it cannot compare to cultivation in the early and middle stages.

As for the late stages, it should be on par; however, Wang Wei was not too sure since he could only theorize based on the fictional books he read back on Earth; he had no concrete proof of how high science and technology can reach.

'Maybe, Earth is unique in some ways.' He also wondered what the other taboos were and whether he would meet or have any connection to them. Somehow, he had a feeling that he might.

Finally, he looked at the Middle Thousand World before him, sighing deeply as he somehow survived intact. At the last moment, he planned to remove the chains in his Primordial Spirit and get access to all the Spiritual Strengths from his reincarnation.

Although Wu Hong warned him not to do this, he would not hesitate in this moment of life and death. Furthermore, he prepared to sacrifice all the spiritual power to the [Future Buddha Self] to see if he could tap on the strength of his future self.

Wang Wei gambled that some future version of him had the strength to compete against that eye and save his life. And if he was wrong on his gamble, he could only accept his fate.

As for other consequences, he would deal with them later on.

(AN: I receive two more 500 coins gifts, so here is an extra chapter with another coming later this week.)

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