Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 489 Identity

Chapter 489 Identity

Chapter 489 Identity

Wang Tian looked at the people on the other side of the formation with great anger. If it was not for these bastards, he could be doing a lot to save his son. And yet, he could stay here and be useless.

Nevertheless, he was still a sect master and knew to analyze the situation to best deal with it. He spread his Divine Sense to sense the surroundings and realized the situation was a little more serious.

Only their sect's Domain is caught in the collision, while the blood race seemed to have a few more, meaning they might have to fight multiple Emperor Lineages.

Typically, the nine Emperor Formations should be enough to protect the sect. Still, if the blood race used their collective Emperor Artifacts and Weapons, they might be able to break the formation.

'So, we must not let them approach our sect,' thought Wang Tian. So, he immediately began to organize the disciples and elders. The Formation Hall trained all the disciples to use formations to fuse their strength and protect themselves. In times of war, they had to organize themselves according.

Wang Tian activated the Sword Hall, where his army and General from the previous generation cultivated. He mobilized the Alchemy Hall to provide healing and sudden strength increase pills, Talisman Halls for defensive, attack, and healing talismans.

The Weapon Refining Hall loaned better weapons to the disciples while also using their recent project: A Puppet Army. Finally, he ordered the Shadow Guard to infiltrate the enemy's line and create as much chaos as possible and possibly affect their command chief if they had any.

As Wang Tian watched all the people rushing to follow his order, he frowned slightly. He felt they took too long, given the current situation. Then, he remembered a conversation he had with his son.

'Wei'er was right. I should have made the mandatory drills he suggested.' His son once suggested having Emergency Drills for the entire sect every thousand years so the disciples and elders could respond in time in case of an emergency.

However, he vetoed the idea because the process would waste resources, and he did not think the sect needed to prepare for any genuine danger. After all, they were the most powerful; who dared to challenge them?

Wang Tian now realized how his unconscious hubris got the best of him. He shook his head as he decided to watch out for these subtle changes in his state of mind.

And he will also take this opportunity to warn all the disciples and elders so that they realize there is no absolute in this world. Even their sect could face a catastrophe anytime–whether man-made or natural.

By the time everyone got in their position, the blood race had already begun to attack the sect's Formation with their Emperor Artifacts. Wang Tian swung his sword and cut one of the Quasi-Emperor with an Emperor artifact in his hand into a million pieces, including his soul.

Then, a sub-Array came from the sect's Emperor Formation and sealed the Emperor Artifact before dragging inside. Wang Tian led the charge out of the formation with everyone behind him.

[Myriad Sword Qi Rain]

An incalculable number of blue lights appeared within a million kilometers radius before falling on the ground like rain. And every time these blue lights hit a member of the blood race, someone would have from the sky.

It did not matter whether they had 4, 6, 9, or even a 9th horn that was golden in color. The Sword Qi will cut their souls and kill them. And this was not the end of Wang Tian's attack.

He looked in the distance to see a desert, so he waved his sword again. Every single sand particle in that desert turned into sword Qi to ravage the blood race.

With this attack, he killed two Golden Horn blood races or Quasi-Emperors with Emperor Artifacts. Unfortunately, the Array Hall could only seal one of them while the other ran away. Obviously, the blood race was on guard against them.

"Blood Source World," screamed one of the blood races, and many people followed him to say the word. The environment changed as an illusory world containing more blood people appeared behind these people.

Immediately after the World Projection appeared, these blood races' aura drastically increased, and their black horns had runes appearing on them.

'A bloodline system that can develop something similar to Domain at the 7th Tier?' thought Wang Tian before slashing his sword again. Unfortunately, he only killed a few hundred thousand 7 Horns blood race this time.

The eight and above horns instantly regenerated themselves after dying, while a few blocked his attack.

'In that case, let's go all out.'

Domain Expansion: Unlimited Sword Cut.

Wang Tian's surroundings changed as well; it was as if he had become his own small world. Then, the blood race finally understood what terrible mistake they had made.

Everything in Wang Tian's Domain was a sword; the soil on the ground, the grass, the clouds, the air they breathe, and even the Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth turned into a Sword Cut that killed everything in its path.

Moreover, his Domain had long reached the limit of 1.263 trillion kilometers, so almost everything in its range died.

'Tian'er, don't kill all of them?'

Wang Tian looked in the direction of his wife, who also expanded her Domain. Everything around had turned into darkness.

'What do you mean?'

'They are great resources. Capture them instead.'

Wang Tian frowned as he wanted to vent his anger on these people, but he realized this was not the time to act on emotions. Instead, he should have faith in his son and act in the best interest of the sect.

He looked at the clone in the distance with relief. As long as it did not disappear, things were still manageable. So, Wang Tian's cut the blood race's cultivation level, thus essentially sealing them.

Then, he rushed into their Blood Abyss World's camp without a care in the world. Anything or anyone who stood in his path was either killed or sealed; no one could stop him.

Even when some of the blood race members combined their Blood Source World to stop them, he just cut their entire world. So, with Wang Tian's rampage, a battle that should have taken a few days ended in a few hours.

Both sides decided on a temporary truce to wait for the World Collision to end and for their respective worlds to return to normal. To be precise, the blood race could not wait for this horror to end. josei

In the Dao Opening Sect, Wang Tian looked at one of the Elders and asked: "How are the casualties on our side?"

"More than 50,000 disciples died, and three Saint Elders also perished. As the True Monarchs, they were only injured but no casualty."

Wang Tian frowned, "Where are the bodies?" After getting the answer, he flew to the location. Looking at the dead disciples, he took out his sword and slashed forward.

[Death Concept Cutting]

With that one swing, he cut off the concept of death on these disciples. Then, something incredible happened. All 50,000 disciples opened their eyes in confusion as they were brought back to the land of the living.

"Sect Master, there is no need to do this," said one of the Great Elders, and the others who arrived also agreed with them. However, the now pale-looking Wang Tian shook his head.

Under normal circumstances, he would not mind the death of these disciples since they knew long ago they should die for the sect. But he did not like the fact they died because of Heavenly Dao's scheme.

So, he raised his hand to slash again; this time, his target was the two Saint Elders. Wang Tian coughed a mouthful of blood, and his face became paler. Then, like the disciples, the Elders also returned to the land of the living.

p????-?0??? Yu Yan landed next to her husband to support him.

"Thank you, sect master," said the 50,000 disciples and 3 Elders. After nodding to them, he flew back to his quarters under his wife's support.

"How is it?" asked Wang Chang, who waited for them on the Wang Clan's mountain.

"I will be fine after a few years of recovery."

Wang Chang nodded before patting his son on the shoulder, a little complex emotion in his eyes. He saw the battle and knew how his son had surpassed him.

Truth be told, he knew long ago but pretended not to lose face.

"I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you," replied Wang Tian with a smile before a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes. "If only I could do that back then."

"There is no point in thinking about this. Your mother lived a happy and fulfilling life. And when she died, she had a brilliant smile on her face."

Wang Tian agreed before heading into the mansion.

"Don't worry about that brat. If there is someone who could pass this trial, it would be him."

Wang Tian paused for a moment before continuing walking.

Wang Wei looked at the young face with red eyes containing unimaginable hatred. The person had white hair, but Wang Wei could tell it was not because of choice or a strange physique. No, this change occurred because of intense emotions, most likely grief.

"Who are you?" asked Wang Wei. He could remember everyone he met, but this face was one of them.

My name is Zhen Chao, Patriarch Zhen Yong's son."

"Zhen Yong from the Warring State World? Didn't I order the extermination of your clan?"

"You did," replied Zhen Chao. "However, your lackeys did not know how to deal with the members who had [Leakless Bodies] since you did not give specific instruction, so I survived the massacre."

Wang Wei remembered a conversation over 10,000 years ago during the Qi Luck Trial. Back then, he had just finished tempering his skin from the explosion of the Secret Realm.

His officials did mention they did not deal with the Leakless Bodies member of all the noble clans. Unfortunately, the trial was coming to an end, so Wang Wei did not care about a bunch of people who could not cultivate.

"Your identity still does not make sense. My subordinate would never allow Zhen Yong's direct bloodline from surviving."

"You're right," replied Zhen Chao with a smile full of despair, pain, and hatred. "I was only a bastard son, so I was not even registered in the clan Ancestor's Hall."

A slight reminisce flashed in his eyes.

"Even so, my father treated my sister and me quite well. He would secretly come to see us, and we would spend time as a family. Although I could not cultivate, this was not the same for my sister as she was pretty talented.

"My father promised to secretly cultivate her as the backbone of the Zhen Clan. Unfortunately, he cut off all contact when you people invaded our world.

"Then, one day, my sister decided to visit him personally."

Pain appeared on Zhen Yong's face as he remembered that moment.

"I tried to persuade her. Unfortunately, I could never say no to her when she begged me for something. Hehehe, do you know how much I regretted that day?

"The same day we decided to visit was the day your lackeys chose to wipe out the Zhen Clan. At the last minute, she forcibly placed me in one of the rooms before using a high-level talisman to hide me.

"So, I survived, but I wished I did not."

Zhen Chao returned to his calm and peaceful mood as he looked at his hand. "I could hear her final scream before she died, and I was powerless to do anything as I uselessly punched the door of the room…Not long after that, I had to watch my father publicly executed. And when I returned home, my mother hanged herself out of grief.

"I was left alone, with no one in this world."

Zhen Chao raised his head to look at the calm Wang Wei.

"You know, she was only 15 years old, about to turn 16 the next month. All she wanted was to see Father for her birthday. Don't you have anything to say?"

"Do you want me to apologize or say I regret my actions?" said Wang Wei.

"Maybe not, but at least show some remorse."

Wang Wei looked at his hands, "Unfortunately, you'll be disappointed. At this point in my life, I have so much blood in my hand that your sister's life or even your entire family is inconsequential."

"Haha, what should I expect from a monster like you? But don't worry, after I cut off your head, I will use it as an offering on their grave."

Wang Wei ignored him as he seemed to have figured out something. He looked at Zhen Chao's Fate Line again as his eyes lit up.

"Are you, by any chance a…"

(AN: I receive two more 500 coins gifts, so here is an extra chapter with another coming later this week.)

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