Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 507 Endless Void Politics

Chapter 507 Endless Void Politics

Chapter 507 Endless Void Politics

A young-looking man walked into an inn in the Central Continent. He had a serious look, so the shopkeepers did not dare to say anything to him and even looked down after seeing him.

The man ignored the people around him before walking to one of the luxurious rooms of the inn. He used a spell to indicate his identity before the invisible formations surrounding the room allowed him entry.

As soon as he entered, he saw an older man dressed in a blue martial robe floating in the air with his eyes closed. What was odd about this person was that he did not have long hair on a bun.

His white hair was short–quite similar to a modern person.

"Elder Red Fist," bowed the young man.

"What did you find?"

"The situation is worse than we expected. The Dao Opening Sect has Nine Emperors, two of which were Eternal Emperors, and they are the most powerful sect in this plane."

"One Sect, Two Eternals," muttered Elder Red Fist before sighing loudly. "In that case, we will have to use diplomatic means."

The young man squinted his eyes slightly but did not say anything.

"Do you have a different opinion?" asked Red Fist.

"Huh, no."josei

"If you want to say something, don't hesitate."

"Elder, I still think our sect does not need to fear them."

"Why is that?"

"It is common knowledge that the Myriad Emperor World has been in decline for quite some time. So, with our background, they will back down as long as we come forward strongly."

Elder Red Fist paused for a moment and looked at the young man.

"The Myriad Emperor World has been in decline, yet they are still second when considering the amount of Eternal Emperors their planes have cultivated. Furthermore, many people know the top spot would have gone to them if not for many of their Eternal Emperors dying and being erased from history."


Elder Red Fist raised his hand to stop him. "The Myriad Emperor World has significantly impacted the Endless Void. Many worlds envy or hate them, but no one has invaded them."

"B-Because of their strength and background?"

"That's one reason. However, there are planes full of madmen who will not care about such a thing."

"Then, I don't know."

"According to the Order of Heaven and Earth, everything has a peak and a low, which will fluctuate. Things will rise to the peak before falling to their lowest, then repeat the process.

"During the Innate-Acquired War, and even the first two Eras of the Myriad Emperor World, their world has reached an unimaginable peak. However, from then on, they slowly fell to their lowest point in the subsequent 3 Eras.

"Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"You mean the rise of the Myriad Emperor World is approaching?"

"Yes, and many World Communities know this and have been prepared: some want to resist, some want to take this opportunity to rise, and some only want to survive this upcoming turmoil."

The young man frowned after hearing this, "If that's the case, why don't they try to stop the arrival of this new era?"

"There are many reasons. Some believe the Myriad Emperor World will never reach its previous peak but will only stop its decline. However, the main reason is that they feared their actions would be the catalyst that began this plane's rise–just like a person trying to stop a prophecy that resulted in it being accomplished because of their involvement in the first place.

"Of course, some people did try."

"Some people tried?" asked the young man before his eyes lit up. He did thorough research on this plane before reporting back.

"You mean the Heaven Devouring Emperor?"

"Yes. A few Heaven Will World grouped together, gathered enough resources and Destiny, and chose to secretly support a Devil Cultivator to rise and become Emperor. Finally, they lured him with a secret inside the Swallowed Zone to become enemies with the world."

"One of the Forbidden Lands? What exactly is inside that attracted an Eternal Emperor so much?"

"Not something you should know," calmly replied Elder Red Fist. Truth be told, even he did not know. The young man smiled wrily before quickly changing the subject.

"Their plans seemed to work."

"Yes, but it worked too well. Their original intention was to cultivate a First-Class Emperor, if lucky, a Pseudo-Eternal Emperor who is extremely cunning; his purpose was to hide inside the Myriad Emperor World and secretly slow down its development.

"Unfortunately, they underestimate the talent of the Heaven Devouring Emperor and his greed. After proving the Dao, he became an Eternal Emperor. And the first thing he did was counter-attack these worlds who schemed against him before focusing on the Myriad Emperor World."

"Their plan did work nevertheless," added the young man.

"Yes. The Myriad Emperor World's development was delayed by another era, but their original intention was for the delay to be longer."

"So, is this era the time they will rise again?"

"Based on the current situation, very likely."

Ye Chen pondered for a moment as he realized many things. The Elder knew this world better than he did, so he sent him to search for information to explore and open his mind before coming to a conclusion.

As the newly chosen Young Sect Master of the Martial Origin Sect, he has to have a vision that can see the entire Endless Void–especially if he can prove the Dao in this generation.

After all, all his decisions will affect the sect and the entire world.

"Thank you, Elder, for your teaching, but I have one last question," said Ye Chen while cupping his hand.

"Why is the Myriad Emperor World so special? What makes it so unique?"

"Many people have pondered the same question and created many theories to explain this phenomenon. However, the most prominent one is Luck or Destiny."

Ye Chen was a little confused, so Elder Red Fist continued:

"Of all the Heaven Will Worlds in the Endless Void, the Myriad Emperor World is the plane with the most Luck or Destiny, hence its uniqueness. Now, there are arguments to explain this amount of Destiny.

"Some say it is because they have cultivated so many Great Emperors who later became unparalleled beings, which in turn bless their planes. However, some believe the Myriad Emperor World's Destiny was innate; at the beginning of time, when each Heaven Will World was first born, it was granted the most Destiny.

"I personally believe in the former. After all, although Heaven and Earth are unfair, it has its rule and regulation: it has its order."

Ye Chen frowned after hearing this, countless thoughts flashing across his mind. Then, he asked: "If this generation is the beginning of the Myriad Emperor World's resurgence, how should our plane treat them? How should I treat them as the sect master?"

Elder Red Fist did not immediately answer him. Instead, he stood up from his floating position before walking to the wooden window in the room and opening it. While looking in the distance, he said:

"Do you know a Heaven Will World can be demoted?"

"Demoted? As in they turn into Greater Thousand Worlds?"


"How is that possible?"

Although rare, some scary individuals can destroy a Heaven Will World. However, the usual method of demotion is when too many Immortal-Tier Powerhouses constantly fight inside the world, thus over-drafting the World Source and weakening the world to the level of Great Thousand Worlds.

"Normally, these Heaven Will Worlds will return to their peak after countless generations of recuperation. However, another Great Thousand World can be chosen to replace them instead."

"Who has the power and right to choose the status of Heaven Will Worlds?"

Elder Red Fist turned around, looked at him, and said: "Heaven and Earth have their own Oder and operation method. But that's not the point of me telling you all this."

"I see. I will make sure that nothing happens to our world and sect–even if it means my death," Ye Chen said with determination. Elder Red Fist walked to him before patting his shoulder.

"That's the spirit. Go prepare. Tomorrow, we will officially visit the Dao Opening Sect."

Ye Chen cupped his hands and bowed before leaving the room.

As Elder Red Fist watched him exit, he secretly shook his head. He did not think Ye Chen had any chance at proving the Dao in this generation–especially when compared to Zhen Chao. He was too far in terms of strength, strategy, vision, and a list of other things.

Unfortunately, he was currently the "best" the Martial Origin Sect had in his generation unless they woke up a Sleeping Heaven Chosen.

'I hope this information can bring some pressure on him and brings out his hidden potential,' thought Elder Red Fist. Nevertheless, he was not that hopeful; he only did all this because the sect master instructed him to do so.

Thinking of the current political state of the Martial Origin Sect, Red Fist could not help but shake his head.

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