Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 615 Rules Are Rules

Chapter 615 Rules Are Rules

The hooded figure and the two First Class Emperors followed Wang Wei through whatever dimension he teleported there. And the moment they arrived, they found an entirely different civilization from the cultivation world.

The two Emperors immediately understood this was a valuable place that could benefit them immensely. Hence, they gave each other side-eyes, thinking about whether they would fight or agree to share.

"Remember the contract. Kill him," said the hooded figure, and they nodded; it was not time for them to deal with this problem since this place was not going anywhere. They looked at Wang Wei and attacked.

Two enormous palms descended on Wang Wei, intending to eradicate him. He gritted his teeth, thinking of ways to survive. He condensed his Duyi Realm into armor, entered the Intangibility State, and used his Willpower to protect him.

He went further by blessing himself with all his laws: space-time, order-disorder, Yin-Yang, Freedom, Destiny, Samsara, luck, karma, soul, destruction, five elements, array, and talisman.

These Emperors were momentarily distracted by the Science and Technology World for less than a nanosecond, but this was enough time for Wang Wei to take all the Immortal-Tier Talismans in his space ring and activate them.


The two palms landed, and Wang Wei's measures were utterly useless. His protective measures did not even last a second before crumbling. Luckily for him, an enormous purple dragon came out of his body and protected him.

With the Son of an Era's Qi Luck, he barely managed to survive before opening another portal and leaving.

Outside, the sect's Insurgent sensed a space fluctuation before something came out: a body. They rushed to it to see Wang Wei's tattered body covered in blood.

Origin One acted swiftly and injected his power inside his body to heal him. However, after a few seconds, he shook his head and sighed.

"How is he?" asked Sword One.

"His [Existence] was destroyed. He is only relying purely on his Willpower to defy death and prevent himself from returning to nothingness."

"Damn it," yelled Sword One, her body emanating countless Sword Qi so powerful that one of them alone could annihilate millions of Greater Thousand Worlds.

'In the end, the Nine Emperor Curse was not lifted,' she thought, angered by the situation. Their sects finally cultivated an unparallel genius that would create probably one of the greatest Eras the world had ever seen. Yet, he died before their eyes. 

The void suddenly shook again, and three people appeared. Immediately, Sword One released a terrifying aura to lock on these people, making the two Great Emperors almost soil their past. And considering these god-like beings have not defecated for trillions of years, it was indeed an unpleasant feeling.

Meanwhile, the hooded figure watched Wang Wei's dead body, and he suddenly began to laugh maniacally. Sword One wanted to wipe him from the face of existence, but Origin One stopped her; he wanted to know some information so that they know who to destroy and avenge their fallen Heaven Chosen.

"Hahaha, he's finally dead. Hahaha, the great and mighty Fate Dominator, the Conqueror of Worlds, the Controller of Fate, the Taker of Free Will, the Chaos Universe's Ultimate Tyrant; you're finally dead. The universe is safe."

"Master, I've avenged you. I have saved all sentient beings like you wanted me to." He raised his head to look at the sky, tears falling down his cheeks.

The hooded figure reminisced about that final moment. A fog appeared in the world, and that tyrant manifested; he demanded that all living beings in the Chaos World surrender peacefully. But they refused.

But the tyrant did not take no for an answer. Unfortunately, he was unmatched. He would either suppress or kill anyone who stood in his way. At the last minute, his master gave him a few things and told him he was chosen for a mission to prevent the rise of this tyrant.

With determination, the hooded figure traveled back in time to a period before the tyrant proved the Dao. Using the things his master gave him, he traversed the dangerous Primordial Chaos to travel to the Eternal Ascension World and infiltrated this world secretly.

Unfortunately, even in his youth, the Fate Dominator was a genius that the hooded figure could deal with. Not to mention, the Divine Seal Empress, the All-Myriad Heaven Sealer, The Worthy One, The Rune Alpha and Omega, the Grand Dao Disrupter–his accomplice and as cruel as him–was with him.

Given the situation, the hooded figure had to enlist foreign help while waiting for the opportune time. Luckily for him, his master seemed to have granted him many memories about the life of the young Fate Dominator, allowing him to know the perfect time to strike.

"I can finally go home," muttered the hooded figure.


Everything in the surrounding turned black and white. An enormous single eye suddenly appeared above the sky, towering above Heaven and Earth.

Grand Dao Eye. This thought popped into the mind of all the people present. They instantly knew who this extraordinary being was and how mighty he was. Immediately, everyone present began to tremble.

The eye looked at the two First Class Emperors who were secretly calculating their escape route. Their face changed as they sensed danger. They activated their powers to try to run away. Unfortunately, before they could even react, they disappeared from the world, their existence completely wiped out.

Then, the eye looked at the hooded figure.

"No, no, no. You chose me for this mission. I did it. Now that I succeeded, why are you getting rid of me? I'm a hero."

The hooded figure did not want to die; he had accomplished his goal and could return home. He could meet his master again and redo his life, fixing all his regrets. He could use this opportunity to reach the peak of cultivation and see the scenarios he did have the chance to.

Regrettably, Grand Dao did not care about his words. With its indifferent eyes, it wiped out the hooded figure from existence. The one who showed up was nothing but a clone, while the real body hid behind the scene. It, too, was also erased.


Then, Grand Dao gazed at the Dao Opening Sect's Insurgents. After not sensing the taboo from their bodies, it disappeared. The group did not dare to breathe for more than half a minute.

"I knew this kid had many secrets. But I did not expect it involved taboo and Grand Dao," commented Miscellaneous.

"None of that matters now," replied Origin One. With this situation, they understood the kid was destined to accomplish many great things. However, he also made too many enemies in his path, resulting in the current situation.


The space trembled as cracks manifested, alerting everyone. Then, they saw a beautiful woman in a long white cheongsam,  cut off on the lower bottom to show her long legs with no shoes. Her flowing black hair accented her beauty, but no one would care about that because of her serious demeanor.

Wu Hong looked at the dead Wang Wei and frowned. Her eyes changed as she manifested everything that happened, including how her husband died and the fate of the hooded figure.

'*Sigh* This timeline is rapidly going out of control. Someone from the future came to deal with him?'

Wu Hong frowned as she analyzed the situation. Paragon could travel through the River of Time. However, many restrictions are placed on them to prevent them from messing with history and creating too many paradoxes.

As a result, when a Paragon wants to change something from the past, they would usually travel to a parallel timeline with the most negligible difference from their original timeline; some paranoid people would go to a timeline where the only difference was someone's robe color was blue instead of black.

Heavenly Dao or Grand Dao did not care if these guys messed up the alternate timeline, but they could not mess with the main one. Furthermore, timelines become more complicated when they leave their home Chaos World and have to consider the entire Chaos Universe.

Of course, Wu Hong concluded Grand Dao was involved in this operation. However, her memories only went as far as when Wang Wei reached Paragon.

'Has Wang Wei's Detachment Path changed in this timeline? Is this the reason he did not even intervene?'

She shook her head to not think further about this problem. She held him in her embrace and began using [Existence Reconstruction], helping him revive. This technique requires great talent and a deep enough understanding of [Existence]. One wrong mistake and the process can fail. Or worse, the person she created looked exactly like Wang Wei but was an entirely different person with different [Existence].

As Wu Hong slowly reconstructed Wang Wei's [Existence], her face became pale before blood began to fall from her nose and ears. She frowned before looking at one of the dead Emperor's bodies. She opened her mouth and swallowed three Second Class Emperors, returning her complexion to a somewhat normal look.

'I'm reaching the limit of this body.'

While in a state similar to Limbo, Wang Wei felt he was rapidly sinking into a pool of water. And the further he sank, the closer he felt death approaching. So, he fought harder and harder to prevent this from happening. However, his struggle only delays the speed of sinking.

'Is this death? It's more peaceful than I thought.'

Wang Wei continued to struggle as he did not want to give up–even at the last minute. Then, he suddenly felt something stopping his descent and even began to elevate him to the surface.

'It should be her. I knew I could count on you.'

As Wang Wei sensed he was about to exit this unknown pool of water, he suddenly heard a conversation.

"Wow. You even killed your own. How cruel," said a voice that seemed eerily familiar to him. However, no matter how he tried to remember, he could not pinpoint where he had heard it before.

"Rules are rules," replied another familiar voice. However, Wang Wei felt that voice should not be as cold and indifferent; it should not lack so much humanity. Nevertheless, he still could not identify whose voice it was.

"You're not flexible at all; this will be your downfall."

The second voice did not answer.

"So, what was the point of doing something so pointless?" asked the eerily familiar first voice.

"Nothing I do is pointless."

"That's true. Well, now is my turn."

Wang Wei opened his eyes, looking at his wife's beautiful face. He reached out to caress her face.

"I knew I could count on you."

"You're beginning to be more troublesome than it's worth," replied Wu Hong.

"Even if that were the truth, you would still love me and save my butt."

Wu Hong smacked her lips and ignored him.

"Your face is a little pale. Are you alright?" he hurriedly asked after noticing the anomaly. 

"I'm fine. Just exerted too much strength."

Wang Wei frowned but did not ask further questions. He suddenly remembered something: "Ancestor Wucheng." He stood up and floated in the void.

"He's gone."

"Can't you save him?"

"No. If you want to see him, do it yourself."

Wang Wei sighed deeply. "I understand." He then looked at the other ancestors. "Thank you for coming to save me."

"We did not do much," replied Origin One. "Nevertheless, we are glad you are alright. We can talk later." The other thanked Wu Hong before returning to the sect.

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