Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 628 Immortal Mansion

Chapter 628 Immortal Mansion

Wang Wei activated the formation to open communication with the demon race on the Black Tortoise Northern Continent.

"Sect Master, when are you sending the sword?" asked the Black Tiger Chief, trying to control his voice and hide his worries.

"Right now," replied Wang Wei. He used his Sect Master Token to control the sect's surrounding space before opening a tear in the void and sending the sword into the Northern Continent, close to the primary habitat of one of the main tribes.

The demon race sensed these actions and sent someone to fetch the sword. They also had their few remaining Insurgent to check and ensure nothing was wrong with it.

"Thank you," said the Golden Lion Chieftess with great sincerity. She honestly thought this process would be more difficult, and the Dao Opening Sect would delay the process as much as possible while levying the sword to benefit them and further exploit the demon race.

And part of her believed the sword might not be returned, that the Sect Master was only saying these words for the sake of the assembly.

"I'm only fulfilling my part of the agreement," replied Wang Wei. "Now, let's discuss the gritty detail of our alliance."

The discussion took little time. The alliance mainly involved the demon race using the power or name of the Dao Opening Sect. When dealing or trading resources with other factions, they can use their name or influence to prevent others from exploiting them.

They can use the name to prevent others from occupying rare resource mines on the Northern Continent, plundering it before leaving it barren.

They can use the sect's name to prevent others from draining most of the Spirit Qi from the Northern Continent and even use some measures to alleviate the situation.

The alliance's essence is to target the root of the demon's race decline. And to ensure their prosperity and establish good feelings with the demon race, Wang Wei even promised the sect would send powerful cultivators to help them reinforce these new changes since he knew many factions would openly agree while sabotaging the alliance from the shadow.

"I have to say I was surprised, Sect Master Wang Wei," commented the chieftess. "It seems you genuinely want to ally with our race."

"The prosperity of the demon race will benefit the entire world."

Once he returns the environment to its Innate Qi space, the demons will have a resurgence because many of them have some Innate Lifeforms bloodline mixed with their lineage. And by absorbing Innate Qi, these demons will have a higher chance of activating these hidden bloodlines.

One of his objectives is to ensure some level of peace and harmony between the races and factions.

"If you don't mind: I have a request," said the Golden Lion Chieftess, making Wang Wei frown slightly.

"Do say."

"We would like control of the Demon School Qi Luck."

Over the past ten thousand years, she has witnessed the benefit and horror of the school. The humans continued to preach to animals to awaken their intelligence and become low-level demons or demonic beasts. This act resulted in many factions increasing their military power through a large army of demons.

However, this was only the beginning. These factions forced these low-level demons to fight and consume each other as cultivation; that way, they did not have to use too many resources to cultivate an individual demon.

The increase in demonic population in the other four continents has drastically boosted all Professions in the world. Demonic beasts' bodies are one of the primary ingredients for many pills, arrays, weapons, and talismans. Talismans benefitted the most since they required papers with Spiritual Qi to engrave runes, and demon race skins were the perfect materials.

The Herd Raising Valley's business took a big hit as they lost overwhelming control of the demonic beast market. Most factions do not have to rely on their services since they can use their school to raise and educate demonic beasts, ensuring their loyalty.

"No," replied Wang Wei, his tone very firm. "Just like the Academy control the concept of [Academy] for your demon race, our sect must also control all aspects, including other races like the Sea Race."

Wang Wei never liked that each race could create its own school concept by copying his idea. He felt Heavenly Dao should change the order of the world to prevent copyright infringement. As such, after creating the idea, he also followed so for all the other races to ensure their sect had sole control of the luck.

"I figure as much," replied the Golden Lion Chieftess. "In that case, how about returning the Fox Clan to us?"

Wang Wei did not immediately answer as he pondered. The Nine Tail Fox Clan has been on his mind lately. Once his plans are accomplished, the Wang, Li, and Yan Clans will increase their number of Emperors, thus shifting the already tilted power dynamic of the sect.

So, he wanted to find a way to make up the power of the Sectarian side. His first plan was to introduce the Fox Clan into their factions. The two together would increase their chances of cultivating Great Emperors.

However, he feared once the Fox Clan had cultivated an Emperor, they would become the fourth faction of the sect instead of supporting the sectarian section. Their racial identity made it easy for this possibility.

Three factions controlling the sect is fine since they can use the majority to decide significant events. But a fourth will result in complications if they cannot decide on a majority.

"I understand why you want their return," added Wang Wei. Emperor Bloodlines are very important to the demon race. After a Great Emperor prove the Dao, their entire race's bloodline will also benefit. It is the same for humans, but it is not as apparent for them because the benefit of Great Emperors manifests more in the luck of their sects or clans.

"However, the current situation is the result of your poor management. If you want them to return, communicate with the Fox Matriarch and convince her."

The Chieftess sighed as she knew this was unlikely to succeed. Their tribe treated the Fox Clan poorly, to the point they saw no choice but to defect to the human race.

"I will try."

Wang Wei nodded but did not continue the topic. After signing the alliance agreement, he ended the conversation.

"Have you decided what to do with the Fox Clan?" asked Origin One.

"No, but I'm leaning toward making them die-hard allies like the Eternal Dream Sect."

"Are you not worried they would return to the demon race?"

"I know they will return. But only after cultivating a Great Emperor. Before them, we only need to support them to the best of our capabilities. And generations later, we will have a solid ally when they succeed."

"It's good you are thinking long-term." Origin One knew it was rare for young people like Wang Wei, who only has lived about a hundred thousand years, to consider things in terms of generations.

"I suddenly remember, did we ever find someone to cultivate the Dragon Sovereign Qi?"


"Was it another Immortal Venerable?"

"No, it was one of the sealed Quasi-Emperor. He fit perfectly with the Qi."

"Can Mortal refine Immortal Qi on their own? Is there a difference between an Immortal doing it or even with a Great Emperor's help?"

"Yes," replied Origin One. "The core issue is the Immortal Mansion. Immortal Venerables require it to produce more Qi by converting it from outside energy sources like Spiritual Qi.

"The problem with Mortals refining Immortal Qi is that they usually have to rely on a single string to create their Immortal Mansion: a process that requires a ton of time. Then, they must consider whether their bodies are strong enough to bear the power of the Immortal Mansion or whether their soul is strong enough to control it.

"After all of these issues, they have to survive Immortal Tribulations," explained Origin One, who paused to gather his thoughts.

"If an Immortal Venerable refine a new Qi, they only need to fine-tune their Immortal Mansion to adapt to the new Qi and ensure they understand it enough to control.

"As for Great Emperors, they can refine the Immortal Mansion that is best suited for someone, ensuring a higher success rate of quality, which you know dictates the Leaf Strength of Immortal Venerables."

Wang Wei understood his meaning. The higher the purity of a Qi, the higher the Leaf Strength of the Immortal Venerable. In other words. Immortan Mansions refined by Great Emperors granted cultivators a higher chance of becoming a 9-Leaf Immortal Venerable.

"Is there any way to accelerate the process?" Wang Wei asked.

"Yes. We can use Immortal, Dao, and even Innate resources to help create Immortal Mansions."

"So, that's the real purpose of Innate resources!"

"Correct. They are wasted when used on mortals." Innate Resources can help increase Qi, help with Grand Dao Source comprehension, and are overall better suited for Immortal Tier Powerhouses to use.

Wang Wei agreed with this statement. Innate and Chaos Treasures are popular amongst Heaven Chosens because they can better boost their strength than Emperor Treasures–which are difficult to use.

He said goodbye to Origin One before leaving.

"Li Jun and Liling is back? I'll go see them."

Northern Black Tortoise Continent, Demon Race Tribal Alliance:

After the meeting, the Chiefs and Chieftess looked at someone that did not show up but witnessed everything. Nevertheless, everyone present seems to have a sense of awe and reverence for him.josei

"What do you think?"

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