Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 638 Family Reunion

Chapter 638 Family Reunion

Wang Wei's sermon covered many things. These people now had an excellent understanding of the cultivation realms from Body Refining to Primordial Spirit. They understood which part of Essence, Qi, and Spirit each realm was based on. With this knowledge, they can easily enter these realms and push them to their limits if they are talented enough.

For the Law aspect, Wang Wei talked about the Five Elements Law and a bit about his Fate Law. However, he primarily focused on the subtle control of the law, and with his Force Control Skill, every individual–including the True Monarchs of the sect.

Today's preaching will benefit every single listener until they become Quasi-Emperors. And maybe even further.

Wang Wei received his merit before dismissing everyone. There was a lingering desire in the faces of most of the disciples. It was genuinely fascinating to listen to people preaching; it was like someone presented the universe's fundamental truth in such an easily understandable way. The feeling was simply intoxicating.

"What a marvelous sermon," someone suddenly said. When Wang Wei saw where it originated, his eyes lit up.

"Mom, dad!"

Yu Yan rushed to hug her son, and Wang Tian followed; the family formed a hug sandwich with Wang Wei in the middle.

"When did you guys get here?"

"After Liling's turn," Yu Yan explained. "We wanted to surprise you."

"I'm glad you are back," said Wang Wei with a smile. "Let's go somewhere else."

The three flew to Wang Wei's Transcending Fate Mountain to chat. Everyone sat together–including Wu Hong. Wang Wei prepared the tea, and the family chatted.

"Your sermon was brilliant," commented Wang Tian. "I've learned a lot." He was not lying since he had learned a lot after hearing it–especially his Force Control Skill which he believed could reach a higher level after a while.

Yu Yan nodded, but she did not say anything. She held her son in her hands, cuddling him like a child. Wang Wei did not resist.

"I'm glad. So, how was your Mortal Dust? What did you do? Any new discoveries?" He could tell it was more than successful since the two were now at the peak of the Supreme Realm, only one step away from becoming Quasi-Emperors.

"Mine was interesting," added Yu Yan. "I became a blind mortal, living all my life in darkness. However, after enlightening myself on darkness and regaining my memories, I felt it was not enough, so I continued. My second persona was someone who had connections with some of the vilest individuals in society: sex traffickers, rapists, killers, cannibals, etc. I wanted to experience the darkness of the world.

"This persona granted me a deep understanding of Societal Darkness or Darkness of the Mind. But of course, I was not satisfied. So, I placed a bunch of mortals and cultivators in a small world and literally turned into darkness. Observing them live and survive in a world without sun, with only darkness, was interesting, to say the least."

"Interesting. I give you a full score for ingenuity," commented Wang Wei.

"Thanks. I think you've been rubbing off me," smiled Yu Yan, pleased with her son's compliment.

"Old man, what about you?"

"Mine was not that interesting," replied Wang Tian. "I had many personas in the mortal world, all swordsmen with different personalities: the indifferent swordsman who killed his loved ones for his Sword Dao, the free and unrestrained swordsman, the charismatic one with friends all over the martial art world, and even the drunkard swordsman.

"Every time I learned something fundamental about swords from these personas, I would awaken my memories and choose the next one."

Wang Tian took a sip of tea. "Then, I turned myself into a sword and experienced what it was like. In a few hundred years, many swordsmen created legends with my sword. As a result, I learned the fundamental truth that the sword was a weapon of murder—nothing else, nothing more."

"You don't seem too happy about this discovery?" remarked Wang Wei as he sensed his father's odd mood.

"It's not that since I've always known this." With his achievement in the sword, of course, he knew the fundamental purpose of the sword's existence.

"I've loved the sword since I was eight, and my father gave me a wooden sword for practice. I named it [Little Heaven] after my name, and I still preserve it. I was hoping to pass it on to you for your training. Well, you know how that turned out."

Wang Wei gave his father a wry smile. It's not his fault that he was not a fan of most weapons. Wang Tian did not blame his son since he was in a state of remembrance.

"My love and passion for the sword have allowed me to travel far in its ways. But it also made me romanticize the sword, thinking it was more than a simple weapon. I thought it was beautiful, mighty, the best weapon, and the weapon of kings.

"Unfortunately, through cultivation, I found its essence as a tool created for death and slaughter. And a small part of me refused to accept this fact--until Mortal Dust."

In the time he spent as a sword, he ended up in different people's hands. A blacksmith who admired the technique behind its creation. A king who used it as a symbol of power and authority. However, he always ended up being used as a tool for killing.

After removing that final reluctance, Wang Tian sublimated his state of mind, and his swordsmanship reached a higher realm.

"As long as you've figured things out," added Wang Wei. "How strong are you now? Condense your most powerful attack into a Sword Qi, and let me see."

Wang Tian did not hesitate because he knew how strong his son was before leaving. He raised his hand to condense a small sword the size of a toothpick.

"As expected," commented Wang Wei as he felt the power emanating from the Sword Qi. "Middle level of 3-Leaf. After you become a Quasi Emperor, you will reach the peak with a slight chance of breaking into 4-Leaf."

He knew his father, and since Ji Lanfang had such potential, it made sense for his father to be on par with the latter.josei

"Tchuips," Yu Yan smacked her lips in response. She left her son's embrace and chose to embrace her quiet daughter-in-law instead.

"What's wrong?"

"After showing her my strength, she argued with me that she would still win if we had a Heaven Will Battle in our generation," explained Wang Tian.

"Son, don't you think so?"

"I do."

"Oh, come on. How come you're on her side?" countered Wang Tian.

"Firstly, it's not as challenging as you think to scheme against an Immortal Venerable. I'm sure mom could do it given the right circumstances," said Wang Wei. "Secondly, the only reason you've broken the boundary between Mortal and Immortal has much to do with circumstances."

"Now you are just blatantly disrespecting me."

"There are three main reasons for your current success. The fact that you had to stay so long in the Saint Realm, forced to polish your foundation beyond anything you could have achieved if there was a battle in your generation.

"The others are the Duyi Realm and my Force Control Skill."

Wang Tian pondered for a moment and realized it was the truth. These things contributed most to his current strength. Of course, there were other factors. For example, he pushed himself beyond his limits when he saw how fast his son grew. Competition and drive can motivate anyone to improve beyond their limits.

"Be that as it may, I still think I would have won."

Wang Wei shrugged his shoulders and did not take a side. He believed his mother would win simply because his father had a soft spot for her. If she exploited that weakness, he would not be able to resist.

Of course, given how much she loved him, she might not be willing to take it that far.

"I have two things for you," said Wang Wei to change the topic. "The first is a talisman from our ancestor, the Sword Empress."

Wang Tian immediately became excited. He had never met a swordsman compared to him, so he idolized the ones from the past, and his ancestor was his favorite. Whenever he needed guidance in his swordsmanship, he would comprehend her Heaven Slashing Scripture or the Sword Will she left in the sect.

He took the talisman with a child-like smile; he could not imagine the benefit he would receive from direct guidance from her.

"The second is the contact of a swordsman on par with you." Wang Wei then told him about his fight with Ji Lanfang. And Wang Tian became more excited.

"I cannot wait to exchange experiences with another fellow Daoist." He felt his luck was on the rise after the Mortal Dust.

"Alright, let's not talk about these boring things," commented Yu Yan as she caressed Wu Hong's hair. "Daughter, when are you giving me my first grandson?"

"Ask your son," she replied sheepishly. "He's the one who doesn't want children."

Wang Wei wanted to roll his eyes. They've talked about this and agreed on the matter. But now, she has placed the blame on him.

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