Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1146 - Gu Bug Exploded

Chapter 1146 - Gu Bug Exploded

Chapter 1146 - Gu Bug Exploded

"I don’t need an apology from you, I just need information on why you did this" Song Sin didn’t need an apology from this person, all he wanted was information on why the servant did something like this.

"That’s because I was forced to do this, there is a bad person who has threatened me and my family" the servant told Song Sin that he did this because there was a bad person who threatened his family.

"Then tell me the person who threatened you" Song Sin told the servant to tell himself about the person who had threatened him.

The servant looks sweaty when he hears Song Sin’s question, he doesn’t know how to answer this question.

"Why are you silent, quickly answer my question" Seeing the servant just silent and absent-minded, Song Sin told him to immediately open his mouth and tell what happened.

The servant slightly glanced at Long Dou, when the servant did this, Long Dou looked at the servant with a very intense killing gaze.

The servant’s guts immediately shrunk when he saw this, he didn’t dare to say what happened to the city lord.

"The city lord I don’t know that person, that person is wearing very closed clothes" the servant told Song Sin that the person who had sent him was an unknown mysterious person.

"How can you not know about this matter?" Song Sin was angry when he saw that the servant in front of him didn’t know about the person who had done this.

"City lord, please believe me, I’m not lying to you" The servant asked Song Sin to believe in him.

"He’s lying." Ye Chen suddenly stepped forward, he said that this servant was lying. josei

The servant looked at Ye Chen, he felt unfamiliar with the figure of the young man in front of him.

"did the person trying this lie?" Song Sin asked Ye Chen.

"Of course, this person is lying to you, he must know who did it, but it seems that he was threatened which made him unable to speak" Ye Chen said to Song Sin.

Ye Chen could see that this servant was lying to him, this could be seen by Ye Chen from the facial reaction and nervousness shown by this servant.

"Master, I can’t lie to you," said the servant to Ye Chen and Song Sin.

"Shut up, who told you to talk?" Song Sin immediately snapped at the waiter who suddenly cut off the conversation he was having with Ye Chen.

The servant fell silent when he heard this, he was really speechless after being shouted at by Song Sin.

"So this person actually knows the culprit and doesn’t want to talk to us" Song Sin looked at the servant, Song Sin became even more disgusted with this servant in front of him.

"Quickly tell me who did it, don’t let me use violence to make you talk" Song Sin finally had no choice but to give a threat to the servant in front of him, he gave a threat so that the servant in front of him would admit what he knew .

"City lord please don’t do that" the servant tried to apologize to Song Sin, he really couldn’t tell the matter.

"So you still refuse to admit it, then an interrogation room might suit you." Seeing this man still trying to dodge the question, Song Sin had no choice but to use some harsh methods to get him to speak.

The servant looked very frightened when she heard this, the interrogation room is a very terrible place, anyone who comes out of that place will definitely experience a very heavy trauma.

"Guards quickly take this person, I want information from this person" Song Sin told the guard to immediately go bring this servant.

the two city guards immediately came, the two of them immediately went to take the servant away to the interrogation room.

" No . ., No . ., No . ., don’t take me away. . ." the servant screamed hysterically, he tried to fight the guards who would take her away from this place.

Unfortunately the servant were much weaker than the guards, so he couldn’t put up any meaningful resistance when dragged by the guards.

"Well . . , Well . . , Well . . , I’ll say it" due to excessive fear, finally the servant was willing to admit who had ordered him.

"Stop" Seeing the servant want to admit who the culprit was, Song Sin finally ordered the guards to release the servant.

With the order given by Song Sin, the two city guards finally let go of the servant, both of them moving away from this servant.

"Say it quickly" Song Sin ordered the servant to immediately tell himself the person who had done all this to his family.

The servant took a deep breath, he was about to say who the perpetrator had ordered him to be.

"The person who has ordered me is . . ." when the servant was about to tell the name of the perpetrator who had ordered him, suddenly the servant’s body swelled and enlarged.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this oddity, they all had no idea what was going on with this servant.

"Ugh. . ." The servant started screaming in pain, she was starting to look bad.

"All of you get away from him" Ye Chen told everyone to get away from this person.

Hearing Ye Chen warning, everyone immediately went out of the way, they all immediately walked away from the maid whose body was expanding like a ball.

"What happened to him?" Song Ziyu started to wonder what happened to this servant, why did this maid suddenly inflate like a balloon.

" help . . . "The maid tried to ask for help, but her condition was no longer possible, she was already on the verge of death.

"Boom. . ." a huge explosion occurred right in front of everyone, the maid’s body exploded into pieces.

This explosion was quite large, it could be felt by people close to the City Lord’s residence.

The explosion just now swept through the barrier of the Song Family’s residence, the Song Family’s front yard was immediately damaged by this incident.

Luckily Ye Chen gave the warning in time, so people were able to save themselves.

" What happened?" Song Han and Song Sin looked shocked by what had happened, the eyewitnesses to this incident suddenly exploded before their eyes.

"It seems that the man’s body is already the Gu Bug, therefore when he betrays, the Gu Bug will instantly explode" Ye Chen explained to everyone what happened.

"That’s terrible." Song Ziyu felt that what had happened was very terrible, she was very afraid of what was happening in front of her eyes.

If the Gu Bug was in her body, then Song Ziyu would most likely explode like a servant just now, this was a terrible thing to imagine.

"The person behind all of this is really terrible." Song Sin felt that while the person behind all of this was so terrifying, he could do something so cruel like this.

"Too bad we couldn’t find out the name of the culprit, even though it was close." Long Dou looked disappointed, even though it was close.

"Father what should we do?" Song Sin asked Song Han, he wanted to know what they would do now.

The situation seemed much more dire than he thought which was why Song Sin turned to Song Han for advice.

"do an investigation on this matter" Song Han wanted Song Sin to investigate this matter, they couldn’t ignore a murder case like this.

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