Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1162 - Let Me Kiss You

Chapter 1162 - Let Me Kiss You

Chapter 1162 - Let Me Kiss You

"Yes of course, it’s very boring here, so I decided to find some entertainment" Ye Chen said to Mei Yueli.

Ye Chen didn’t dodge this matter, he told Mei Yueli that he was deliberately doing this.

" you . . ." Mei Yueli pointed at Ye Chen, this man did this on purpose to her, Ye Chen was clearly trying to tease her. josei

"Ye Chen how are you, are you okay staying here?" Xia Qingyu asked the situation of Ye Chen.

In contrast to Mei Yueli, Xia Qingyu seemed much more relaxed, she looked very relaxed in response to what had happened earlier.

Xia Qingyu had no problem with this, she could already accept Ye Chen like this, Xia Qingyu understood Ye Chen’s problem, that’s why Xia Qingyu could easily accept this very easily.

"Qingyu dear, I’m fine, come here, let me kiss you" Ye Chen tried to get closer to Xia Qingyu, Ye Chen wanted to kiss Xia Qingyu who was in front of him.

"Big pervert stop" Xia Qingyu immediately stopped Ye Chen, she refused to do this in front of Mei Yueli and Mu Nianci.

"Come on, just one time, we haven’t done this in a long time." Ye Chen forced Xia Qingyu, he kept forcing Xia Qingyu to agree to his request.

"no . . . ." Xia Qingyu refused, she was still unwilling to agree to Ye Chen’s wish.

Xia Qingyu still didn’t want to do something like this in public, it was really embarrassing to do something like this in public.

"Come on" Ye Chen kept whining like a child trying to get what he wanted.

Mu Nianci looked helpless when she saw this, meanwhile Mei Yueli smiled when she saw this.

Both of them are very funny, it’s very entertaining to see them like this.

Xia Qingyu steadfastly refused this, she still insisted that she didn’t want to do this.

Seeing this, Ye Chen had no choice but to give up, Xia Qingyu didn’t seem willing to do this with him.

"Nianci, what if you just" failed to persuade Xia Qingyu, Ye Chen went to Mu Nianci side, he asked Mu Nianci for it.

" Why me ?" Mu Nianci looked confused when she got words like these from Ye Chen.

"Why?, didn’t you promise that time?" Ye Chen said to Mu Nianci, Ye Chen told Mu Nianci about what happened that time.

In the past Mu Nianci had promised Ye Chen, that’s why now Ye Chen was collecting the promise that Mu Nianci had.

Ye Chen walked closer to Mu Nianci, she started to take off her veil and kiss Mu Nianci.

Mu Nianci looked silent when Ye Chen did this, she had absolutely no resistance to this.

Ye Chen pecked Mu Nianci lips, the two kissed right in front of Mei Yueli and Xia Qingyu, Ye Chen didn’t care about this matter, Mei Yueli and Xia Qingyu were already his women, so to be coy about this kind of matter.

Mei Yueli and Xia Qingyu were taken aback by what had happened, neither of them expected that Mu Nianci would not fight back when Ye Chen did this to her.

Even though Mu Nianci temperament is very cold and very difficult for men to approach, that’s why it’s not just any man who can approach Mu Nianci.

If a man approached, then Mu Nianci would immediately chase her away or would not even hesitate to kill they.

However this time was different, Mu Nianci did not put up a fight when Ye Chen treated himself like this.

Mu Nianci had already decided to follow Ye Chen in this life, that’s why she dedicated her life to Ye Chen.

Cold women are the most loyal women when they get a partner, they will not turn to anyone after getting a partner for their life, Mu Nianci is one of them.

The room became silent as this happened, not the slightest sound could be heard in this place.

Everyone seemed to be still and unmoving, especially Mei Yueli and Xia Qingyu, both of whom were dumbfounded by the bold scene unfolding before their eyes.

Ye Chen continued to kiss Cherry’s lips which were very delicious, Mu Nianci’s cold lips were very refreshing to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen became more and more addicted to this feeling, it seemed that he was unwilling to let go of his possessions from Mu Nianci.

Ye Chen was a man who was very forthright in expressing his interest in women, he directly kissed and enjoyed Mu Nianci in front of him.

Mu Nianci herself began to like this feeling, the feeling that Ye Chen gave had made Mu Nianci feel very comfortable.

Ye Chen and Mu Nianci kissed for a few minutes, the two kissed passionately, even a cold woman like Mu Nianci would be like this when getting provoked by Ye Chen.

After a long time, Mei Yueli and Xia Qingyu finally came to their senses, the two immediately tried to separate Ye Chen and Mu Nianci who were kissing right in front of them.

"You two stop." Mei Yueli and Xia Qingyu worked together, both of them separating Ye Chen and Mu Nianci who were stuck together like glue.

Ye Chen currently refuses to let go of Mu Nianci, he still wants to continue kissing Mu Nianci who is in front of him.

With the efforts put in by Mei Yueli and Xia Qingyu, the two of them finally managed to release Ye Chen from Mu Nianci.

"Ye Chen, how did you bully Nianci?" Xia Qingyu was angry with Ye Chen for bullying Mu Nianci.

"Who bullied her, at all I didn’t bully her , she herself did not put up any resistance, right my dear Nianci" Ye Chen said to Mu Nianci.

Mu Nianci turned her gaze away, it seemed that Mu Nianci was embarrassed to answer what Ye Chen asked.

"Ye Chen you better stop, there are a lot of women outside, if they were to peek inside, what would you do" Mei Yueli reminded Ye Chen to stop, outside there were many women who might be able to peek at what they were doing while this.

"hehe, I don’t care, let them know that you guys are mine" Ye Chen said to all his women who were in this place.

Mei Yueli, Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci immediately blushed when they heard this, Ye Chen very firmly admitted that the three of them belonged to him.

In their hearts, Mei Yueli, Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci looked very happy about this, they had received a confession from Ye Chen.

"So, what are you guys doing in this place?" Ye Chen asked what Mei Yueli was doing, Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci came here.

"We came to visit you, we just want to know your current condition, but after seeing this, maybe I won’t worry about you anymore" Xia Qingyu said to Ye Chen.

Xia Qingyu informed Ye Chen of their arrival to this place, they came to see Ye Chen’s current state.

"Is that all, don’t you guys miss me?" Ye Chen asked Mei Yueli, Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci.

" No . ." Mei Yueli, Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci answered in unison that they didn’t miss Ye Chen.

Ye Chen: "-_-".

Ye Chen did not expect that he would get answers like this from Mei Yueli, Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci.

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