Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1170 - Gong Senyes Arrival

Chapter 1170 - Gong Senyes Arrival

Chapter 1170 - Gong Senye's Arrival

While in Ye Chen’s hands, the Wind Explosion Shoot became bigger and bigger, the Wind Explosion Shoot grew and became enormous, it was several times its original size.

Ye Chen had already added his own power to the Wind Explosion Shoot, which was why the Wind Explosion Shoot would be much stronger than before.

"So this is your attack, a little weak and not very good, here I return to you" Ye Chen threw back the attack he had in hand to the owner.

Wind Explosion Shoot shot towards Gong Pee, Wind Explosion Shoot aimed at Gong Pee’s body which was right in front of him.

"No, No, No, No." Gong Pee immediately ran, he trying to dodge his own attack.

However, Gong Pee was a little late, he was a little too late to dodge the attacks that were aimed at him.

"Boom" an explosion of strong wind occurred, this explosion destroyed the buildings in this place, Gong Pee who was at the front must have suffered serious injuries from this explosion.

Ye Chen didn’t really care whether Gong Pee was still alive or not, this person’s matter was none of his business.

On the other side, Mei Yueli, Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu were fighting against the people in this place.

"One Thousand Lotus Flame, One Thousand Lotus Ice, One Thousand Lotus Ice" Mei Yueli, Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu used a technique that came from the Jade Lotus Peak.

There are so many fire and ice lotus flowers floating around this place, this lotus flower is very dangerous, if touched it will explode immediately.

This is an area attack that is very suitable for fighting large numbers of enemies, attacks can also be combined into something very dangerous.

Mei Yueli could already make a thousand fire lotus flowers, while Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu could only make about five hundred.

Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu were both beginners, so this was still tolerable, they were already good enough to be able to make five hundred lotus flowers, with their small cultivation base, this was already very good.

"Proceed . ." Mei Yueli, Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu immediately moved the lotus flower that was there to attack the enemy in front of them.

Two thousand fire and ice lotus flowers shot towards the enemies around them.

"Bomb . . ., Bomb . . ., Bomb . . ., Bomb . . ., Bomb . . .," Explosion after explosion occurred, all the lotus flowers in existence hit the enemies in this place. josei

Since the lotus flower has the elements of fire and ice, this makes the impact of the attacks that the three of them do much more damage.

Here Mei Yueli was the attacker, while Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu acted as Support supporting Mei Yueli.

With Mei Yueli high strength, she easily crippled all the enemies in this place.

Mei Yueli didn’t kill these people, she just wanted to cripple all of them who dared to have bad thoughts about her, Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu.

The people who sided with Gong Pee began to be burned and frozen by the attacks launched by Mei Yueli, Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu, they had no resistance to attack.

"Arghhh, Arghhh, Arghhh," screams of pain started, these people felt excruciating pain because of this.

Their bodies were hit by the Ice and Fire in succession, this made them all feel excruciating pain.

In just a matter of minutes, the dozens of people on this floor had already been knocked out by Mei Yueli, Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu.

"It’s done, this way they won’t dare to have bad thoughts towards us" Mei Yueli was very satisfied with this, this way they all would no longer have bad thoughts for Mei Yueli, Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu.

"Looks like Ye Chen is finished there too" Mu Nianci looked at Ye Chen, Ye Chen also seemed to have finished dealing with Gong Pee.

"They all seem strong" in the distance Qiao Xin saw the battle that was taking place, she started to analyze the strength possessed by Ye Chen, Mei Yueli, Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu.

The four of them were so powerful, they only needed a short amount of time just to defeat everyone in this place.

Ye Chen walked over to Gong Pee who was already in a very pitiful condition, all his clothes were torn and hundreds of cuts appeared on his body, fresh blood was seeping out from the wounds on Gong Pee’s body.

Gong Pee’s attack is quite strong, this makes Gong Pee suffer very, very bad injuries.

"You interfere too much in this person’s business, suffer the consequences" Ye Chen said to Gong Pee who was seriously injured, Ye Chen told Gong Pee that he had gone the wrong way when interfering in this matter.

Gong Pee did not answer Ye Chen’s words, the pain in his body made Gong Pee unable to speak.

If the current Gong Pee could speak, he would definitely berate and insult Ye Chen for what happened.

Gong Pee had never been in this state in his life, this was the first time he had been in this state.

Gong Pee hopes that someone will help him in this situation.

"Bastard, what are you doing" when Gong Pee was in a desperate situation, suddenly someone came, this person came and attacked Ye Chen who was near Gong Pee.

Ye Chen was unprepared for the sudden attack, he was hit by this attack and took a few dozen steps back.

This attack was quite strong, it could make Ye Chen take a few steps back.

Ye Chen immediately saw who had dared to attack him suddenly like this, when Ye Chen saw the person who attacked him, he found someone familiar to him.

This was Gong Senye, the person Ye Chen had met the first time at the entrance examination to the Nine Immortals Peak Sect.

To think that Ye Chen would meet this annoying man again for the second time.

To be honest, Ye Chen was sick of having to meet this annoying old man again, Ye Chen didn’t like this annoying old man.

Gong Senye came and saw the condition of Gong Pee, when Gong Senye saw the condition of Gong Pee, he found that Gong Pee had serious external injuries.

This wound was quite severe, it made Gong Senye feel very sad.

"Grandpa, you finally came to save me, that man wants to kill me" Gong Pee tells Gong Senye what Ye Chen wants to do to him.

"Don’t worry, I will make him pay for what he did to you." Gong Senye said that he would make Ye Chen pay for what he did to Gong Pee.

Gong Senye looked at Ye Chen with a strong killing gaze, it could be seen that Gong Senye was furious with Ye Chen for what happened to Gong Pee.

"Brat, how dare you attack my grandson, do you want to die?" Gong Senye roared at Ye Chen, he looked very angry at Ye Chen who dared to attack Gong Pee.

"So he is your grandson, it’s only natural that his behavior is as arrogant as you, that’s the result if you are arrogant in front of people you can’t offend" Ye Chen said to Gong Senye in front of him.

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