Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1266 - Heavenly Tribulation (2)

Chapter 1266 - Heavenly Tribulation (2)

Chapter 1266 - Heavenly Tribulation (2)


"Boom. . ., Boom . . ., Boom . . ., Boom . . …" The third round of lightning struck Ye Chen's body, this made an extremely powerful impact.

An extremely bright light enveloped around Ye Chen's body, making it extremely difficult for one to see what had happened to Ye Chem.

The people here were very lucky that they were able to see a scene like this, so they looked at this with very focused gazes.

They all wanted to know if Ye Chen could survive this third round, whether he died or survived and became a genius.

"Rumble" As everyone saw whether Ye Chen was still alive or not, they again heard a loud rumble.

People immediately looked up to the sky to see that the heavenly lightning was becoming more and more terrifying, the heavenly lightning seemed to be raging and furious.

"What! ! !, is this a sign of the fourth round?, oh my god" Everyone looked in deep shock when they saw that the fourth round was about to start.

All of them had never seen the fourth round in their lives, even in this God Realm there were only a few people in history who had passed this fourth round, most of them experiencing a tragic fate or death.

"Wow, this is really the fourth round, am I not dreaming?" The female disciple from the Frozen Cloud Sect couldn't believe that she would see someone who passed the fourth round of heavenly tribulation.

"This man, what kind of creature is he actually?" Xue Muer started to wonder what kind of creature Ye Chen was.

This man was so mysterious, even Xue Muer couldn't understand how this man could enter the fourth round of the heavenly round.

"Will he be okay?" Xing Mei was very worried about what happened to Ye Chen, she was worried that something bad would happen to Ye Chen.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to him." Chu Ning'er said that Ye Chen would definitely be fine, nothing would happen to Ye Chen, Chu Ning'er was very sure about this matter.

Chu Ning'er was very confident that Ye Chen would be fine, he was the heir of the Sage God, so nothing should happen to Ye Chen.

Sun Xuanyin saw what was happening, she didn't expect that Ye Chen would pass four rounds, this was really far from her imagination.

"Pretty good, if he can get past this, he will be a worthy person to be my soldier" Sun Xuanyin would be happy if Ye Chen could get past this, if Ye Chen could get past this, then it would be a good thing for Sun Xuanyin.

"Boom. . ., Boom . . ., Boom . . ., Boom . . …" Several thunderbolts began to hit Ye Chen's body, Ye Chen's body was bombarded by the heavenly lightning.

This time the impact of the heavenly lightning was truly terrifying, the entire Heavenly Thunder Valley Sect began to tremble as if it was about to collapse.

Even the walls and ceilings began to crack and shatter by the raging heavenly lightning.

Seeing the collapse of the Heavenly Thunder Valley Sect, everyone immediately went to save themselves, they immediately left to avoid this.

If they stayed in this situation, it was certain that they would be buried in this place, so they had to move to save themselves.

The heavenly lightning was extremely destructive, the Array created by the Sect founder to the point of being shattered by the rampage of the heavenly lightning.

Because the powerful array has been destroyed, now people of all ages can enter the heavenly thunder valley sect, and everyone can freely enter the heavenly thunder valley sect.

Everyone took this opportunity to leave the Heavenly Thunder Valley Sect, they all didn't care about the treasures in the Heavenly Thunder Valley Sect, their safety was far more important than the treasures of this place.

Heavenly lightning began to strike everything in the Heavenly Thunder Valley Sect, so all objects and buildings fell victim to the rage of the Heavenly Lightning.

Even Sun Xuanyin who had a high cultivation was forced to leave so as not to be enraged by the heavenly lightning.

This fourth round lasted quite a while, it lasted about 30 seconds.

If it was an ordinary person, they would have really suffered a terrible fate, or even been burned to ashes.

After the fourth round ended, the heavenly lightning began to calm down and the clouds began to thin out a bit.

"Finally it's over, I wonder if he survived or not" Everyone was relieved that this was over, they all wanted to know if Ye Chen was still alive or dead.

Everyone didn't care about the outcome, they were already feeling happy to see the fourth round of heavenly tribulation, this was an experience they would never forget.

Ye Chen's body was currently still covered in remnants of the heavenly lightning, so it wasn't strange that everyone still couldn't see Ye Chen's condition.

"Boom" while everyone was waiting for the result to happen, they heard a very, very loud explosion.

After the explosion, the sky suddenly turned red like blood, the black clouds disappeared and were replaced with red clouds that looked extremely terrifying.

"what happened?" everyone was confused about what was happening, they were all ignorant of what was going on in the Thunder Rain Star Realm.

These red clouds not only appeared in the Thunder Rain Star Realm, these clouds appeared in every corner of this God Realm, it could be said that these red clouds filled all corners of the God Realm.

Everyone from all over the God Realm saw this strange phenomenon, some thought that an invasion demon was trying to invade the God Realm.

" this ?" Mu Xuanyin, Xia Qingyu, Mei Yueli, and Mu Nianci immediately exited the Jade Lotus Peak, all of them seeing the strange phenomenon that was taking place.

Not only Mu Xuanyin, Xia Qingyu, Mei Yueli, and Mu Nianci, almost everyone also came out, from core disciples, inner court disciples and court disciples out to see what was going on.

They were all curious about the phenomenon of red clouds that adorned the sky.

Elsewhere to be exact in the Blue Moon God Star Realm.

Yue Ya was currently looking at the sky which was starting to turn a red color.

" what happened?" Yue Ya started to wonder what was going on, she was curious about what was going on around the Blue Moon God Star Realm.

"Moon goddess something strange happened" a woman came to Yue Ya, this woman informed that something strange was happening.

"Are we under attack?" Yue Ya directly asked if they were currently under attack.

"No we are not under attack, right now the entire God Realm is suddenly envelope by red clouds, nowhere is this red cloud spared" the woman told Yue Ya about what had happened.

"Is that so" Yue Ya now understood that this wasn't an attack, she wondered why this phenomenon had appeared in the entire God Realm.

An extremely loud roar resounded throughout the God Realm.

"This, heavenly lightning" Yue Ya could conclude that this was heavenly lightning, only this thunderbolt could make a powerhouse like Yue Ya feel threatened.

This divine lightning was in red color, this was definitely a very strange thing.

"If I remember correctly, in the ancestral memory there is also information about this kind of phenomenon, this phenomenon occurs when someone is passing through the fifth round of heavenly tribulation" Yue Ya said.

Yue Ye had the memories of the ancestors of the leader of the Blue Moon God Star Realm, so it was not strange that Yue Ya knew of this strange phenomenon.

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